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Publication date  /  2016  /  August   -   7 articles

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  • Catch up time

    - 06 Aug 2016 - 4 comments
    After three weeks with plenty of rain and a storm on Wednesday I managed to get the grass cut .Yesterday I tackled the front and got it all mowed and strimmed. I then started on the back but only managed to mow the top section before my back started

  • Happy infant and poorly cat

    - 09 Aug 2016 - 4 comments
    I had a visit from Mia and Ellen yesterday which is always good fun. Mia is really getting around well now and is a little bundle of energy. They stayed around for an hour or so until Mia was ready for her dinner so off they went. Zazzles is a poorly

  • She's a grand lass

    - 10 Aug 2016 - 4 comments
    Ellen came over today and brought a spray flea and tick remover. We had two jobs to do spray the carpet and soft furniture in here and steam clean the kitchen floor. Ellen opted for the kitchen floor but ended up completely doing the kitchen top to

  • At last some sunshine

    - 15 Aug 2016 - 5 comments
    After another bout of bad weather at last the sun returned.I woke to two purring cats and a cloudless sky. . A busy day ahead,the first job after feeding the cats was to start a wash going.and then some breakfast. The big job today was of course tackloing

  • The rain returns

    - 19 Aug 2016 - 5 comments
    After 4 days of glorious sunny weatherr,my t shirt,shorts and bare feet have given way to sports shirt long trousers and slippers. I had an exchange deal with Gracie,she sent me sunshine and I sent her rain. Unfortunately the rain has been blown back

  • Rain storm

    - 22 Aug 2016 - 4 comments
    We came to the end of 18 hours of really heavy rain early this afternoon. My garden is mostly under water of course. A few miles away a man was rescued from his submerged car and lots of home flooded. The rain stopped as suddenly as it started and the sun

  • Good work in the sunshine and a nice surprise

    - 29 Aug 2016 - 5 comments
    The first job was to get my laundry started which I did. After days sun and showers yesterday started drying things up so today it was back into the garden for yet another catch up. I started on the front and had that sorted before lunch,time to hang the