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  • Winter has a sting in it's tail.

    - 02 Mar 2015 - 4 comments
    After escaping the snow last month while everywhere around us were battered winter decided to show it's fangs yesterday and after 5 or 6 hours of heavy rain delivered a mini blizzard. With everything so wet it didn't take and turned to rain again. We are

  • Just Pottering

    - 06 Mar 2015 - 4 comments
    I have been pottering around for the last couple of days sorting my little workshop out. Over the years I have collected various tools and odds and ends with bit broken or missing intending to repair them. Intending is very elusive and I still have a lot

  • What is this?

    - 09 Mar 2015 - 4 comments
    I let Ellen see this photo and she said it was the moon, there is in fact two of them,here they are If you haven't already guessed they are photos of my eye balls taken at my eye test today. I asked the optician if she could eye mail them to me and she

  • A cold sunny day

    - 10 Mar 2015 - 3 comments
    We had sunshine all day here but it was bitterly cold so I needed to wrap up well for a stroll this morning. I wasn't out as long as I expected before the cols drove me back but at least I stretched my legs. The kittens are a hardier breed with warmer

  • How a quick trip becomes a long one

    - 11 Mar 2015 - 4 comments
    We had sunshine this morning but yet again it was bitterly cold so I threw a few layers on a set out for a short shopping trip. I had the Co-op and the booze shop to visit both next to each other 10 minutes away and Mac's on the same street on the return

  • Tikka Malsala

    - 13 Mar 2015 - 2 comments
    I am eating alone today so decided to make myself something that Ellen doesn't like. I settled on Tika Masala something I have never tried from scratch and I didn't know the ingredients of. There are a few versions of course and I chose the one I fancied

  • Mothering Sunday

    - 14 Mar 2015 - 4 comments
    Tomorrow is Mothering Sunday despite the commercial trade trying to spice it up and call it Mother's Day as in the US. Tomorrow is a bad day to get to my mother's for me with hourly buses and a 30 minute wait between them which would make the trip around

  • Frost and flowers

    - 18 Mar 2015 - 4 comments
    Last night was the coldest night for some time with the cars outside all covered in a film of frost. My first job this morning after sorting the cats out was to break ice on the bird's drinking dish and refill it. When the sun rose higher and got a

  • A few more flowers on the way

    - 19 Mar 2015 - 4 comments
    Another cold sunny day here so I did a little more in the garden,nothing constructive just tidying up after the ravages of winter. A few more blooms have opened, I now have two pots of crocus and bright yellow dafs are emerging with plenty more following

  • The weather breaks and junk boxes

    - 20 Mar 2015 - 4 comments
    This morning I awoke hoping to get started on strimming the front garden,alas the weather has changed. Gone the last two days of sun,today dawned cold and very damp with a sea fog all around,bugger. I fed the cats and sorted the bird feeders out before

  • A start on the grass cutting

    - 22 Mar 2015 - 4 comments
    I had an easy day yesterday to be well rested for the garden this morning. Feeling good I started on the front grass. With last back end being so wet I missed the last two trims of the year so it was a mini jungle out there. The mower was no good so I

  • A good trip to the shops,old bones holding together

    - 23 Mar 2015 - 5 comments
    Today dawned with high clouds and a little sun and with my old body in good fettle after yesterday's excertions I decided to take a slow stroll over the bridge to Aldi and have a look see at their meat offers. I got some good bargains. Diced beef, lean

  • On top of the gardening for now

    - 25 Mar 2015 - 4 comments
    After 2 busy days I gave myself a rest day yesterday. With the sun still shining today and rain due in the next couple of days I was off to give the grass it's first run with the mower. The strimmer has done a good job clearing the rough stuff and I had

  • Good fortune smiles down on me then kicks me

    - 26 Mar 2015 - 3 comments
    When I was hanging up the phone after talking to Jenny last night I noticed rain drops on the window which meant the rain forecast for the weekend arrived early. I awoke to a rainy cold windy morning, very different from the last couple of day. I have a

  • A little spring sunshine

    - 27 Mar 2015 - 5 comments
    Today we had a nice sunny start so I decided to try my wash outside on the whirly for drying and it worked nicely. The northerly wind has shift to the west and the biting wind has stopped. The clothes slowly turning on the whirly and the clothes wafting

  • Terrible weather

    - 31 Mar 2015 - 3 comments
    Like much of the UK we have had a day of gale force winds and heavy rain sweeping down the Irish Sea from Scotland. We also had 3 savage ear pinging hailstorms. Needless to say I have been cabined up but put the time to good use. I emptied my larder