Articles by Mickey fez


  • Jenny update

    - 24 Jan 2021 - 2 comments
    The latest is, tomorrow a bood transfusion and CT scan then hopefully home Jenny will fill in details in when she retuns

  • Latest fom Jenny

    - 23 Jan 2021 - 4 comments
    today Jenny has undergone blood tests etc and much to her delight a new course of "pee" pills and stool softeners tomorrow she has a blood transfusion and a CT scan She is going through a lot but keeping her sense of humour up. Better news on the medical front for me I got my covid 29 jab today

  • Update on Jenny

    - 21 Jan 2021 - 4 comments
    Jenny sent texts out.she has gall stones which will need an op but she is much happier than when she went in with fears of Covid in her head Just had a text Jennny doing Ok the medics are getting her readingsstabilised more news as I get it

  • News of Jenny

    - 20 Jan 2021 - 4 comments
    Jeny has not been in good fettle of late and a doctor said she needed hospital treatment so today she checked in. I will post updates here,.If you kow any of her friends not on my page please inform them.

  • A wild and wooly trip

    - 19 Jan 2021 - 4 comments
    Yesterday before the latest storm hit I made a break for freedom/. It turned out to be windy and wet,still it was worfth it and I feel better in myself fr making the effort. At tjhe bottom of the hill I noticed a lot of water on the large green so by Friday this will be a real mess. On the other side of the road the salt water marsh had a lot of water a couple of hours before high tide so that will have overtopped the bank and flooded the road to the beach As I bridged the br…

  • Hello folks

    - 16 Jan 2021 - 4 comments
    I am getting back to normal so.ewhat if anything can be called normal these days The weather of late has been very bad so I am cabined up most days but that will change soon I hope andthen I can get some walks in

  • I am back at last

    - 06 Jan 2021 - 6 comments
    After a long lay off I am back. As some of you know my dear old mother died on the 19th December and with the covid restrictions we couldn't get the burial until yesterday. It was a long painful wait but at last althought it was a srange service with numbers limited and a lot more limits to put up with we gave her a good send off. Now it's time to cherish the good times and love she gave us and move on as best we can

  • All things come in threes

    - 14 Nov 2020 - 4 comments
    It's a while since I had anything worth reporting until the last few days. My lland line has a fault so no phone calls there for me,luckily the internet still work.s The next thing to go belly up was my counter top oven it totally refused to work. Then yesterday my kitchen tongs broke in half,so hopefully that is the three bad things On tjhe plus side I had a spare combi oven upstaiirs but it weighs as mch as a small tank. I enlised Ellen to help me manhandle the beast downstairs and in pla…

  • Another rainy day in paradise

    - 23 Oct 2020 - 7 comments
    I am cabined up again watching rain.The weather here has been miserabe of late. Friday is always a good day,my lass Ellen comes on Frlday to pick up my list for the weekly big shop. She stayed a couple of hous today and as a bonus cut my hair. The only sad thing for me is not seeing my dear old mothwr who is beng shielded with my youngest sister Paula. We talk on the phone a lot but it's not the same, The weekend is aleays good,there is plenty of sport on the tv. My daily bonus is a cha…

  • The gas man cometh

    - 06 Oct 2020 - 5 comments
    Yesterday I noticed a small water leak in my central heating boiler. A phone call was all it took for a pleasant you man to sort it.He didn't have the part needed but as things were safe he left things running until today. He returned as promised fitted the new part and gave everything a good overhaul so now I am set for winter and thanks to my small monthly payment plan there was nothung to pay Weather here still pretty grim,goes with covid crisis I guess

  • The Demise of the naked knees

    - 22 Sep 2020 - 4 comments
    After 8 days of wonderful weather today I awoke to a swirling sea mist and a big drop in temps. This means sadly the shorts are in the laundry basket and much to the relief of my neighbours the knees are covered so they can feel safe going out again. Ah well it was good while it lasted. Roll on spring

  • knees out time again

    - 17 Sep 2020 - 4 comments
    We have had some wonderful weather the last tew days and it is set to continue, Attire of choice has been sports shirt and shorts. On Monday morning I mowed and strimmed the front. In the afternoon I mowed the right hand side of rhe back On Tuesday I strimmed the right hand side in the morning and the rest after lunch. So two days good work and time to sit in the sun,lovely job. This morning things changed for the worse. The weather was still as good but as I went out to fill the bird f…

  • Hello again

    - 03 Sep 2020 - 6 comments
    I have been A.W.O.L for a while with rain wind and two back to back storms causing havoc. After a weekend af good dry weather I started once more to beat the garden into some sort of order. On Monday morning I mowed and strimmed the front that was fairly easy thanks to my new mower which is a step up from the old one. In the afternoon I took a look at the back.Both sides had gone too far for the mower so I strimmed the whole of the right hand side. On Tuesday I reaped the rewards of my hard…

  • Freedom again

    - 24 Aug 2020 - 4 comments
    On Friday after talking to Jenny I sat in quiet reflection,supping a beer and wondering where summer has gone in this xovid dominated year. Summer is coming to an end I have done little but keep up with the garden. Walks have been short and few and far between. I decided to do something about it. So on Saturday morning I took myself off to the bakery for a long awaited pie fix. I took a detour home and managed just under 2 miles. On sunday I took my self ofto the co-op for a few bits and c…

  • Why Brits talk about the weather

    - 21 Aug 2020 - 7 comments
    Since the last dry spell when I got ln top of the garden things jhave got weird. We hd a few days of sunshine and showers before we had a big change Out of the blue we had 3 days with temps around 30c and very high humidity. It was too much for some folk but I enjoyed being outside although indoors was a lttle too much. The next day the temps were down to 26c with low humidity which felt a lot fresher,after that we we back to sunshine and showers until the next main event. Storm Ellen roll…

  • Wow!!!!

    - 11 Aug 2020 - 4 comments
    Talking to Jenny last night she told me about the thunder storm they had I knew we had storms due heading from they south. We had a little skirting the Irish sea but it didn't come to much. I thought we had odged the bullet. This all changrd at around 10:30 when all hell broke loose. For the next 3 hours we were battered by a huge storm. the rain was as heavy as any I remember and the thunder wa deafening Today the tails of flooding were county wide with more storms to come

  • The marathon gardening finished

    - 09 Aug 2020 - 5 comments
    Today,the third in tjhe garden was one last push to finish. I had the back left had side to finish and it was going to be tough.When Ellen ad Mal were sorting the garden tjhe never got that far with tjhe machne breaing down I sallied fortrh this morning and set too.Ater half an hoir I had only done half so took a coffee break. Another half hour saw it finished anjd boy was I glad to see the back of it I rested until ;lunch time, Chicken salad buns taken in the garden After lunch the little…

  • Another fine gardening day

    - 08 Aug 2020 - 3 comments
    A lovely day again after an early morning mist left The first job was to strim the front. I didn't start until after 10 because nit everybidy are early risers and wth window open the last thing they want to hear is a strimmer whirling away. I finished that very easliy and checked on the back. The left hand side which I wanted to do was stll much too wet so I switched to the right. Ellen an Mal appeard with my shooping then.So a coffeee and a chat Imeant didn't start until after lunch The su…

1525 articles in total