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Publication date  /  2014  /  November   -   14 articles

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  • 1964 was a very good year

    - 01 Nov 2014 - 3 comments
    In 1964 a young man went to his first dance,not a street wise young man of course not in those days. He entered the dance hall with his best friend,almost 2 years his elder and very street wise. On one side of the room there was a long bar occupied by

  • A walk at last

    - 02 Nov 2014 - 3 comments
    A dry day at last and even a little sun for a while.So strapping on my ankle braces and wrapping myself in my lumber support and a couple of layers of top clothes I wandered off walking for a little junk shopping. Junk shopping is when I buy the stuff

  • A stroll along the beach

    - 03 Nov 2014 - 3 comments
    A dry morning here so after I put 2 chicken ¼ with herbs,spices,carrots and onions in the slow cooker I headed off for a little stroll to the beach. The sky showed signs of a good day with patches of blue popping through. Down at the beach the wind was

  • good news at last

    - 04 Nov 2014 - 4 comments
    After the traumas of the last month or so I heard two pieces of very good news today. My grandson Carl has been working in the kitchens of a hotel here on the island. He has just come back from a course they sent him on with more qualifications. The

  • A few moments silence

    - 09 Nov 2014 - 4 comments
    I left early for my Sunday morning shop as I had 4 shops to visit today. I strolled over to Morrisons,Home Bargains and Heron before cutting through the ginnle to the Town Hall square. I arrived at 10:50 just at the right time. In the next 5 or 6 minutes

  • New flooring in the kitchen

    - 17 Nov 2014 - 3 comments
    A busy couple of days here now for a quiet night with my feet up. On Saturday Ellen gave the kitchen a good bottoming ready for vinyl flooring to be laid. I choice an oak pattern in a sponge vinyl,very spongy on the feet. I Emptied the kitchen of

  • colour wheel and achy body

    - 18 Nov 2014 - 4 comments
    After the floor laying yesterday today I awoke achy as expected but luckily my back is pretty good,just a little tightness. My upper legs were a different story,very tight and sore. I lovely hot soak in a Radox bath and a rub down with baby lotion eased

  • floor finished and new cat photos

    - 20 Nov 2014 - 3 comments
    With my legs and back fully rested it was back to the action today,not a lot just light work. I put the finishing touches to the kitchen floor and modified my fold down clothes maid by putting rubber stoppers on the metal legs to stop any scratching of

  • IT is not only the powers that be here who are crazy

    - 21 Nov 2014 - 3 comments h-banned-from-playground-for-his-dubious -sexuality-11363945226020What next all nature programmes adult only ratings?

  • Zazzles causes mayhem and a trip to mother's

    - 22 Nov 2014 - 4 comments
    Last night Zazzles caused me some more work as usual. I had a 50litre bag of compost waiting to be used when I start planting my spring bulbs. The bag was laying quietly on the floor causing no trouble when Zazzles decided he needed to see what was

  • Planting spring bulbs

    - 25 Nov 2014 - 4 comments
    A busy few days here. After Zazzles savaged the compost bag I had to get a move on with planting my Spring bulbs. I started Sunday. I have a large container 20”x14” I drilled drain holes in the bottom and placed it into position. I had to place it empty

  • Colour wheel and Muscari

    - 26 Nov 2014 - 4 comments
    Yesterday a pack of Muscari bulbs I ordered arrived to I set to and planted them,they produce bright green stalks with brilliant white flowers. Today I will get round to planting Poppy,Love in the mist,Crocus and Daffodil and that should be me finished

  • Some low life took a shot at Sooty

    - 27 Nov 2014 - 4 comments
    Yesterday Sooty came in and he was in a bad way,limping very badly and crying in pain. I phoned the vet and got an emergency appointment for 15 minutes later,a quick call for a taxi and I made it on time. I thought he had be hit by a car but the vet found

  • Shopping and Zazzles

    - 30 Nov 2014 - 4 comments
    A cold dry day for my Sunday morning trip to town but good for walking with a few layers on. Not much excitement in the purchases just the normal run of the mill items. I strolled to the bus stop and a young woman standing there gave me a double take and