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Publication date  /  2015  /  October   -   7 articles

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  • An old friend returns

    - 04 Oct 2015 - 5 comments
    Last night Sooty and Zazzles alerted me to something in the garden,I went to look expecting to see the local feline bruiser padding about but instead I spotted a dark familiar shape. It was the return of Hedgy hedgehog. He is later than last year maybe

  • Here comes the rain

    - 06 Oct 2015 - 4 comments
    Yesterday and today have dispelled all hope of a longer dry spell with icy cold rain and a big drop in temps I snapped a couple of shots of Hedgy last night. They were taken from above as the last thing he needs when foraging for food is some wassock

  • In which I rescue a little creature and more colour appears

    - 08 Oct 2015 - 2 comments
    ON tuesday night,a rare warm one Zazzles appeared and vanished at great speed into the kithen clutching a mouse in his mouth,I folled and caught up with him just as he dropped it.I grabbed him and locked him in the living room before he could pounce

  • Cat in a bag and more rubbish cleared

    - 10 Oct 2015 - 3 comments
    I had a little shopping to do and when I returned Zazzles had to stick his head in to check the contents. Milk was the last item out and in the time it took me to put it in the fridge just behind me Zazzles had vanished into the bag. I grabbed my camera

  • A busy day

    - 11 Oct 2015 - 3 comments
    A busy day today. The morning was pleasant enoughy so needing to go to Wilko's as well as Morrison's and B&M I set off early and strolled over. Rapid service in the first two shops and also in B&M I noticed 50 fat balls for £3:99 which is £1:05

  • The bushes last stand

    - 13 Oct 2015 - 3 comments
    It was a lovely sunny morning,the perfect weather for finishing off the killing of the gooseberry bushes. I donned my armour and after a careful check for signs of Hedgy started on the remaining two bushes.With a break in between I managed to clear them.

  • winter preparations coming on apace

    - 20 Oct 2015 - 5 comments
    Preparations for winter almost complete in the garden now. Yesterday I pruned the rosemary and rose bushes and hacked back the Buddleia. Today I was going to give the grass a trim but heavy overnight rain put paid to that job. With my back complaining I