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Publication date  /  2020  /  August   -   7 articles

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  • bad days

    - 05 Aug 2020 - 3 comments
    THe last few days have not been fun.the weather has been shocking,yesterday was the the climax with gale force winds and nonstop torrential rainbut tnat wasn't the worse of my woes,A routine up date from Windows led to mahem. suddemly my compuyer had

  • The sun shines,sort of

    - 07 Aug 2020 - 3 comments
    The country is bathed in sunshine it seems,not quite here though I awoke to find a threatened rain shower had swept through delaying my grass cutting. By 11am the sun had dried at up. I donned my back support and started on the front a few days later

  • Another fine gardening day

    - 08 Aug 2020 - 3 comments
    A lovely day again after an early morning mist left The first job was to strim the front. I didn't start until after 10 because nit everybidy are early risers and wth window open the last thing they want to hear is a strimmer whirling away. I finished

  • The marathon gardening finished

    - 09 Aug 2020 - 5 comments
    Today,the third in tjhe garden was one last push to finish. I had the back left had side to finish and it was going to be tough.When Ellen ad Mal were sorting the garden tjhe never got that far with tjhe machne breaing down I sallied fortrh this morning

  • Wow!!!!

    - 11 Aug 2020 - 4 comments
    Talking to Jenny last night she told me about the thunder storm they had I knew we had storms due heading from they south. We had a little skirting the Irish sea but it didn't come to much. I thought we had odged the bullet. This all changrd at around

  • Why Brits talk about the weather

    - 21 Aug 2020 - 7 comments
    Since the last dry spell when I got ln top of the garden things jhave got weird. We hd a few days of sunshine and showers before we had a big change Out of the blue we had 3 days with temps around 30c and very high humidity. It was too much for some folk

  • Freedom again

    - 24 Aug 2020 - 4 comments
    On Friday after talking to Jenny I sat in quiet reflection,supping a beer and wondering where summer has gone in this xovid dominated year. Summer is coming to an end I have done little but keep up with the garden. Walks have been short and few and far