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Publication date  /  2016  /  June   -   9 articles

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  • Sunshine all they way

    - 04 Jun 2016 - 3 comments
    Since last Saturday until this morning we have had wall to wall sunshine with this little island being the warmest place in the northwest on Tuesday. By Thursday things had become a lot cooler but still sunny,yesterday was the same with temps down to 16c.

  • Best day so far

    - 05 Jun 2016 - 5 comments
    Today's has been wonderful. I awakened to clear blue skies and it never changed. I wandered over to Aldi for a change of shopping venue and picked up some bargains. I forgot to get a cold drink for the walk home but Aldi with perfecr product placement had

  • A sunny morning brings a surprise

    - 09 Jun 2016 - 3 comments
    A lovely sunny morning after two overcast days brought a lovely surprise. Ellen appeared with Mia,she had managed to kidnap her for the day. mia was her normal delightful self until I took the camera out to take a photo then she put on her glum face. We

  • roses wrecked

    - 13 Jun 2016 - 4 comments
    After a couple of days of showers this morning we had a full on cloud burst. Sooty ran in making it known he was very wet and it needed a good wedge of kitchen towel to dry him off. Then I noticed trouble in the garden. A few blooms have been appearing

  • A little colour in the garden

    - 15 Jun 2016 - 3 comments
    At last despite the weather a few blooms are trying The Impatiens,better known as Busy Lizzies here and Touch me not in other places are thriving as the name suggests and Geraniums are also starting to flower There are good signs amost the other

  • Three score years and ten

    - 17 Jun 2016 - 5 comments
    Well I made it to the traditional time alloted to man on this planet but will try to hang on for a while yet,besides which I am only 30 when I am sat down, it's the other stuff shows I'm not. My birthday celebrations started early,last night my

  • funny weather again

    - 22 Jun 2016 - 3 comments
    The last few days have been a mixture of high winds,calm days,sunny days and rainy days,nothing unusual then. We had a squall blow in overnight a few days ago and upended a few things in the garden,my table had a little flight as did a few plant pots but

  • A morning stroll in the sun

    - 23 Jun 2016 - 4 comments
    Thois morning we had a beattiful blue sky with white fluffy clouds sailing by like old galleons in full sail. Perfect weather for a stroll. I set of for the village taking the longer route and snapping a few photos along the way. This looked a little odd

  • Blooms and cats

    - 25 Jun 2016 - 3 comments
    This morning has been fair to middling weather wise and I managed to get all my shopping done.Out is the garden things are starting to flower after a slow start Margaret's rose Primrose Geranium Begonia View from my recliner Cats grabbing the last few