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Publication date  /  2021  /  April   -   6 articles

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  • A lot can change in a week

    - 06 Apr 2021 - 4 comments
    A week ago today I started on my garden mowing and strimming the front. I rested my tired back on Thursday and since then the weather has got worse. Today we have had hail and snow showers and tonight temps are forecast to drop between 4c and 7c. Welcome

  • A busy few days

    - 12 Apr 2021 - 6 comments
    On Saturday I went for my second covid jab fr which I was so grateful Sunday was very cold with temps hardly rising above freezing Today was the biggie,Mal anf ellen gave me a ride to get my overdue eye test and then Mal said as a surprise we would go

  • Grass Strimming and a new Addition

    - 14 Apr 2021 - 4 comments
    A slightly warmer day today saw me tackle the right hand side of the back garden,it was long overdue and hard but enjoyable work. That finished I was settled down to a coffee and ginger snaps when Gemma,Arron and Mia appeared. They brought news of the

  • a busy time

    - 20 Apr 2021 - 4 comments
    There have been a few things going on of late. My garden is just about sorted On Saturday I made my first shopping trip into town and I really enjoyed it. The Market was the best place to visit with the stall holders bantering with public and the other

  • Gardening all done,well nearly

    - 24 Apr 2021 - 5 comments
    The last three days the weather has treated us kindly,,perfect for getting the garden fully finished The only blot is the mess beside the house but that too is about to be sorted.. My son Stephen has just got a new toy. A brush whacker to be precise. This

  • Garden almost finished

    - 27 Apr 2021 - 3 comments
    My son Stephen arrived at 9:15 ready to attack the side of the house mess a jungle of weeds and brambles 3 ft high He finished just in time before the first shower came.A second run is needed but for today is was rake up of the grass / I will leave it