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Publication date  /  2015  /  April   -   14 articles

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  • A busy for Ellen and me

    - 04 Apr 2015 - 4 comments
    A bright sunny morning here so I made my mind up about going to town or not,tomorrow the rain might return. I set off walking and very pleasant it was. I arrived at my first stop and picked up my pipe fodder then on to my to usual shops before heading for

  • The weather bites again

    - 05 Apr 2015 - 4 comments
    After the lovely sunny day yesterday today we are down with a bump.A thick swirling sea mist was the sight that met my eyes this morning GGRRRR. After seeing all wonderful colours in Jenny's garden I took a look at my pots. We are around a month behind

  • The weather Gods relent

    - 08 Apr 2015 - 4 comments
    After three days of staring at a grey wall of mist today the sun returned,not full blown sun is was hazy but sun all the same. I decided it would be a good day for grass cutting,the front which is in the shade a lot was still damp but by early afternoon

  • More cutting and potting

    - 10 Apr 2015 - 4 comments
    Yesterday with the weather holding I decided to cut and strim the front grass,all went well and the job was done and tools cleaned and stowed in under 2 hours. So by lunchtime I could have the restful day I promised myself. This all well until after

  • The weather breaks again

    - 12 Apr 2015 - 5 comments
    With heavy rain forecast for today I decided to take a trip to town yesterday morning. Saturday is not a good day for shopping but an early start made the trip pleasant, just enough people to chat to without the hordes hustling and bustling. I bought a

  • Sun at last,let's get busy

    - 17 Apr 2015 - 4 comments
    Things have been pretty quiet around here. The weather has finally improved after a few rainy days, so things will get busier. I haven't been idle during the bad weather I drilled holes in the bottom of the oblong plant boxes and attached wooden runners

  • A walk in the sunshine

    - 18 Apr 2015 - 4 comments
    After a lovely afternoon yesterday got me moving to cut the front grass I thought with the work on the room shift as well today would be a rest day. The day dawned cloudless so a trip to mother's was on the cards. I decided to started walking and see how

  • The pain after the gain and a silent Jenny

    - 19 Apr 2015 - 4 comments
    After the gain the pain. Three days of gardening shifting furniture and the big climb took it's toll as I knew it would. Last night the niggles started getting steadily worse. This morning a full on back attack hasn't happened but care is needed today so

  • Back with 8 zillion photos

    - 19 Apr 2015 - 3 comments
    These are snaps from the bottom of the big climb I didn't take any of the 2 miles odd it took to get here. Feel free to ignore if you find them boring if not Click here

  • More Sunshine and gardening

    - 21 Apr 2015 - 5 comments
    Yesterday was another lovely day so I set to and mowed the back grass,now I am getting it trimmed at regular intervals it was just a matter of following the mower round no effort needed. Today I decided to carry on the good work so I strimmed the larger

  • on top of the gardening and a couple of snaps

    - 22 Apr 2015 - 5 comments
    I finished strimming the smaller area of garden in the back today. It was as easy as it is going to be with getting it done at regular intervals thanks to the good weather and a back that is not playing up at the moment. I did it in two sessions with a

  • St George and cleaning up

    - 23 Apr 2015 - 4 comments
    Happy St Georges Day my fellow English folk if you are still on the shores or scattered throughout the world. Have a beer for good old George the dragon slayer,I will be tonight. Another fine sunny day here but tonight and tomorrow we are forecast rain.

  • A clourful visitor

    - 24 Apr 2015 - 4 comments
    With an easy day ahead of me,at least until I stumble across a job that's needs doing, I poured a second coffee after the birds had been fed and the cats went off on their first mission of the day. All was quiet until I heard the harsh squawk of a bird.

  • Is that a U boat in the channel?

    - 26 Apr 2015 - 5 comments
    Today dawned bright and sunny despite the met office stating we would have rain. A trip to town was on the cards as I had forgotten coffee yesterday,coffee is one of the things that costs double the price here on the island. I set off and it was a very