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Publication date  /  2015  /  January   -   16 articles

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  • New Year's day

    - 02 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    Yesterday I had the family round apart from Carl who was on a 10 hour shift. He didn't mind as he is paid for 20 hours and fed into the bargain. So that left Stephen,Gemma and Arron to join Ellen and me for a few hours and it was great fun. Stephen and

  • rain and a tree

    - 06 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    Cabined up today with driving rain making life unpleasant. All quiet after the turn of the year but things will liven up soon I hope. here is the first photo from the Trees one per week album organised by Janet. This week the subject is one tree so here

  • Gales rain and a power cut

    - 08 Jan 2015 - 5 comments
    We had a truly dismal day yesterday with gales and rain lashing us until late evening. Jenny phoned at 11 as usual to brighten up the day and we chatted on until nearly midnight. I had a couple of cats to feed and a beer to get before settling down to

  • lousy weather,broken door and a knackered back Yippee!!!

    - 10 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    The weekend is going badly. Yesterday I discovered the front door lock was broken in the locked position. I waited until Ellen came home to see if by any chance her key would unlock it bit no joy. The wind was gusting to 50mph and the rain was hammering

  • Thanks for the sympathy,door well on the way

    - 11 Jan 2015 - 3 comments
    Thanks for the messages yesterday folks. This morning feeling much better I started on the pesky door lock. Because the position of the latch bolt and dead bolt are in a different on the new lock the top screw to hold it in the frame was hitting mid air


    - 11 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    Hooray Door fixed at last,see previous blog HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dearest friend Jenny

  • A bad weekend over at last

    - 12 Jan 2015 - 3 comments
    Well after a very trying weekend which had already included, back spasms and broken door locks the final hurdle to make things unpleasant was a power cut or rather a series in quick succession. 5:03 power went off 6:08 power came back 6:22 power went off

  • A trip to mother's and trees

    - 14 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    This morning the weather was much kinder than of late. We have another front due bringing strong winds with ice and snow possible. With this in mind I decided on a trip to see my old mam . Friday will be her 89th birthday but I have an appointment with

  • Wild weather

    - 15 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    We have had a wild and woolly few hours with winds over 70 mph at times. Everything seems to have stayed in place here but scattered reports of damage both on the island and the mainland are trickling through. The winds are down to the mid 40s now and

  • Physio and sunshine

    - 16 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    Today is a much better day,I can almost hear the silence it is so quiet here. The promised rain hasn't arrived and we have a patchy blue sky. This good weather put me in a relaxed happy mood for my visit so the physiotherapist. After 30 minutes of

  • Sunshine, shopping and a tree

    - 19 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    I postponed my normal Sunday morning shopping trip until today so my back had an extra day to rest after the physiotherapy. It is a bitterly cold day despite the sunshine so a stroll over was out of the question. A trip on the first free bus at 9:30

  • A gloomy Sunday

    - 25 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    A cold cloudy day here not the weather for strolling around.I had a decision to make, to go shopping today or tomorrow. As I was mulling over this I heard Ellen clattering around in the kitchen so peeped in to find she was preparing to have a clean up.

  • tree part,pine cone

    - 27 Jan 2015 - 3 comments
    I had of find part of a tree for this weeks photo series. I chose this pine cone I picked up. It brings back memories of childhood,we used to take these things home and use them as weather forecasters. The tale being they would close up in damp conditions

  • More wild weather

    - 28 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    I awoke around 6:30 to the sounds of high winds and driving rain,a great start to the day. I looked out of the window a spotted my recycle bag of plastic and cardboard on its side with the contents strewn all over the front garden. My first job of the day

  • We escaped the snow and have we a bomb?

    - 29 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    With a strong north westerly bringing the snow towards us we were waiting expecting a covering at least. Then the weather gods looked kindly upon us and the wind shifted to a full 50 to 60mph westerly and the snow skirted around us. We have snow to the

  • The sun is here and explosives dealt with safely.

    - 30 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    A lovely still sunny day here but bitterly cold,still it's a lot better than most are having this far north. I have a cubed beef steak stew bubbling away in the slow cooker sending a mouth watering aroma around the house and the best thing is there will