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  • Back in the saddle

    - 04 May 2016 - 4 comments
    After another 5 day stretch of rain we at last have sunshine,it's still very cold but the sun feels so good. These rainy spells started last Oct,thats almost half a year of cold and rain. It really stretches my natural optimism and staying positive

  • That's more like it

    - 05 May 2016 - 4 comments
    Today we have sunshine,this morning was cold but as the day wore on the temps went up and we hit a giddy 13.6C this afternoon. With having long spells cabined up I decided to ease myself back into the gardening so I mowed the larger section of the back

  • Today is a good day

    - 07 May 2016 - 4 comments
    with a lot of work done in the garden in the last couple of daysvto9day has been a rest day. A visit to mothers found her in good fettle as always.On the way home I broke my journey in town for a little shopping.Now the better weather is upon us I want

  • A stroll in the sun and a few snaps

    - 08 May 2016 - 4 comments
    With the sun shining I decided to have a wander over to town by via the Little Haven. As I entered I had a shock,a severe bout of pruning has been going on all over the place. I carried on to Morrisons to pick up some pipe fodder and came across this

  • Another sun filled day

    - 09 May 2016 - 4 comments
    Today with the warm weather holding I decided to make an impact on the garden. This morning I mowed and strimmed the front and now it is in shape for an easy weekly trim.Grass grows so quickly here 10 days is about the longest you can leave it before it

  • A little rain then sun more work done

    - 10 May 2016 - 3 comments
    A little rain as I rose but it soon dried up. A gentle dawdle to the shops this morning for cow juice,a cutting loaf, and a pie for lunch.I met a few folk along the way so I was out for around an hour and the sun was warmimg everything up nicely. It was

  • A little hiccup in the fine weather

    - 11 May 2016 - 4 comments
    After a good spell of weather yesterday turned rainy. Not the heavy rain of late just gentlre showers as if April showers arrived late. We have a few this morning before things dried up and the sun broke through. I decided on a trail run on digging up the

  • Back to work

    - 13 May 2016 - 5 comments
    After a lazy day mostly lounging in the sun yesterday today I set about removing more dead stumps and roots.It was very warm out there so I paced myself and at the end of almost 3 hours I had removed 3 more blackcurrant bush remains. I only have the two

  • A trip to mothers,shopping and the garden

    - 15 May 2016 - 3 comments
    Saturday I made the trip to mothers and found her in good fettle. I broke my trip home for a little shopping at B&M before heading home. Yesterday the afternoon went very cold hardly getting into double figures so no shorts for me.Today I strolled

  • A crazy cat and garden up to date,almost

    - 16 May 2016 - 4 comments
    This morning I has occasion to go to the Co-op.I left the cats in the house and set off across the road into the cresent opposite. Then I spotted Sooty trotting alongside me. He must have come trhough the flap as soon as I left. I shhed him home,he sat

  • Message from Jenny

    - 16 May 2016 - 6 comments
    I had a message from Jr=enny,her computer has locked her out so she can't come on and read or comment on entries,I'll keep you posted on developments

  • New plants and garden refresh

    - 17 May 2016 - 3 comments
    I bought 6 Petunia plants today.Last year I had purple so this year I am going for white for a change. I also made changes to the garden,I moved the planters to the other side of the path to the patch where the fruit trees were. That piece of ground

  • a cat wash

    - 20 May 2016 - 5 comments
    This innocent looking creature here indulging in his favorite pastime behaved very badly this morning. I usually wake up naturally around 6:30am but this morning I was awakened by Zazzles washing my face around 6:15. I didn't mind the time but starting my

  • Garden progressing

    - 23 May 2016 - 4 comments
    with the good weather holding yesterday I bought 3 more planters and 6 geraniums. I didn't really want 6 but that was the only size available. Luckily a neighbour needed two to fill her borderand she the too many Impatiens so she traded me 3 for 2

  • Sunshine again

    - 24 May 2016 - 4 comments
    A lovely sunny morning,a did my laundry and had it on the whirly by 9:15 great stuff. Today has been a lazy day I have learnt that two day running of manual work is bad for my back.I mooched around the garden picking odd weeds and debris up and drinking

  • a little weeding and a revamp

    - 25 May 2016 - 6 comments
    After a rest day yesterday I was raring to go today. I sorted the cats out when I got up made a coffee and heded out the front garden. It was 6:50 I wanted an early start to avoid any interutions. The flower beds were in bad need of weeding and I had a

  • Sunshine and a long walk

    - 28 May 2016 - 3 comments
    This morning dawned sunny and bright. I sorted the cats out had some breakfast and headed off to see my mother>she was in fine fettle as usual and asked why I had my back back with me> I told her that when I left I was strolling into town for a

  • Garden,Zazzles and Mia at the beach

    - 30 May 2016 - 4 comments
    Yesterday and today have been sun filled and very warm,perfect gardening weather. Yesterday I mowed and strimmed the back garden in an hiur and this morning I finished the front in half that time.If the weather lets me get regular cuts it should all be