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Publication date  /  2016  /  February   -   7 articles

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  • Back on line

    - 02 Feb 2016 - 4 comments
    The internet has been down today.I thought it might be this three day storm we have been enduring but it turned out to be nation wide. The gales and rain we have had since late Saturday night are moving away at last only to be replaced by frost,ice and

  • Sunshine and smiles.Better news from Jenny

    - 03 Feb 2016 - 4 comments
    I awoke to a still day with the sun peeking through my bedroom window so I had things to do.After feeding the cats I opened my door into the garden for the first rtime since Saturday evening when I brought the bird feeder in. The winds would have had it

  • News of Jenny who and stole the sun

    - 08 Feb 2016 - 4 comments
    Jenny is still in pain and very tired, sher goes to the hospital on Tuesday to see how thngs are for her op Here after last Wednesday's sun we have heavy rain and strong winds so I am cabined up with two cats who love to be out and about as I do. Roll on

  • Better weather and Jenny battling on

    - 14 Feb 2016 - 4 comments
    We have had decent weather since Wednesday apart from 1 hail storm,this is the longest dry spell since October. I managed to get out and about at lst and visited my mother yesterday who is still very chipper despite her aces and pains. I had visit from

  • The winter the rains came

    - 20 Feb 2016 - 4 comments
    I am cabined up yet again with heavy rain hammering down and more forecast for tomorrow.In the last 18 days we have only had two dry ones and it becomes very wearing after a while.Roll on Summer if we get one that is. Jenny is still getting through

  • After the rains

    - 25 Feb 2016 - 3 comments
    When the rain finally ceased trying to drown us we have had bright sunny days,three of them in a row,a rare event this last few months. The cold had replaced the rain it is bone chillingly cold and yestrerday we had a little snow,this morning was the

  • Oh dear

    - 26 Feb 2016 - 4 comments
    Today has turned into a bad day. I had my dinner cooking in the oven wnen I heard a bang. I rushed into the kitchen and found my over sat brooding and emiting the familiar smell of a buyrned out motor. As it is a microwave/grille/oven combination it is