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Publication date  /  2020  /  May   -   7 articles

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  • A walk on the wildside and a few flowers in the garden

    - 03 May 2020 - 5 comments
    The sun is back and this morning I was off down to the park hoping the daffs were out.Alas I was about a week early by the look of the plants. The tulips were in bloom vbut they were brought here from the parks glasshouses. The lawns have alson been

  • Cats In the sun

    - 04 May 2020 - 3 comments
    My cats taking the evening sun after spending a hard day watching me work. I only have one section to mow tomorrpw and it's all done. This morning I mowed and strimmed the front and after luch outside again I mowed and strimmed all but one section of the

  • Early morning stroll in the sunshine

    - 09 May 2020 - 4 comments
    I took an early morning stroll to the beach on a clorious morning which was followed by a lovely warm day with temps in the low 20s tomorrow temps in single figures and hight winds expected.Ah well it was good while it lasted Photos here

  • So this is lockdown

    - 10 May 2020 - 3 comments
    We have had soe wonderful weather of late and I have been able to get out on my early morning walks and have lunch in the garden.I am on top of the gardening and chat daily to my neighbours Today all that has changed.,from temps of 22c yesterday we are

  • Today has been a good day

    - 15 May 2020 - 5 comments
    After the recent poor weather today dawned sunny with temps up to 25c at 7 am. With this looking a to be a good day I set out on my first longish walk of the year at 7:45. I went to the beach and turned south towards Thorney Nook and on to the village. It

  • Our Yo Yo weather

    - 22 May 2020 - 3 comments
    After a wonderful Friday, Saturday wasn't too bad but Sunday,Monday and Tuesday I was cabined up again. Wednesday and Thursday it was knees out again and a lovely time in the garden pottering and mowing. This morning I awoke to winds gusting to 60mph,.at

  • The sun Gods are pleased

    - 25 May 2020 - 4 comments
    A glorious morning.a big change there. The original plan was an early morning walk but with a 50% chance of rain overnight that changed. I am well on top of the back garden but a few days behind on the front so the garden it was. I got suitable attired of