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Publication date  /  2016  /  January   -   13 articles

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  • Happy New Year

    - 01 Jan 2016 - 2 comments
    I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope you have a good one. This year has been another mixed bag of course. It has started on a good note,for the first time in a long time I awoke to silence,no wind howling and no rain lashing the window. After almost a

  • A quick chat to Jenny

    - 02 Jan 2016 - 3 comments
    I chatted with Jenny for a short time last night.She is very tired of course and asked me to report to her friends. She won't be on line yet, Tony and Stevie are going up to see her and her neighbours are feeding her and the cats ,not the same food you

  • Jenny update and the rain has stopped

    - 05 Jan 2016 - 3 comments
    I had a brief chat with Jenny yesterday.Her doctoer has visited her and arranged some help in the personal dept and they are looking into more long term help. We only chat for a short time because she tires very easily. On the home front what must be the

  • A break and news from Jenny

    - 09 Jan 2016 - 4 comments
    I have been off line for a few days.I spent two days having a complete rest and then two getting my house back to how I want it. I have been havibg short conversations with Jenny. She is kept very busy with the ammount of visitors medical and otherwise

  • Reports on the sick list

    - 11 Jan 2016 - 4 comments
    Poor Jenny had a bit of a relapse yesterday and wasn't at all well. I rang her this morninng to check up and wish her happy birthday and she is much more chipper. I wandered into the doctors early this morning To get an opinionon the state of my health.

  • Jenny update

    - 14 Jan 2016 - 4 comments
    I am pleased tgo report that Jenny had a really good day yesterday after a bad one the day before. She was not as tired and with the help she needs seemingly a step nearer all it going along well if slowly On the home front I am just about over my illness

  • Latest update

    - 15 Jan 2016 - 4 comments
    Jenny had another good day yesterday and here helper has been brilliant. she got some veg out ready And Jenny perched on her high stool and prepped it for todays dinner. Yesterday she had a good mesl in the afternoon and although it wasn't large was more

  • Good news about Jenny

    - 16 Jan 2016 - 6 comments
    I am pleased to report that Jenny had another good day yesterday,she still has a long way to go and it is slow progress but she is getting there. tony is going to see her today and she has a couple of jobs lined up for him. On the home front I wento visit

  • the snow arrives and leaves,early night for Jenny

    - 17 Jan 2016 - 4 comments
    Jenny rang me earlier than normal last night because Tony had spent a few hours there and although she does enjoy his visits they are tiring. She is doing fine and sleeping a lot better which will help with the recovery. We had a snow flurry yesterday

  • Jenny has hospital dates

    - 19 Jan 2016 - 6 comments
    Jenny has got dates at last,FEb for some pre op assesments and March 9th for her op if all goes to plan. She is still up and down in how she feels,yesterday she had a busy day with people calling in an calls from Mandi and Tony. She has a helper called

  • Set back for Jenny

    - 22 Jan 2016 - 4 comments
    Sadly I have to report that Jenny has had a set back,it sems she has another infection.She is sending a sample to the hospital today and will find out next week then hopefully some anti-biotics will sort it quickly

  • More news and it's catch up time

    - 24 Jan 2016 - 4 comments
    Jenny had a better day yesterday.This was mainly due to the amount of visitors she had popping in and out which does tire her,also she has been going to bed around 10pm and sleeping much better for it. On the home front on a visit to mother's yesterday I

  • More meds for Jenny

    - 28 Jan 2016 - 4 comments
    It was discovered yesterday that Jenny has another infection and rapid response from her helper,hospital,doctor and chemist had her on a course of anti biotics by the afternoon. It is s 5 day course and hopefully she will respond quickly. On the home