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Publication date  /  2015  /  February   -   17 articles

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  • shopping and cats

    - 01 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    February dawned dry and bright with a brisk northerly bowing through. It was not the weather for a stroll so I hopped on the 10:30 bus. After picking my pipe fodder up from Morrisons I only had the freezer shop to visit today. This gave me more time to

  • That's what I call a good service

    - 02 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    I checked my January bank statement today and found something wrong. In November BT offered me the new You View box free of charge (normally around £100) if I took out a years subscription to Netflix at £5:99 per month .As I was already contemplating

  • A small sign of life

    - 03 Feb 2015 - 6 comments
    After seeing Jenny's photos of plants springing to life I looked at the little tubs I sowwd with seeds and bulbs and found even this far north where spring comes late and summer sometimes so late it doesn't bother turning up I found signs of growth. I

  • Pruning time on a dying site?

    - 05 Feb 2015 - 6 comments
    It is pruning time so I have sorted my list on here out.gone are the people who vanished into Facenbook world never to emerge into the sane world again,gone are the people who invited me then never visit or post anything. I think ipernity is dying as a

  • Native Americans,a 20,000 year history

    - 05 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    I have read many books about early man from the signs of Neolithic man on this tiny island with the finds of flint tools displayed in our local museum to most of the known planet. There was one glaring gap in my search for knowledge and that is what we

  • weather is a funny old thing

    - 08 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    This weekend had been a real mix of weather. Saturday morning was bright and sunny so I decided to walk to mother's and get a couple of photos of Black Combe wearing a nice white cap of snow and the fells which would have more snow on them. The weather

  • A had a funny turn and not funny ha ha

    - 09 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    After a funny turn last night I am back and fighting fit today. When I was talking to Jenny I felt very strange and unable to focus on what she was saying and my attention kept wandering. This worried Jenny and she wanted me to wake Ellen up or ring 999.

  • Bulbs growing and Zazzles impersonating a Meerkat

    - 10 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    Back to normal with everything below decks working perfectly I decided to check on the bulbs and seeds scattered around 6 tubs and two borders. The tubs are doing fine all bar one which has some growth but only just breaking the surface. I decided to take

  • Alone for a week

    - 13 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    I am cooking for one for the next week because Ellen is off cat sitting for a friend. The friend is in town close to Ellen's workplace so she will save around £30 in taxi and bus fares plus she won't have to get up as early to get there. As for me I will

  • The rain returns and fish for dinner

    - 16 Feb 2015 - 2 comments
    Yesterday was a lovely mild sunny day perfect for a stroll over the bridge for a little shopping. There is no sign of new growth in the little haven or the sound of activity in the boat yard as people ready their boats for the better weather ahead. The

  • A little taste of spring

    - 17 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    I filled the bird feeders,gave them fresh water and then took my usual wander around the garden. The large planter which I took the netting off three days ago is still free from signs of cat disturbance which is good. Then things got even better,poking

  • Floods on the way here

    - 22 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    The biggest high tides in two decades could hit later today . The Environment Agency says the annual spring tides will reach the peak of an 18 and a half year cycle which, along with stormy weather, could cause coastal flooding in some areas. The high

  • A little more colour in the tubs

    - 24 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    A mixture of sunshine,hail and rain again here today,not a day for a stroll so I am cabined up. At least I managed a trip to town yesterday for pipe fodder and a trip to the butchers. I spied something in there I hadn't had in many a year,Barnsley chops.

  • a start on the garden

    - 25 Feb 2015 - 3 comments
    After a chilly star the morning warmed up nicely reaching 48f by lunch time. After my normal routine of checking the bird feeders and feeding the cats I settled down to watch the birds at breakfast which is always entertaining. I decided to make a start

  • Flooded garden and a taste of America

    - 26 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    After the good weather yesterday morning things got worse. The rain set in and continued overnight. When I looked out this morning the rain was still hammering down, one of the little clumps of dafodils was standing in water halfway up the stems and the

  • more blooms in the sunshine

    - 27 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    After rain of biblical proportions over the last couple of days today we had sunshine,a very welcome sight. I went to feed the birds as normal and to my delight I noticed a few more blooms in the Crocus tub and that brightened the day even more. While the

  • The forthcoming baby is pink

    - 28 Feb 2015 - 4 comments
    Today we had the official announcement on the sex of Gemma and Arron's expected baby. Gemma baked a cake and smothered it in icing and when the time came she cut it in half to reveal a pink cake,pretty cool or what? We had the gathering at the pub of