Articles by Mickey fez


  • Well that was one out of the blue

    - 17 Apr 2019 - 5 comments
    Today dawned sunny and warm so after lunch I decided to give the back garden another strim but my daughter Rllen arrived so that was put on hold. We had a good visit catching up on the news before she wandered off again Time for the garden I thought so I grabbed the strimmer and headed outside. I did a quick about turn and traded the dtrimmer for a lounger. It was much to nice for work. Checking the thermostat it was 20c in the shade pretty good for this far north in April. A taste of things…

  • A good job finished

    - 12 Apr 2019 - 4 comments
    I started on the last section of the back garden this morning and it was slow going. This is by far the foughest part of all but I got there before lunch. After lunch I raked up all the cuttings with the help of two very keen cats. Everytime a collected a pile together they were straight into it rolling around and trying to get it back where I raked it from. By the time them had enough and slumped down I had two green cats. So I have completed a task much sooner than I thought I would. At the…

  • Another cracking day

    - 11 Apr 2019 - 4 comments
    Today I set about the lower half of right hand side of the garden I got it strimmed in a couple of hours including breaks but won't know if it needs another strim before I can mow it until tomorrow when all being well I will rake the grass. I also raked the grass from yesterday's mow before taking out a recliner again for a rest and a cold one. Today I did what I didn't do yesterday,I unclipped my massager from the armchair put it on the reclner plugged in and relaxed. The temps were up to 6…

  • By but it's been a grand day

    - 10 Apr 2019 - 6 comments
    This morning with no after effects from yesterday I decided to plod on in the back garden. The plan was to have a restful morning and start after lunch. At around 11:30 while I was contemplation lunch my daughter Ellen rang to say she was on her way with pies and cream cakes. Well that was lunch sorted then. We spent a couple of hours catching up with th news before she headed back over the bridge. Time to start work I mowed and strimmed the top section of one side of the garden before my ba…

  • Me v the garden round 2

    - 09 Apr 2019 - 5 comments
    After sorting the cats out,doing my stretching routine, making bacon buns and grabbing a coffee I spent half an hour on the massager before filling the washing machine and climbing into my armour for another morning in the garden I mowed the smallersection of the front,strimmed the borders on both sections and after a break for coffee raked all the cuttings up before the cats could spread them around again and put them in the recycle wheelie. Tools cleaned I can back inside emptied the washin…

  • A good spell of weather.

    - 08 Apr 2019 - 6 comments
    Time to get into the garsen after a slight problem

  • Springtime in England

    - 04 Apr 2019 - 6 comments
    A pleasant start to the day and a good time for a stroll along the beach and chat with other early risers? In dream land maybe. Back here in the real world we have had temps of 3 to4c feelig like -2c in a bitter North Easterly and driving icy rain. I filled the bird feeders up this morning but no takers there,I haven't seen a bird all day, The cats are spending the day on indoor activities mainly chasing each other around the house and using me as the part of a fence to be jumped or rather cl…

  • Oh dear that wasn't the plan

    - 29 Mar 2019 - 5 comments
    I awoke this morning bright as a button as always but that changed as soon as my feet hit the floor when I felt an all too famiiar ache in my lower spine. The feel good factor of yesterday when I was pain frree had gone and I prepared myself for a day of rehab. As if the day wasn't gloomy enough upon opening the curtains I was conronted by a wall of heavy wet sea mist So after my loosening and stretching routine I grabbed a coffee and had an hour long heat and massage session, That improved…

  • A good days work

    - 28 Mar 2019 - 4 comments
    Today I awoke refreshed and with no hangovers from yesterday's work set out the timetable for today. This morning I raked the cuttings from the grass and tipped them into the garden waste recycle bin. It only took half a hour or so but taking it easy I did no more until this afternoon when I finally got the mower over the strimmed section. that also went well so I took an hours break then raked up that grass. Well in all a very good day nd no aches or pain. If tomorrow goes as well I'd like t…

  • Back to the wild

    - 27 Mar 2019 - 5 comments
    Thanks for all you kind words yesterday they spurred me on to get out there again this afternoon. My plan was to finish strimming the other part of the to area and I did manage that, it was hard enjoyable work. The section a did today was larger and much rougher so I took a break half way through. I didn't stop for long as I didn't want my back to tighten up, I got it finished at last but didn't get much change from 2 hours. Back inside I removed my armour,namely back brace,ankle braces and…

  • Now it begins

    - 26 Mar 2019 - 5 comments
    After a very wet winter and recent storms today is the day for starting to reclaim the garden which I haven't been able to work on since September. With a strim already done on the front a little while ago after lunch today I started on the back. I chose the larger of the two sections split by a path and started on the top level. After around an hour my back said stop and I have learned from painful experience to do as it bade, When my back yells stop that means right then not in 10 minutes…

  • Woodland and beach

    - 24 Mar 2019 - 11 comments
    I took a stroll through a little wooded area about 150yards away.It was good to feel grass under my feet again. There are nesting boxes dotted through here helpig the wildlife. From there I crossed a large common heading tiwards the beach.The Irish sea didn't look inviting today and with a stiff northwesterly blowing in in was none to warm either. I headed about a mile down to the golf course before it was back on hard surfaces and a warmwer stroll home away from the beach. A nice warm…

  • A little farther but only a little

    - 21 Mar 2019 - 6 comments
    Today I set off to get my meds taking a roundabot route down past the churchyard on to the park and though the little wilderness hoping things would be a little more colourful but apart from some dafs it was still a liittle boring but I was out. Meds collected I called in and bought some crispy leaf salad. I didn't quite hit the the 3 mile mark but did manage 2.7 that's ok. One mark of changing seasons was the temps up into double figures at 10.4 centigrade so a light jacket was all I needed.…

  • Get up and go day

    - 20 Mar 2019 - 10 comments
    Since I decided to break free on Saturday I have been walking everyday. The weather has ben iffy with rain on and off but no wind thankfully. Now on day 5 of my "Rear off the chair and into the air" campaign I had occasion to visit the Co-op for a few bits. We had a heavy sea mist when I awoke but that soon cleared so I set off. I took a roundabout route and managed to put 2.1 miles,not much I know but I will put more miles on as the weather improves. I know the old bones wont let me do the…

  • Time to stand up

    - 16 Mar 2019 - 5 comments
    I awoke to the same old wind and rain and thought of another day cabined up and the shopping trip cancelled, .I stood watching the rain fall for a while then I came decided it was time to stop being a wuss and get myself out. I have been caught on the fells in worse and survived, so I donned the waterproofs and hiking boots and set off. I was later than normal getting into town and had a little set back.Because of construction work I had a 200yard walk to the covered market. A quick trip to…

  • Stormy weather again

    - 13 Mar 2019 - 6 comments
    We are having some wild weather here. On Saturday it wasn't too bad I got to town and back dry. Sunday was a cabined up day with gale force winds and heavy rain Monday a lttle respite for a trip to mother's despite roads being closed which meant hunt the bus was the plan and the trip took a lot longer.r Yesterday all hell btoke loose with winds reaching 70mph with heavy rain,sleet,snow and hailstones all day and overnight. Today the winds have quietened down a little only reaching 50mph and…

  • Here we go again

    - 08 Mar 2019 - 5 comments
    We are in a long period of rain again here so this morning before it appeared I decided to nip to the local shop to pick up some bulky items that are around the same price as in town. This saves me heavy work on my Saturday shop in town, The main item I get is 4 boxes of cat food which are not only bulky but none too light. As I got to the crossroads that conect me not only with most of the shops but also the bus route town there was a road closed barrier The road that goes from east to west…

1525 articles in total