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Publication date  /  2015  /  May   -   12 articles

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  • The return of the Parakeet

    - 01 May 2015 - 4 comments
    The parakeet returned yesterday,he looks fit,healthy and clean so he is getting plenty of food and water to bathe in and drink. He is in fine voice squawking away bullying the starlings until they give way and he gets to the peanuts. This was his second

  • Two weddings in one day for Ellen

    - 02 May 2015 - 4 comments
    Ellen has a busy day today with a morning shift at work followed by a hairdresser's appointment and then not one but two weddings and receptions and back to work tomorrow morning. To make things a little easier she decided to stay with her friend Gill

  • The return of Hedgy

    - 03 May 2015 - 3 comments
    The return of the hedgehog. I spied Zazzles last night standing stock still staring at something in the garden. I went for a look see and peering through the rain and gloom I spotted the unmistakeable shape of Hedgy. Delighted I grabbed one of the cats

  • Bargain shopping in the sunshine and grass cutting

    - 04 May 2015 - 4 comments
    This morning dawned dry and bright and a nice sunny day lay ahead,time to get busy. My first job was a visit to Aldi to buy some bits of dead animal. The walk of just over a mile was pleasant and the sun had a few folks smiling. I timed my walk so as to

  • gales and rain again

    - 06 May 2015 - 3 comments
    After the sunny day we had on Monday yesterday Mother Nature bit us on the arse. We had 50/60mph winds most of the day with rain of biblical proportions. The weather was so bad I rang the chemist and got them to deliver my meds. It's only ¾ of a mile away

  • Sunshine for a day

    - 08 May 2015 - 4 comments
    Yesterday we had wall to wall sunshine and the ground was drying out rapidly. By late morning the front grass was still a little damp but the rear was fine for strimming. With my back in good fettle I strimmed the borders and the old wild flower patch

  • Thank you John and sunshine a gardening at last

    - 14 May 2015 - 4 comments
    Firstly a thank you message to you John for enquiring with Jenny about my well-being. I am fine thanks you it's just we had a few lousy weather days and with little to do in the way of chores cabin fever was setting in. Yesterday I awoke to a blue sky and

  • The rain returns and more plants

    - 15 May 2015 - 3 comments
    Another nice sunny morning here but rain was threatened for later in the day and it has duly arrived. I wandered around the back garden as usual after feeding the cats and the birds and noticed the fruit bushes has a lot of new growth so a good year in

  • It is still raining and belly pork for dinner

    - 22 May 2015 - 5 comments
    The weather is still unsettled,this morning started bright enough but the rain returned by 10. Another day in the cabin with little to do in the way of projects,I'll have to start another. Getting restless I decided to make an early dinner there just

  • sunshine and geese

    - 23 May 2015 - 4 comments
    A sunny day at last and a stroll to see my Mam. Cutting through the little haven I noticed more colour and a smell of blossom around,that's more like it. Cutting through by the dock museum I spied a tidy little craft in the water,it would be a great

  • Mowing and strimming and attacked by a gooseberry bush

    - 25 May 2015 - 4 comments
    Due to heavy rain Yesterday morning the planned grass cutting was postponed and I did a little shopping instead. The rain stopped and it turned out quite pleasant but the grass didn't dry so today after a restful morning the highlight of which was a visit

  • Zazzles the collector

    - 28 May 2015 - 4 comments
    Zazzles is a weird sort of character what in human terms might be described as half village idiot and half genius. He holds a fascination for Jenny particularly for his collecting habit. If he sees something that catches his eye he drags in home or from