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Publication date  /  2015  /  November   -   3 articles

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  • Fog and family photos

    - 02 Nov 2015 - 4 comments
    The fog which has been hanging around for 2 days is finally lifting,yesterday was a real pea souper and very damp and clingy. We may even see a little sun later. Today I was off to see mother and for a surprise I took Gemma,Arron and Mia with me which of

  • The first storm approaches

    - 13 Nov 2015 - 5 comments
    We have a storm moving in with torrential rain forecast in my area from Saturday through Monday. Rain of 150mm to 200mm is possible. What nearly 8'' of rain will do to ground already soaked by 10 days of rain on and off is easy to predict,we are in for

  • Weather and family news

    - 23 Nov 2015 - 4 comments
    Hello folks things have been a little hectic here of late. Firstly the weather here has been terrible. We had weeks of rain,some times all day and others just at different times. As you can image we have had flooding on the island but got of lightly