A lovely day again after an early morning mist left
The first job was to strim the front. I didn't start until after 10 because nit everybidy are early risers and wth window open the last thing they want to hear is a strimmer whirling away. I finished that very easliy and checked on the back. The left hand side which I wanted to do was stll much too wet so I switched to the right.
Ellen an Mal appeard with my shooping then.So a coffeee and a chat Imeant didn't start until after lunch
The sun had won the battle against some rogue clouds by then and temps were rising.
I applied a liberal coat of sun cream and sallied forth.
I mowed the right hand grass and the weather had gone fron warm to hot.I grabbed a cold beer and took a break.
The last job of the day was striiming around the outslde edges and I called it a day.
The bottom left of that side is where 3 shrubs live and it is a strimming job.
That's for tomorrow if my back agrees
Tools cleaned and stowed I went for a cool shower and a change of clothes.
The rest of the day is for relaxing