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Publication date  /  2014  /  August   -   20 articles

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  • August starts with a change in the weather

    - 01 Aug 2014 - 5 comments
    I awoke to the gentle patter of summer raindrops on my window. Oh well after the recent dry spell it is needed I thought.The trouble is as the morning wore on it got heavier and by 11 was hammering down so much so that if Noah was around he would be

  • Rain Storms

    - 02 Aug 2014 - 4 comments
    We had horrendous rain storms today. They cleared up and the sun returned this afternoon but not before destroying the Gladioli. I have put it in water so maybe it will last a couple of days. Ellen was in charge of the kitchen today and she cooked a

  • more rain anda new on line shopping experience

    - 03 Aug 2014 - 6 comments
    Another stormy day here with lashing rain and strong winds made it a day for staying home.The sky is brightening a little now and the winds abating so maybe that's the bad weather done with us for today. Last night after checking the weather I decided I

  • A Tuesday stroll

    - 05 Aug 2014 - 2 comments
    The promised rain didn't appear this morning so I decided on a hike to mother's. I set off along to the Little haven not knowing which route I would take. I took a snap of a lovely red bloom on the way through before following the channel side up to level

  • Monsoon,fat balls,peas,pie,cheese and hooks

    - 06 Aug 2014 - 3 comments
    We had a mini monsoon late last night and thunder later into the early hours,The rain was so heavy Jenny could hear it over the phone. This morning the rain was still hanging around but slackened of around 9:30 so I flashed the pass and headed for town. I

  • Wall to wall sunshine and work in the garden

    - 07 Aug 2014 - 3 comments
    Today has been a glorious sunny day and despite the heavy rain over the last couple of days the ground is dry and hard. With rain expected again tomorrow I decided to get stuck into the grass cutting. I started on the front,strimming and mowing the grass

  • picture hooks and squabbling starlings

    - 08 Aug 2014 - 4 comments
    We didn't get the promised rain today,at least not yet. It was a fine morning with sunny spells so I wandered into town early for some picture hooks and a few odds and ends. I bumped into quite a few folk I know so the quick trip lasted nearly two hours.

  • Hurricane Bertha

    - 11 Aug 2014 - 4 comments
    Well the EX Hurricane Bertha is now departing my area without much damage reported. While there are damage reports from other parts of the country we seem to have got away with it.We have had an extraordinary amount of rain but the strongest winds

  • a big sort out

    - 12 Aug 2014 - 3 comments
    I am on here early today,It's 6:25 as I write and I have a busy day ahead with a lot of moving and lifting. I have two areas in my house that bug me the first is the tip of a sitting room in particular this wall, The second is the mess on what is

  • There's good news and bad

    - 12 Aug 2014 - 3 comments
    First the good re the shift around Getting thereI have almost finished shifting stuff around. I have taken the tatty computer chair away and put my comfy Queen Ann in it's place. There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly sat where it was I had to

  • The big shift part 2 nearly

    - 13 Aug 2014 - 7 comments
    I came across a problem with my plan to use the Queen Ann chair as described yesterday. For using the computer and watching TV it is perfect,the trouble is I lost my view of the high rise bird feeder. I love starting the day watching the starlings frantic

  • computer move complete and a ship runs into a wind turbine

    - 17 Aug 2014 - 4 comments
    I am sorted into my little corner surrounded by the things I use daily. I can see the TV, work on the computer and answer the phone all from my comfy chair.No more going to the other end of the room and sitting on uncomfortable chair to use the computer

  • Rainbow and roast chicken

    - 19 Aug 2014 - 4 comments
    Today it is a lot cooler than of late 13c feeling like 10 in a cold north westerly,that's around 55 and 50f. At least it is dry and the sun is showing it's face. I got a couple of snaps of a rainbow earlier just as it started to fade. I have a couple of

  • A good piece of bartering

    - 19 Aug 2014 - 4 comments
    I have done the little project I mentioned earlier. Yesterday I repaired a radiogram for a neighbour. ( the turntable drive belt had snapped and I had a couple in my collection of bits that might come in handy. In return he offered me something that he

  • Who is wearing this Zebra suit?

    - 23 Aug 2014 - 4 comments
    Why do you think Ellen is dressed up in a Zebra outfit? A fancy dress party? Because she is barmy? No neither of those. She is going camping for a week and it's a onesy to keep her warm if the nights get cold. The camp site is basic with no store for

  • An off day and Ellen wins a day out

    - 25 Aug 2014 - 4 comments
    Another rainy start here means no grass cutting for me today which is maybe as well. Yesterday I had an off day. I woke up feeling a little woozy and light headed. This continued all day. I checked blood pressure,pulse rate etc and they were all well

  • more shed shedded and a generous gesture

    - 26 Aug 2014 - 7 comments
    I awoke a lot more chipper today and ready for action again. I nice morning stroll on a dry chilly morning was followed by poached eggs on toast for breakfast while watching the birds fighting over their food. I had more sawing to do for the rubbish bin

  • mowing grass and sorting John's computer

    - 27 Aug 2014 - 4 comments
    At last another dry day which meant I could catch up on the grass cutting. I started on the front and had it cut and strimmed by 10 O'clock. After a short break I started on the back and with a break in between mowing and strimming had the whole lot done

  • A walk,an old pal and not much else

    - 28 Aug 2014 - 5 comments
    I awoke around 7 with no sign of cats on their normal morning visit when they hear me stirring. With them off on an adventure I had a nice leisurely shower without a feline audience. Once downstairs I filled the kettle and sorted the bird feeders out

  • A busy day yesterday

    - 31 Aug 2014 - 3 comments
    I was AWOL yesterday because I had a busy day . Most of you know I sorted my little workshop and tool store a while ago.I didn't move any tools from one to the other but let them find there own place by the frequency I use them. Now the tools I use most