Articles by Mickey fez


  • Well that didn't last

    - 29 Jun 2019 - 5 comments
    This morning I awoke to cloundy skies,there seemed to be a chance the sun would break through but it never did. The morning was still warm around 24c so T shirt and shorts was the order of the day for my Saturday shop and a very pleasant shop it was.I bumped into two old friends in different spots and we exchanged news and I shared a coffee with the second. A very old friend I have known since we were 5 and starting school together. Happy days. Back home it soon became clear it was no show for…

  • We have gone from warm to hot

    - 27 Jun 2019 - 8 comments
    At least what passes for hot here.28c in my garden around 3pm Luckily I had finished a mowing session long before that. I rose just before 7,the cats were already out so I got there breakfast sorted in peace before making myself a couple of bacon buns. The next job was to bake a cheese and onion flan so it could cool down by lunch time. I little housework followedas I waited for the clock to tick round. At 9:30 I cut the front grass.nice and easy no real work involved. After a coffee break…

  • Two days of good weather and lots done outside

    - 22 Jun 2019 - 5 comments
    Yesterday I teaned up with my neighbour Allan to clear some stuff from both gardens. We did well and made two trips to the recycling centre callong for beer after the second one and sat in my garden enjoying the glorious afternoon sunshine when a voice from behind us interupted whatever garbage we were talking about.It was Allans wife Sue who had crept up on us,ok by me she didn't like my beer thankfully, Today has been another corker and I have been pottering about all day and had lunch and…

  • The Good weather continues

    - 19 Jun 2019 - 5 comments
    Yesterday was a visit to my old Ma's she is in fine fettle and delighted to have the gingerbread Ellen baked for her. After a restful day yesterday today has been a busy one. This morning the front garden got the full treatment.mowing,strimming and flower bed weeded and cleared of pesky grass weaving it's way round the roses. After lunch I strimmed all of the back garden and attacked a Blackcurrant bush which hasn't bore fruit for 4 years, I hacked it down to ground level ready to dig up. I…

  • A good Couple of days

    - 17 Jun 2019 - 5 comments
    Many thanks for your kind birthday wishes I have had 2 days of celebrating, yesterday was Fathers Day here My son Stephen was off yesterday but started work today and Ellen worked a long shift yesterday but was off today so things worked out well with Stephen visiting yesterday and Ellen today This afternoon there was also a bonus in a visit From Arron,Gemma and Mia who continues to surprise and delight me, she brought me a wonderful gift. She spotted a shell she liked up the beach and thoug…

  • Two good days until now

    - 10 Jun 2019 - 4 comments
    Yesterday I took an early morning stroll up the beach before breakfast. It was a lovely morning and the day stayed that way. I spent all day in the garden and it was a wonderful way to waste time. Today started out the same way, a lovely sunny morning for my trip to Aldi and the new larger store nearer to home.This trip is about 1 mile each way which knocks 1 mile off the 3 mile round trip from the old store and well within my range. I enjoyed my trip,the store is very large with plenty of r…

  • I am no longer a weather wimp

    - 08 Jun 2019 - 8 comments
    I awoke to rain yet again for the second day running. After sorting the cats and polishing off a couple of bacon buns I sat watching the rain and a thought popped into my head. "When did I turn into a weather wimp? Is this the man who trod the Lakeland fells and stood laughing on the top of Black Combe in a hailstorm? " It is time to stop all this nonsense and man up,so I took my old hiking weather lightweight waterproofs out,donned them and a pair of boots, picked up my sports bag and headed o…

  • One out of the blue

    - 06 Jun 2019 - 5 comments
    After yet another spell of lousy weather today we have a proper June day I awoke to a clear blue sky and looking out of my bedroom window, to the left I could see Black Combe crystal clear. My first plan was a nice stroll in the morning sunshine but as my fronytand back gardens were on the verge of being hard work to cut if left for much longer I decided that was the way to go. It's just gone 4:45 and I am typing this in lovely sunshine in the garden having cut and strimmed both back and fron…

  • Things to do on a Bank Holiday

    - 27 May 2019 - 5 comments
    A Bank Holiday is just that a day when the high street banks close.It makes little difference these days of course with online banking. So what to do today.? I could Catch a train and travel about an hour north to a miniature railway and ride to the top of a very scenic valley and watch a waterfall cascading down the river before a pub lunch and a spot of people watching, or .Catch a bus to Furness Abbey and roam the ruins and woodland, betore a pub lunch of course or There is a large c…

  • A few good days

    - 22 May 2019 - 5 comments
    We have had a spell of good weather here and it is set to hang around,this has meant I have been able to get right on top of the gardening On Monday after an early morning shop I cut and strimmed the front garden before Ellen arrived for her weekly visit which I enjoyed Yesterday after a trip to see my mother and youngest sister I started on the back and got that into shape as well. I even managed some work on the patch to the side of the house and after a rest day today I will do some more…

  • Good weather still rules And Jenny arrived in Turkey

    - 17 May 2019 - 5 comments
    WE have had glorious wall to wall sun until early this morning when rain swept in. All was clear again by 9 and the sun is beating down again The day has a fresher feel to it and my recently planted flower plants will have enjoyed the rainwater. The garden is on an even keel at last and I have spent the last few days getting my knees brown while pottering around. I am at the stage where I am looking for things to do in the garden instead of wondering what to do first. I have been talking to…

  • A Sunny Sunday stroll

    - 12 May 2019 - 8 comments
    Iset off for a nice stroll along the prom to the park and came across this So had to climb back up the hill and start again From there It was through the park to the wild area then home Not quite 3 miles but enough as I cut the front grass on my return Lots of lovely scents wafting on a gentle breeze

  • That went well

    - 07 May 2019 - 5 comments
    After early morning rain and the threat of more on the way to see Mother but the clouds gradually broke up to leave a bright but cold day. The visit was good and although not in the garden as last week there were plenty of laughs to go round. On my way home I called at Wilkos and bought some Petunia and Deep red Geranium bedding plants to go with Marigolds I already have. There are still two small planters to fill so I may check the Co-op and see what they have. The switch to Tuesday visitin…

  • Two goods days in the garden

    - 06 May 2019 - 5 comments
    Two cold but sunny days have had the perfect weather for a spot of mowing and strimming grass. Now I can look for bedding plants and get things really moving with front and back gardens under control Tomorrow I am off to see mother so may have a wander around town afterwards and see what is about, the time is right the only problem may be we are promised heavy showers

  • Bridge repairs again

    - 26 Apr 2019 - 6 comments
    Repairs to the bridge,our only link to town,is starting in May until December,This is major structural work and wll cause upheaval of course. Vehicles make 24.000 crossings a day on the bridge so two rush hours a day with almost all of the working folk here working in town and beyond town will be a nightmare. This is much needed work and with no money or suitable site for a second bridge it's just a matter of grin and bear it. This is only the island half of the bridge it starts all over agai…

  • Trees,gorse and bluebells

    - 22 Apr 2019 - 3 comments
    An early morning stroll amongst the trees

  • The sun shines on

    - 20 Apr 2019 - 7 comments
    Another glorious day here and after returning from my big shop I decided on a lazy day. I retrieved my garden table from the bottom of the garden,refitted the legs,gave is a going over and I was sorted. Next I fitted the parosol and took a recliner out and I was ready for action,or rather inaction. A coffee and cream cake set me up for a day of rest. .This afternoon my neighbours John and Pauline ventured out so I had company to natter to before making a chicken salad which I ate soaking up…

  • Two good days in the garden

    - 19 Apr 2019 - 5 comments
    After two lovely days with temps up to 25c today I have just about caught up in the garden. I have four of the five sections mowed and strimmeed and the roughest arera strimmed,I might be able to get a mower over it tomorrow. Today for the first time in a long time I wore sports shirt and shorts it is good to get fresh air around thse old bones. I no Iyiced my neighbour John's blpossom looked really good against the blue sky so took a couple of snaps. On the second one I zoomed in a…

1525 articles in total