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  • A Family day

    - 01 Jan 2014 - 3 comments
    A Typical New Years Day for us

  • Ellens new beau

    - 02 Jan 2014 - 3 comments
    Just a quick visit to show you Ellen's new fella and the few scoops we had.He is a great bloke as I said to him "You'll do for me" We had a great time together and he is seems to be happy with our nutty family. Catch up tomorrow. Photos here

  • A little flooding

    - 03 Jan 2014 - 5 comments
    Expecting a little flooding I looked out of the back bedroom window around high tide and saw this,between the two lampposts there is a road somewhere. I took this one from the top of the hill,the sea is sweeping in from the left. On to the channel and

  • Video of Walney under attack from the sea

    - 03 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    Things were really bad up the north end with Ernsey bay taking a battering Video here

  • Kinder weather today

    - 04 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    The weather is much kinder today,no wind,no rain and the sea stayed in it's proper place.Also it looks as though the expected snow is hitting farther north.So a little respite for the poor folk you may have seen in the video. More wind and rain to look

  • Another storm heading our way

    - 05 Jan 2014 - 3 comments
    After a quiet morning the rain is lashing down and the winds are picking up.We have a severe weather warning from 3 am until 10pm tomorrow for both wind and rain. The folk at Ernsie Bay with be getting worried abut the 3 pm high tide with the wind

  • A good soaking and a gift for Mother

    - 06 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    This morning there was no sign of the promised strong wind and rain.This altered my plan for shopping I strolled over did my big shop left it to be delivered and headed home again. I was strolling along nicely but as I got on to the bridge and nowhere

  • Faulty phone, new toy and helpful cats

    - 08 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    After a tidy start to the day things became progressively worse, starting with a peak going into trough before picking up again. I wandered over to town this morning , nice and dry with no wind My first call was the post office to send a parcel and there

  • Not so chipper today

    - 09 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    I haven't been to chipper since yesterday,firstly I took a big gulp of air with the water for my tablets which hung about all day.In the early evening I started getting the odd shiver and by nine I was aching all over.I had the flu once a lot of years ago

  • Happy Birthday Jenny

    - 11 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    Happy Birthday to my dearest friend Jenny. As you all know we talk daily on the telephone actual meetings are a lot harder,door to door it took my almost 79 hours to get there and 10 to come home. The visit was well worth the effort and I am trying my

  • I'm back, sort of

    - 11 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    I am back a raring to go,not quite 100% but improving by the hour.After 2 days of alternating between soups to give me nourishment and keep my liquid intake up today I am going to make a chicken curry,good comfort food. Thank you for your kind words They

  • A short trip out

    - 13 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    I made a break for freedom today,not the freedom I want just a short bus ride over the bridge to town, a wander around a couple of shops for odds and ends and a short trip back.No big deal but it was nice to get out and about again and talk to a few

  • A typical morning in my life

    - 14 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    This is my day so far. I arose at 7:15 with Zazzles waiting for me on the landing he rolled over for his belly rub and sat there while I finished my ablutions and we came down together.He wanted feeding as always Sooty was off on an adventure.Ellen had

  • Mother's birthday

    - 16 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    A nice sunny morning for my trip to see Mother on here 88th birthday. I decided the 6 mile round trip over the big rise was a little bit too much after my recent bad spell so I bused half way there and walked along the flat.Not picturesque but it was good

  • Rain again and duck for dinner

    - 17 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    After the glorious day yesterday I awoke to teeming rain and two pissed off cats who wanted to play out.They finally conceded defeat and went back to bed. So cabined up again I caught up on reading my book about life for ordinary folk in 50s Britain,it's

  • Rain shopping and a cool Zazzles

    - 19 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    Another cold damp dark day here.Whatever happened to nice crisp winter mornings? With rain in the air I flashed the pass over to town,picked up my pipe fodder and had a mooch around the freezer shop for any bargains. I picked up 2 tomato and two chicken

  • time

    - 20 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    Where do the minutes and hours go? A question myself and other retirees often ask.I have little spare time for long on line sessions sometimes just a pop on to see who's wrote anything a couple of times a day. My lifestyle isn't by accident I like to keep

  • Peggy the Herring Gull

    - 21 Jan 2014 - 3 comments
    I haven't seen Peggy the Herring gull for about 2 weeks, she has visited amost daily for 15 years.I fear age or fate in the form of some mishap have caught up with her. 15 years ago when she landed in our garden Margaret fed her, befriended and named her

  • Oh dear trouble in the kitchen

    - 22 Jan 2014 - 5 comments
    I made something I have made lots of times before for dinner,chicken breasts glazed with honey, roasted and thinly sliced, garden peas and the fried potato thingys. This is boiled spuds mashed with milk and butter to which I add finely diced onion and

  • Hailstone on dark day

    - 23 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    An unpleasant day here.We have a very cold north westerly blowing in from the Irish Sea bringing hail showers.The temps on the gauge bear no resemblance to how bitter it feels outside. Maybe the winter is going to take it's first bite at us. The cats

  • dark day,sausage and curry and cheeky bankers

    - 25 Jan 2014 - 3 comments
    Another wet and dark day here,the island is blanketed in a sea mist,very damp and clingy. Today as I am cabined up and Ellen's away I am going to make a very unhealthy but delicious dinner.I have some nice pork sausage from the butchers so I will fry a

  • heavy rain and an almost pain free back

    - 26 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    I'm cabined up again today,watching heavy rain flood my garden,we did have snow warnings but we got rain instead.No doubt the snow will have given the fells a battering. I am spending a lot of time in my Queen Ann chair and feeling the benefits,I

  • Mad Cow and Jam Roly Poly

    - 27 Jan 2014 - 3 comments
    After a rainy start we had sun this afternoon,a pleasant change to have it streaming through my windows and saving on fuel bills of course this room gets very cozy for a few hours with the sun on it. Today I decided to roast a joint of mad cow for dinner

  • More storms coming

    - 30 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    We have just had yet another severe weather warning. Tomorrow for snow and Saturday for very heavy rain and gale force winds. The problem is on Saturday and Sunday we have 10 metres tides which is a meter over the norm.With possible tidal surges this

  • A shocking day here

    - 01 Feb 2014 - 4 comments
    We had a very high tide and strong winds today with roads closed and the village cut off completely.more to come tomorrow,Oh goodie bria-coast-lashed-by-storms-barrow-hit-c oast-road-closed-trains-cancelled-1.1113

  • a cold day to go shopping

    - 03 Feb 2014 - 4 comments
    A much calmer drier day today although the wind is bitingly cold. I decided to flash the pass for my trip to town and clambered aboard the bus where I met two of the Dot's we have around. These were Irish Dot and just Dot. I spent the trip listening to

  • Better weather here

    - 04 Feb 2014 - 4 comments
    A better day and Zazzles exhausted after play

  • Weather lousy,sport good,lunch warming,dinner tasty

    - 08 Feb 2014 - 3 comments
    Another cold wet day here with heavy rain clouds rolling in,it was another wet one. Luckily we haven't got the storms that Jenny has down her neck of the woods but it was certainly a day for watching sport on the goggle box. There were 3 rugger and 2

  • Peggy

    - 09 Feb 2014 - 5 comments
    A reminder of happier times when my old friend Peggy was around.Peggy would come to see me daily sometimes 2 or 3 times for any scraps I might have.She would gladly let the sparrows join her. The photo is from 2011,I was sitting on my little garden chair

  • Sunshine at last

    - 10 Feb 2014 - 4 comments
    Today dawned a much better day than we have seen of late, the sun is shining and the wind has gone. I was late starting so I flashed the pass for my trip to town. First stop Morrisons for pipe fodder,then B&M for Mustard,Pickle,Coffee,Glass cleaner

  • A trip to mother's

    - 11 Feb 2014 - 5 comments
    I went to see mother today.The weather was dry with a threat of rain so I flashed the pass and bused it. The old girl is in good fettle and she was very pleased when I gave her an electric paper shredder,she had been cutting all her mail up with

  • Red weather warning out

    - 12 Feb 2014 - 4 comments
    We have just had a red weather warning for winds in excess of 80mph maybe reaching 100mph.Red warnings mean take action so that what I will do making sure everything is tied down or stowed away.I hope we don't lose power or the roof.The storm is forecast

  • update on storm

    - 12 Feb 2014 - 3 comments
    We had a real blow starting at 4pm. The winds were up to 80mph and are only slackening down to 50 to 60mph in he last hour and it's 10pm.The winds are forecast to fall to 40mph in the early hours. Plenty of damaged houses falling,trees up rooted and roads

  • the storm has blown through

    - 13 Feb 2014 - 4 comments
    A much calmer day here the wind is only gusting to 40mph now,a brief respite however because we have another big storm heading in tomorrow. Lots of damage here on the island and over the bridge with roads closed due to fallen trees and damaged buildings

  • better weather forecast

    - 14 Feb 2014 - 6 comments
    We are a lot better weather wise with no flags up for winds today or tomorrow.Of course storm paths are erratic but at the moment it seems to be coming up the country farther east.we do however have yellow flags for snow from early afternoon until

  • Finances and goggle box

    - 15 Feb 2014 - 4 comments
    I received a letter and an E.Mail today both concerning money. The E.mail was from my energy supplier.The power companies finally got our greedy Government to drop the extra tax they had levied at them.This means my prices or gas and electricity have

  • a nice stroll on a sunny morning

    - 16 Feb 2014 - 4 comments
    At last a nice sunny morning so it was walking gear on and off to town for my Sunday trip. The walk to the shops is not scenic by any means but it is a walk none the less. I set off early so I wasn't rushing and had a nice stroll over.It was good to

  • A quiet day as the rain returns

    - 17 Feb 2014 - 2 comments
    Hello folks back to normal here with wall to wall rain,at least there are no gales. I am on the laptop this morning,it was time to fire it up and let the awaiting updates install. So I thought I would say hello from here.I should have this switched on

  • Bird feeder and cooking

    - 18 Feb 2014 - 4 comments
    Another dry if cloudy day here so I started work on modifying the high level bird feeder,more on that as work progresses. My on going mission is to introduce Ellen to good home cooking.She can cook right enough but only plain boring food.I have made

  • modified bird feeder and a baby giraffe

    - 19 Feb 2014 - 4 comments
    I finished my modified bird feeder today. With the ground being so soft with the rain the old set up was struggling to get a firm grip. The solution was the old laundry whirly pole which is set in a cubic foot of concrete. I used the top two sections of

  • computer move

    - 21 Feb 2014 - 4 comments
    I am having a busy day here. This morning I decided it was time to move my computer back along the wall to the window looking into the garden,the garden is a mess of course but it's a great place for bird watching while I breakfast.I had made my mind up

  • A walk on a cold day

    - 25 Feb 2014 - 4 comments
    With the sun shining I made a break for freedom this morning and took a stroll along the beach. Although the sun was out a bitter wind reminded me it is still February.There were a few hardy dog walkers scurrying along just in a hurry get off the beach

  • The Government does it again

    - 27 Feb 2014 - 3 comments
    Our Government will go down as the most cold hearted vindictive one in our history. They have a policy of badgering people with long any term serious illness to find work of some sort.This is just the latest in a long line of the strong arm tactics gone

  • An interesting few days ahead

    - 28 Feb 2014 - 3 comments
    It is going to be an interesting few days here. Ellen is going to meet her beau Colin in Blackpool after work and will be there until Wednesday.There is a purpose to this visit,they are looking for accommodation suitable for them and the cats. When they

  • No I will not miss the cats

    - 01 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    Bernard asked if I would like the keep the cats when Ellen leaves,the answer is no and here are a few reasons why. Things I can't do at the moment Watch Blue-tits,Goldfinch,Chaffinch,Green Finch,Robins,Blackbirds,Thrushes and others in my garden because

  • Jenny's phone call,dinner and the weather

    - 02 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    Yesterday finished in an odd way. As most of you know I have been talking to Jenny on the phone every night bar for her Summer holidays for a long time now.We first started in 2008 and have been going strong ever since. I have a timer set for 56 minutes

  • Skype and a new kitchen appliance

    - 03 Mar 2014 - 5 comments
    A few people wondered why Jenny and me don't Skype instead of phoning each other.There are reasons for this,firstly it is the end of the day and we both want to relax so I sit with my feet up, my little table beside me containing a full briar and a brandy

  • new gismo

    - 04 Mar 2014 - 8 comments
    I mentioned my new kitchen gadget,well here it is. An Electric Teppanyaki Table Top Grill Griddle. It is 45cmX24cm so is much better than my 27cm frying pan for doing full English breafasts all in one shot. It has 5 heats settings and with a trough and a

  • The garden rescue mission begins

    - 05 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    With a dry day for the 3rd day running I decided to start the rescue mission on the garden. The bottom corner where the fruit bushes are.I attacked the gooseberry bushes with secateurs,hedge shears and branch saw. After 2 hard hours and a little damage

  • Rain and Ellen reports on progress

    - 06 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    Today the rain has returned making the decision to crack on and finish the pruning yesterday an even better decision . The rain is hammering down so it will be 2 or 3 days before I can get back to clearing the off cuts. Ellen brought news of progress on

  • garden rescue on hold

    - 07 Mar 2014 - 9 comments
    As you may have read I started on the big garden clear up on Wednesday. This photo shows what it was like along the back wall with brambles growing amongst the Gooseberry bushes and dead grass tangled in them.I got as far as pruning the goosebery and

  • Family visits

    - 09 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    I have had a tidy weekend.The weather has been dry but overcast so not good for long leisurely strolls. To compensate for that I have had a good weekend,the family all visited me. Yesterday morning I had a stroll to the shop and met Stephen at the end of

  • A stroll in the sunshine

    - 10 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    A glorious morning here,just the weather for a stroll over town to Iceland. As I crested the brow of the hill leading to the promenade I caught sight of the Lakeland fells in the distance,this view is looking towards Consiston. I reached the bridge and

  • more done in the garden

    - 11 Mar 2014 - 3 comments
    Another sunny day here but no walk for me.I got stuck into removing the pruned branches from the fruit bushes and fighting the dead grass that was growing in the gooseberry bushes.Gooseberry bushes are sneaky little buggers,they lash out and impale the

  • in the garden again

    - 12 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    The day dawned nice and mild and as I rose the sun was just peeping over the rooftops,a grand day ahead. After breakfast I decided to check out the front grass to see if it was dry enough to cut and if I could mow it or needed to strim first. Good news on

  • Who nicked the sun?

    - 13 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    The sunny weather of the last couple of days had been replaced by cold damp fog.It started rolling in late evening yesterday and is still hanging around. I took a stroll down the channel this morning hoping for some atmospheric shots but I was

  • The fog lifts but snow forecast

    - 14 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    The fog that has been blanketing us for 2 days is finally lifting.It is still very damp and miserable out there but I took a stroll the the shop this morning for some spuds. Coming back I came across Bimbo heading out to town with more skins on than an

  • work in the garden

    - 17 Mar 2014 - 3 comments
    A dry day with a promise of sunshine greeted me when I rose.So walk or work was the question.I decided on work because the back grass really needed tackling. A leisurely breakfast watching the birds first then a catch up on the news reader before I

  • here comes the rain again

    - 18 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    I awoke this morning with no after effects from yesterday's gardening session.I had the normal stiffness in the back which I get every morning and this was soon sorted with my stretching exercises.The decision to carry on and mow the grass after strimming

  • A visit to mother's

    - 19 Mar 2014 - 3 comments
    A dull morning but at least is was dry so I set off to visit my old mam. I was planning to go yesterday but of course the weather put paid to that idea. I decided to walk, a brisk walk on a coldish day is very invigorating I walked along the channel side

  • windy weather and thats the Irish for you

    - 20 Mar 2014 - 5 comments
    As some of you know we get very strong gusts of wind. Yesterday it only took one to spread these things around the garden,the little planter was ripped fom the ground,the tray blown out of the bird feeder the rest were neatly stacked at the top of the

  • Frost,hail, rain,wind and sun

    - 22 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    I awoke to a frosty morning with the cars and grass wearing white. By the time I had fed and watered the cats and birds the frost was lifting but the wind was bitterly cold. I decided it was no weather for a stroll so just nipped to the corner shop a

  • snow on the fells

    - 23 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    A fine sunny morning for my Sunday shop but a cold north east wind meant no hanging around. As I turned the corner to the promenade I saw how cold it was by the snow on the fells. I walked though the little haven and noticed a lot more green and the odd

  • A cold walk

    - 27 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    A cold dry morning with rain due later here so I decided on a stroll.What I thought was going to be an amble along the shore turned into a brisk walk.Going up to the beach was pleasant if a little cool but when I hit the edge it was a different story, by

  • Mothering Sunday and a treat for lunch

    - 29 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    A dull grey morning here but at least it was dry. Tomorrow is Mothering Sunday despite the more commercial Americanized version named Mother's day appearing in recent years.That is just unashamed greed,people trying to get children involved in

  • boats return to the water

    - 30 Mar 2014 - 6 comments
    A lovely spring morning for my walk into town. I spotted there were boats lining the quayside ready to be lowered into the water for the season ahead so headed that way. I took a couple of snaps while passing and climbed an embankment on the other side to

  • Back in the garden

    - 31 Mar 2014 - 6 comments
    A cloudy morning but signs of a better day ahead so I decided to give the grass it's second cut. I started on the front with the idea of doing that one this morning and the larger back garden after lunch. I duly finished the front in just under an hour

  • A few pics

    - 31 Mar 2014 - 4 comments
    I took these earlier but forgot to post them with the blog. A couple of Collared Doves arrived for breakfast,their breakfast not for my breakfast you understand More daffodils out

  • mad cats

    - 02 Apr 2014 - 4 comments
    The day dawned warm with a slight mist that soon lifted and left a pleasant morning with the promise of sun later. After a leisurely coffee,toast and honey breakfast watching the birds I checked on supplies needed and wandered to the shop. It was slow

  • shopping change and mussel picking

    - 06 Apr 2014 - 4 comments
    After a very wet day yesterday this morning was dry but the rain would soon appear.I walked over to town with Stephen as per usual nowadays. I snapped a shot of some mussels bagged up and ready to go on the beach,there were 20 bags all filled by hand with

  • memories of a sheep's head

    - 07 Apr 2014 - 6 comments
    I have a chicken casserole going at the moment and the smell of the herbs particularly the rosemary and thyme reminds me of the smell often emanating from my maternal grandparents house. That smell signaled my granddad's favourite dish was on the hob

  • A little colour and the cats pay a visit

    - 08 Apr 2014 - 3 comments
    A nice dry day for a trip to Iceland. I found some colour at last,not a lot but a sign of spring at last. I took the following snaps along the prom. The shopping was routine and I was back home in about an hour with nothing to do but wait for the

  • Zazzles rests,Sooty visits Luiz

    - 10 Apr 2014 - 3 comments
    Nothing much happening here on a sunshine and showers day so here is a little snapshot of the lives of two cats. Zazzles resting after causing mayhem around the house. Meanwhile Sooty paid a visit to Janine and Luiz wanted him to read his book while he

  • laundry and mowing on a sunny day

    - 11 Apr 2014 - 3 comments
    A lovely sunny day here,so I was up with the sparrows and stared my chores,firstly feeding the cats of course,they watched me dish their breakfast up then promptly vanished into the garden and beyond on an adventure.Next I sorted the bird feeders out and

  • Sunshine and sowing

    - 14 Apr 2014 - 3 comments
    After two bitterly cold days today feels positively tropical with temps hitting 50f that's around 10 in new money. The sun is shining from a cloudless sky so a stroll over to town for my delayed shopping trip.I had a gander round Home Bargains and was

  • damage from the last storm,horses, sheep and a field of rape

    - 15 Apr 2014 - 2 comments
    Another lovely day here so a walk along the beach to Thorny Nook was the thing to do.I didn't want to walk too far from home after yesterday's gardening session and on this route I was sure of a lift home if my back started acting the oil can. A raise of

  • A weed and a Starling

    - 16 Apr 2014 - 4 comments
    What do these two have in common? well at first glance they are not much to look at,but this is mother nature,take a closer look. This is a garden pest as we all know but in sharp focus with a little jiggery pokery with the background colours to bring out

  • photos hung and birthdays

    - 17 Apr 2014 - 6 comments
    I thought to hang the photo of the Dandelion just because I like it so wanted a companion for it.I came across this photo of a bee on a daisy I snapped in 2012 and decided that would fit the bill. So I took down the two photos of vintage tractors from

  • A busy day all round here

    - 19 Apr 2014 - 4 comments
    A busy day in the homestead today. Ellen and Colin wandered off into town for the ingredients for tomorrow's Easter dinner,which they are cooking by the way. In the meantime I cut and strimmed the front grass and then I took a lunch break before attacking

  • A treat today as my dinner is cooked for me

    - 20 Apr 2014 - 4 comments
    A sunny morning here and with no Sunday shopping trip and with my back recovering well from the grass cutting I decided to clear some of the undergrowth to let some daylight at the seedings popping up. I just finished the borders when the weather changed

  • In the garden again

    - 21 Apr 2014 - 3 comments
    Another nice sunny day here after a dull start so I was back into the garden. I cleared the three small patches I made last year but didn't turn them over but just raked the surface for some wild flower seeds.I wasn't sure if I should sow anything this

  • Bird,boat and Bluebells

    - 22 Apr 2014 - 8 comments
    No sun today a rather hazy gloomy day but warm enough.I wandered over to Iceland and arrived smack on half eight just as the doors opened. I did my shopping parted with £40 arranged delivery for 1pm and ambled back towards the bridge. I took a long shot

  • How Tun Woods

    - 25 Apr 2014 - 7 comments
    It was a warm but muggy morning and I was off to visit my old mam. I decided on a 30 minute bus ride to get to the top of the hill near her house.The reason for this was to visit How Tun woods an ancient woodland being restored to it's former state or as

249 articles in total