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Publication date  /  2014  /  December   -   14 articles

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  • Hedgehog and colour wheel

    - 03 Dec 2014 - 3 comments
    It appears that the hedgehog has gone to ground for the winter. Last night was the first night he failed to turn up since he first paid us a visit. I hope he is all snug and warm in his winter billet. I will keep an eye out for him over the coming months

  • Busy tmes

    - 05 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    I have been busy lately and not had much time to visit so it's catch up day today. Christmas is on the horizon and closing in rapidly. I still have gifts and cards to sort and send or deliver in person and a few fancy bits to eat and drink. I bought a new

  • Colour wheel week 10 white

    - 09 Dec 2014 - 3 comments
    Well here we are on the last of the series and maybe the last seriews I can do. A lot of the suggestions for the next one are technical subjects way beyond the range of my little pocket camera Hereare two views one of Black combe and one of the lakeland

  • First winter storm blowing in

    - 09 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    We have the first Atlantic storm blowing in. I have been out in the lashing rain battening everything down and bringing in the bird feeder. The winds are 50mph and due to hit 60+ tomorrow. Hang on coast dwellers it's gonna get rough.

  • The storm still blows

    - 10 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    The wind has been howling for around 30 hours now and isn't due to die down until tomorrow morning. We haven't had it as bad as some but the constant noise is really tiring. Tomorrow is only a brief rest from it as another is hurtling in from the Atlantic

  • A walk on a beautiful day

    - 13 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    A Lovely morning here,sunny but very icy so it was full winter walking outfit for a trip to see my old mother. I walked in the sun as much as possible because the shady parts were dangerous underfoot. I only walked the first part of the channelside before

  • An itersting start to the day

    - 15 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    I have had a interesting day so far starting before 7 am. I woke up to the sound of two crazy cats careering around the house playing catch. They bounded into my room and as I sat on the edge of the bed doing some back loosening I heard a crash. On

  • So how's it been these fourteen years past?

    - 18 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    It's fourteen years to the day since my soul mate and best friend Margaret died. So how have I got on since then? Well it was a long way back from a very dark place but a very good friend pulled me back to my feet, encouraged me or gave me a kick up the

  • Faulty phone line,helpful cats and a manic woman

    - 20 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    An interesting few hours here. Last night when Jenny tried to ring she couldn't get through. I scrabbled around under the table trying to locate a fault being somewhat hindered by two feline helpers and some lunatic woman from Devon sending me a barrage

  • a quieter day than of later

    - 21 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    Today was the last Sunday shopping trip before Christmas,so are you thinking how did it go at this busy time ? Yes I thought you were. Well it was either today or tomorrow and today there was a good chance of rain but tomorrow it is a certainty so no

  • Christmas Eve dawns,all is quiet

    - 24 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    I awoke a little before 7 to find two cats sat close by waiting for me. As soon as my feet touched the floor they welcomed me to the morning by wanting fussing over and followed me to the bathroom and downstairs. Happy I was awake and on duty they shot

  • A fine Christmas day and some good news

    - 26 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    Hello folks just a quick update. I hope those of you who had company enjoyed the celebrations and I hope you solos had a good a day as I did. I wasn't really a solo yesterday, I visited Stephen and Gemma yesterday morning to exchange gifts. Carl was

  • A walk to town in -c degrees

    - 28 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    The day dawned bright,sunny and cold so I decided on a stroll over to town for my Sunday shop. I checked the live weather report and it was -1c feeling like -3c. Cold enough but with very little wind and sunshine things were set fair. I donned my ankle

  • another year over

    - 31 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    Another year almost ended and the optimism of looking forwards to a new one. Reflections on 2014. On a personal level as that's all that effect's me are that is was a good year. I managed a visit to see Jenny,the family are doing OK and we had pretty