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Publication date  /  2017  /  April   -   9 articles

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  • another false dawn?

    - 08 Apr 2017 - 4 comments
    It's 12 days since I wrote about a break in the weather,it only lasted 2 days then slumped back into cold rainy days. The rain stopped a couple of days ago and today at long last the sun reappeared,I just hope this spell lasts as I have a major make over

  • slow progress

    - 11 Apr 2017 - 4 comments
    The last few days have been hard slow progress but progress all the same. I have done 2 strims and one mower cut on the front and two strims on the top half of the large section of the rear. I still have more to strim and mow than I have already done but

  • A slight delay in jungle clearance

    - 13 Apr 2017 - 5 comments
    Yesterday the work in the garden ground to a halt because of a rainy morning. A little sun and a drying wind dried things up and I was able to start again this morning. I got the second mow on the rear top half and raked the grass up. It looks pretty

  • Rain stopped play AGAIN!!!

    - 14 Apr 2017 - 4 comments
    Rain on and off has put paid to my garden project for today and maybe a few days more. Luckily there is a full sports programme this weekend so plenty to watch

  • The battle resumes

    - 18 Apr 2017 - 4 comments
    After losing another couple of days lost to rain this morning I was out early to start on the lower right section of the garden again. After a couple of hours with a break I had the strimming done. After raking the grass another long break and a chew and

  • Good progress made

    - 20 Apr 2017 - 4 comments
    yesterday I planned to cut and strim both front and back that I had cut so far. I expected the fron to take about an hour but it took twice as long and my back started to complain so that was it for the day. today I awoke fully refreshed and pain free so

  • Nearly there

    - 22 Apr 2017 - 3 comments
    Yesterday I finished the first strim on the jungle. Hard but very rewarding work, The cats were a great help as usual.As soon as the machines stop they come out ready to spread the collected grass around again.Thanks felines. This is Sooty after his hard

  • Well that all done,for now

    - 23 Apr 2017 - 5 comments
    I have finally cracked the last part of my mini jungle,a long job bit I enjoy nothing better than working outside so it was fun. With the sun shining down I managed to get my laundry out and dried on the whirly. I took a snap of John's blossom over the

  • Just in the nick of time

    - 24 Apr 2017 - 4 comments
    I got the garden into shape at last and non too soon. Last night and this morningthe rain returned together with a cold northerly wind. Tonight we are expecting below zero degree temps. Goody goody I was going to start sorting the planters,maybe tomorrow