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Publication date  /  2021  /  May   -   6 articles

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  • A sunny Bank holiday? not a hope

    - 03 May 2021 - 5 comments
    May has rolled in with cold winds and rain Today is the first bank holiday,a time fr a nice stroll through the parks an fields to see spring in action. Well that was my plan but instead I am looking out on rain driven by a strong winds so another day

  • That was a bit of a shock

    - 06 May 2021 - 3 comments
    I awoke to a bright sunny morning,perfect for gardening,with this in mind a set about my usual moning jobs feeding the cats and filling the bird feeders. That done I settled down to an egg buttie and turned the radio on to get the news around here. Thats

  • pottering in the garden and photo for Fran

    - 10 May 2021 - 4 comments
    Yesterday ellen brought me a tray of 20 mixed Petunia so today I planted them out,colour in the garden soon and not before time. While I was pottering about with that Stephen came round with his brush hacker for a scone go at the patch at the side of the

  • some gardening weather at last

    - 18 May 2021 - 6 comments
    Ater a wet nasty shopping dayonSaturdayat last abreak inthe weather so onto the grdeni Went. Ellen brought me some surplus Begonias which I planted in a small trough. I have the back garden just about where I want it. I even got my first strim on the

  • Who ordered the rain???

    - 21 May 2021 - 2 comments
    After a good little spell when I kicked my garden into good shape On Wednesday night it was all change with cloudy skiesand alot cooler. On Thursday morning I awoke to heavy rain which only stopped about an hour ago. This is one of three little ponds in

  • sunshine and gardening

    - 30 May 2021 - 3 comments
    A couple of really good days here. Yesterday after carting my weekly shop back I had a visit from Ellen and Mal which was nice When they left it was time to mow and strim the front garden,I am right on top of it now only weeding the flower beds left