Today I got out into the front garden to start clearing the mess the winter left behind.
I managed to get the front garden sorted or at least started.
This morning I mowed and strimmed the larger section and this afternoon finished by strimming vthe smaller section and clearing and weeding the flower beds.
Tomorrow I will be out again raking all the grass up and maybe even getting a start on the much l;arger back garden.This will depend how my back holds up.
I did get a couple of long distance chats with three neighbours who were also pottering.

On the llockdown side of things Ihave been read the riot act about my shopping trips by the family and Ellen has appointed herself my shopper.
She is out in the wider world of course so she will leave my shop[ping on the doorstep and collect an envelope with cash in it from the post box.
We had a good long chat on the phone this afternoon and she filled me in with news from the family and friends
.Stay safe people