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Publication date  /  2017  /  August   -   8 articles

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  • Ouch and double ouch

    - 01 Aug 2017 - 6 comments
    Today looked a little iffy with rain in the air early on but it quickly brightened up so time to buckle down to some work. I did some laundry and had it out on the whirly before nine and with a stiff breeze it was getting a good blow. The main job of the

  • I'm fit again

    - 10 Aug 2017 - 5 comments
    After the clattering I took in the garden on Tuesday week I am now fully recovered and ready for action. My Knee and elbow only needed a little TCP and an Elastoplast,the shoulder had bruised up and a little stiff but no big deal. However my back started

  • Keeping busy on a rainy morning and a lovely phone call

    - 11 Aug 2017 - 5 comments
    With rain forecast for today last night I collected the last remaining junk pile I have, This lot has been laying around waiting to be sorted for years so today was the day. There were papers and letters dating back 11 years,obviously the last time

  • A glorious day

    - 13 Aug 2017 - 4 comments
    I awoke to the early mornig sun shining through my window,a perfect day for my plan to change the bedding. As I was changing it I noticed the room needed a little dusting but a deeper inspection showed me it need a full bottoming. I collected my cleaning

  • Flying ant day

    - 14 Aug 2017 - 10 comments
    After a lovely afternooon yesterday turned nasty I went out late afternoon to soak up some more rays,as I sat with my crossword book a flyin ant landed on the page. I have lived here too many years not to know it would not been alone. I looked around and

  • how technology ages Fast

    - 15 Aug 2017 - 4 comments
    A project in the pipeline is to get rid of this enormous bed and replace it with a modern divan. It has two gull length draws so plenty of storage but it is just to large. this is the space left to get through not much when bed making. The piece of

  • Amongst the junk a little gem

    - 19 Aug 2017 - 4 comments
    Sorting out my built in wardrobe today to make room for my winter woolies I discovered this photo, It was taken at a charity bash in a local nightclub. It was held by the landlord and landlay of our local. Most pubs in town have a charity they

  • back in harness at last

    - 31 Aug 2017 - 3 comments
    Yesterday the sun shone and the grass had dried out,time for action. I started on the front garden hard work after a 3 week lay off because of the weather but I sprted it.After a break I turned my attention to the back,a different story here.There was no