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Publication date  /  2014  /  October   -   14 articles

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  • OUCH!!!!!

    - 01 Oct 2014 - 3 comments
    On Monday night as I left my chair to head for bed Sooty took in upon himself to jump from my footrest and land just where I was about to put my left foot. In an attempt to miss the little fella I switched foot wide of him,went over on my ankle and took

  • Another big improvment and news from Jenny

    - 03 Oct 2014 - 2 comments
    Thanks for all of your kind comments during my recuperation period. Yesterday morning there was another big improvement to my injured foot ( luckily I am a fast healer) I decided to take a full day of rest if possible which I did,together with sprays of

  • I'm back,sort of

    - 04 Oct 2014 - 3 comments
    Hello I am back at the computer again,it will not be for long stretches as it is uncomfortable to sit without my leg up on the rest. Ihave a zillion Emails to read and then find out what you lot have been up to. Thabks for the messages John I will get

  • Hello again

    - 06 Oct 2014 - 2 comments
    I am nearly back to normal here and walking a lot better. I spent a lot of time yesterday catching up on emails,today I will see how far I can get into shortening the back log on here which will take while. The long summer with dry days and sunshine is

  • Skype from Jenny

    - 07 Oct 2014 - 3 comments
    Jenny finally managed a rather scrambled message on Skype this morning. The sound was OK but the picture was terrible,she resembled a rather blurred very badly put together Lego model. The weather is fine there and from what I could see of the beach where

  • Progress with my foot and stuffed potatoes for dinner

    - 09 Oct 2014 - 3 comments
    I made more progress in my recovery today. For the first time since my accident I can walk down stairs normally instead of in the sideways crab like style I had to use to stop putting too much weight on my foot. Today we have had heavy and relentless

  • slow progress

    - 13 Oct 2014 - 2 comments
    I made a little trip to the corner shop this morning. I still can't get any substantial footwear on and was wearing a pair of summer canvas deck shoes,not ideal for October in these parts. The foot is still being very tardy in the recover mode but I am

  • Rain,soup and korma

    - 14 Oct 2014 - 3 comments
    Rain prevented a planned stroll into town today so I busied myself in the kitchen. I bought a large punnet of mushrooms at half price yesterday because the sell by date is today. I have made a chicken korma type dish. A warmed some curry powder in a dry

  • Aunt Peggy

    - 19 Oct 2014 - 3 comments
    I have been too busy to get on here for a couple of days,my aunt Peggy has died and things are hectic. Her daughter Pat has flown in from Australia just in time to be with Peggy at the end. Pegy was the aunt I was closest to and her offspring are/were

  • Storm brewing and cats

    - 20 Oct 2014 - 3 comments
    Hello folks,back for a little look see. Still awaiting funeral details for Peggy,her daughter Pat couldn't do much over the weekend of course. We have a storm sweeping in the tail end of Hurricane Gonzalo is heading our way and should arrive later through

  • The storm whistles through

    - 21 Oct 2014 - 4 comments
    The storm has raged since last night in the UK and is only now beginning to abate in my neck of the woods. We weren't hit the hardest with 65mph winds, Scotland and the coast of Wales suffered higher. The rain and hail have been horizontal and relentless

  • A little freedom at last

    - 25 Oct 2014 - 3 comments
    This morning was blustery and cool but at least it was dry. The first long walk since my accident was the plan and I set off to Mother's feeling good and very pleased to be free from the house again. The trip was uneventful there not being many other

  • X ray and colour wheel

    - 28 Oct 2014 - 6 comments
    It is cold rainy day here and I am back cabined up after a trip to the hospital. I had an X-ray on my back scheduled by the physio to make sure he isn't missing something nasty and maybe change my treatment depending on the outcome. I have an appointment

  • quickie

    - 31 Oct 2014 - 4 comments
    I haven't been around for a couple of days because my sister has been diagnosed with breast cancer so of course I have been visiting her,my other sister and mother,back soon. Physiotherapy is going fine on my back no major changes just better management