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Publication date  /  2016  /  July   -   4 articles

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  • Sunshine at last,for a while

    - 04 Jul 2016 - 5 comments
    after 9 days of a little sun and a lot of rain today dawn much better. Yesterday was mostly dry so the grass was dry enough to be mowed and strimmed. not trusting the weather I started early on the front and by 10 had the lot strimmed and mowed. After a

  • Sunshine and Zazzles

    - 06 Jul 2016 - 4 comments
    Yesterday morning the sun returned and dried the last batch of rain away. i haven't decided whatto do with the planters yet,my latest idea was just to pick them up and plonk them at random around the garden. The first lot look Ok so that might be the may

  • Summertime for a day

    - 19 Jul 2016 - 7 comments
    On Sunday and yesterday the afternoons turned out warm to vvery warm. Today the temps had reached 24c by 6:30am. We have thunderstorms due tomorrow so this morning I decided to cut and strim the back grass while I had the chance. Taking it steadily and

  • A special visitor

    - 28 Jul 2016 - 3 comments
    Yesterday I had a visit from Mia,she was not alone of course Ellen had kidnapped her for the day. They stayed a couple of hours before heading for the beach. Mia is really growing .