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Publication date  /  2019  /  September   -   4 articles

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  • Sunshine and sadness

    - 09 Sep 2019 - 4 comments
    On Saturday after a couple of days of dry weather the idea after shopping was to get back to grass cutting,all I seem to do is cut grass then the rain comes,then it goes again and it's back to mowing. The front grass was dry enough for cutting so the plan

  • and so it begins

    - 11 Sep 2019 - 4 comments
    Last week I got a flyer in the post urging me to get ready for Christmas early,since then the TV adverts have joined in and just for good measure Sony now have a channel named. Sony Movies Christmas,yep Christmas films non stop, I have hiddem that

  • That was fun

    - 19 Sep 2019 - 4 comments
    After a few days much needed dry weather yesterday I set about catching up in the garden again,that's all I seem to be doing this year. I mowed and strimmed the front without any complains from my back The grass out the back was still a little damp so I

  • A Happy birthday to a wonderful daughter

    - 22 Sep 2019 - 5 comments
    My dauhter Ellen hits 50 today,it only seems like last week I hit 50 .It is true the clocks go faster as we age.She has spent the last 2 weeks in Crete with her friend Pam and managed to get through without getting arrested or deported. I bet the locals