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Publication date  /  2015  /  December   -   9 articles

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  • A big storm passes through

    - 06 Dec 2015 - 4 comments
    It was strange this morning waking up to silence,It seems an age since this happened,of late a howling wind and lashing rain have been my morning alarm. The town is cut off from the rest of the world at the moment with 5ft of water in on some roads out.

  • A little catch up

    - 09 Dec 2015 - 3 comments
    A little time on my hands at the moment so it's catch up at last. I'll be popping round to see what you rabble have been up to. Things are still hectic here between battling lousy weather,torrential rain and winds again today to sorting out for Ellen and

  • the rain continues to fall

    - 12 Dec 2015 - 4 comments
    Another wet day here,I can't remember what a blue sky and sunshine looks like. I have a leak somewhere above the back window but the weather is too bad to go searching for the access point. Some places have been flooded twice in five days but we soldier

  • A change in the weather

    - 14 Dec 2015 - 4 comments
    I awoke yesterday to a change in the weather,the gales and rain had stopped to be replaced by a sharp frosty morning, The cars and houses in the street had a coating of frost-a much calmer day. After breakfast I strolled over the bridge to get some

  • News on Jenny

    - 19 Dec 2015 - 4 comments
    WE just Had word from Mandi, Jenny has been taken to hospital with what appears to be ulcer trouble, I will let you know when I hear more

  • Up date on Jenny

    - 20 Dec 2015 - 10 comments
    Jenny has been sedated,she has kidney stones and a blockage,she is awaiting an op more news later

  • dear friends

    - 23 Dec 2015 - 8 comments
    I am sorry I haven't been around much.Things are not so good here. As you all know Jenny has been taken ill and I am not getting any more news from Mandi,my only soures are through Max and Gracie,Mandoi has stopped relaying messages through Ellen. This

  • Update time

    - 29 Dec 2015 - 3 comments
    Sorry I have been A.W.O.L I have been struck down with what I first feared was flu but luckily it is just a very heavy cold. I have only been glugging on Chicken soup and bread,I fierce cough has not helped. Today I feel a little better and the cough has

  • Jenny's home

    - 31 Dec 2015 - 3 comments
    Jenny made it home around 6pm last night.She is tired of course so we only had a little chat on the phone before ahe toddled off to sleep. A good nights sleep at home will help.I won't be pestering her at the moment but just let her take things at her own