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Publication date  /  2020  /  March   -   5 articles

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  • The slope into old age

    - 04 Mar 2020 - 4 comments
    As from Saturday last the slope became a little steeper, On my Saturday shopping trip I ended up with A sports bag over my shoulder and a large bag for life in each hand. From Saturday until Monday I spent most of the time in pain from my dodgy back. A

  • A new beginning on the shopping front

    - 07 Mar 2020 - 4 comments
    Today was the first run with the shopping trolley and it was a resounding success. In B&M and Herons I just parked the trolley behind the tills while I shopped and it was a simple job to load up,much quicker and easier than bags. I bought a sturdy

  • Fresh air and lockdown

    - 24 Mar 2020 - 7 comments
    Today I got out into the front garden to start clearing the mess the winter left behind. I managed to get the front garden sorted or at least started. This morning I mowed and strimmed the larger section and this afternoon finished by strimming vthe

  • More work in the garden

    - 25 Mar 2020 - 4 comments
    Today was a glorious sunny day,perfect for more gardening This morning I raked all the grass up in the front garden and did some more tidying in the borders. This afternoon with a warm sun on my back I strimmed the smaller sectioh of the back garden and

  • Garden work slowing down

    - 28 Mar 2020 - 4 comments
    After my last stint my back demanded a day off so it was Yesterday before I started again. I managed to strim the larger part of the remaing section but yet again this morning my back refused to work. Hopefully I will finish tomorow than I can start on