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Publication date  /  2014  /  September   -   19 articles

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  • little workshop finished

    - 01 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    Here are the photos of the little workshop requested by Summer. The first one is before. This is how it is now with the B&D workbench folded up,it takes seconds to open. These three show the tools on the walls This is just above my new

  • gardening and messing in workshop

    - 02 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    Ellen has gone off on her camping trip today so I have a week of preparing meals with ingredients she doesn't eat such as curries,peppers,sweetcorn,faggots, parsnips,lambs liver,black pudding and a few others. Today I am making a nice mild chicken curry

  • More garden work

    - 03 Sep 2014 - 3 comments
    After an early dinner yesterday I sat in the garden for a little while but soon became restless.The thing that was causing this? Fruit bushes. The blackcurrant bushes have long since finished for the season and it was high time they were pruned. I

  • What's yours ?

    - 05 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    By that I mean a lunch or snack that others find strange. Our family have always had a liking for tomato soup poured over sausage rolls. I usually have two medium rolls but today I had 5 party rolls left over from Christmas,very tasty.

  • the final piece

    - 05 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    The final piece of the workshop jigsaw has fallen into place. This is a clamp on vice I bought very cheaply. The normal price is £20:99,I paid £8:80 carriage paid. That is one of my best buys ever. The quality of work is better than I thought it would

  • more sawing wood

    - 05 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    Another lovely sunny day here and with my back infine fettle I decided to carry on sawing wood before either my back or the weather starts acting the oilcan. I have bow all the side boards and the 3x2 battens cut inro the right length for disposal. This

  • a trip to mothers and more work in the garden

    - 06 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    We had early morning rain which threatened a trip to see my old mother but luckily it stopped by 9 and I was off. She was in good fettle having just had her latest diabetes appointment and the outcome was good. We caught up on each others news before I

  • Back to mothers and ouch

    - 08 Sep 2014 - 3 comments
    A call from mother to say her kitchen window would not close properly sent me scurrying back this morning with a few tools. I walked along the channel-side because it is such a lovely day. I sorted the job pretty quickly,a bracket had loosened and was

  • the long road home

    - 09 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    Yesterday on the way back from mother's I decided to follow a path I had first seen a couple of years ago.It was heading in the right direction. It soon started to rise and then veer to the left towards the main road and sure enough it dumped me about

  • gardening in the sun

    - 10 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    The day dawned lovely and warm and by lunchtime we had 25c 77f in the garden. I have rested up well since my slight back problem and decided to tackle the grass. I only mowed the back meaning to leave the strimming for tomorrow and the front until Friday.

  • A nice morning stroll

    - 12 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    After a rest day yesterday today I had a choice,do I cut the grass out front or go for a walk down to the village and up Thorny ? It was no contest play wins over work every time. So I set off. I did the village to Thorny and back to the Roundhouse route

  • Now there's a surprise

    - 12 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    I was sat supping a coffee and checking on the time for he egg chasers game on TV tonight when Ellen appeared,she had got a flyer from work. She told me she had texted Stephen as he also finishes early today with the idea of joining him for his normal

  • Weekend summary

    - 14 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    Another dry day here and my back in good nick so I decided to cut the front grass With everything being so dry it was easy enough.Other than that it was a day of rest for me. I watched two games on the goggle box and Ellen made the chilli con carne she

  • A night time visitor

    - 17 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    Last night as I sat relaxing Sooty came up to me telling me a tale,I went with him towards the kitchen thinking he had eaten the food I had put out for him. Instead he jumped on the the window sill and away he went. Thinking it was another of his games I

  • A small job but a good one

    - 19 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    Yet another glorious sunny day here perfect for my morning stroll.It is many a year since we had such a long hot spell. I had a little job to do when I returned. The wooden bread bin I made about 30 years ago used to sit on here with some of my spare

  • Of boats and a hedgehog

    - 21 Sep 2014 - 3 comments
    Another fine sunny morning here for my trip over to the shops. I strolled over leaving early so as not to be rushing around. Looking towards town I spotted this boat getting ready for a Sunday jaunt,there was no wind here so he will have to make it south

  • updates of odds and ends

    - 24 Sep 2014 - 3 comments
    A quick update of life on the north west coast.The weather is still holding out apart from a couple of showery days on Monday and Tuesday. Unfortunately this slowed my grass cutting down. I cut and strimmed the front on Sunday but haven't been able to

  • The weather, the headgehog and comfort food

    - 25 Sep 2014 - 4 comments
    The weather is changing. It looks as though our long dry warm spell is at an end. Temps today are forecast to be 12c feeling more like 10 in a stiffish westerly,that's 50-53f.Scotland is getting gale force winds and there is a definite change in the air.

  • Jenny,Aldi and a spider

    - 28 Sep 2014 - 3 comments
    I talked to Jenny last night for the last time in three weeks while she is away laying in the sun. It is always strange not having her to talk to when she toddles off,we have been talking almost nightly for around 5 years now and never run out of things