Articles by Mickey fez


  • The sun shines,sort of

    - 07 Aug 2020 - 3 comments
    The country is bathed in sunshine it seems,not quite here though I awoke to find a threatened rain shower had swept through delaying my grass cutting. By 11am the sun had dried at up. I donned my back support and started on the front a few days later than I had hoped which made it hard work instead of a stroll. I finished mowing both side before my back called end of play. As my back has been a little fragile of late I heeeded the call and left the strimming. All being well I will finish…

  • bad days

    - 05 Aug 2020 - 3 comments
    THe last few days have not been fun.the weather has been shocking,yesterday was the the climax with gale force winds and nonstop torrential rainbut tnat wasn't the worse of my woes,A routine up date from Windows led to mahem. suddemly my compuyer had reset to an earkier date. That meant in was off to the computer hospital for a good kickinI am nearly sorted ,I think. So today I am sorting passwords out and catching up on stacks of Email The wind has abated but the ran still hammers down Neve…

  • 2 Important days

    - 30 Jul 2020 - 4 comments
    Today in 1966 I married the girl of my dreams,a felle could'nt have asked for better.She was still my bride when she died in 2000 much to short a life and I ache for her still. Tommorow would have been my dad's birthday.he was a famiily man and id missed sorely.He died just 10 months afer my beloved Margaret Sleep well you two beautiful people

  • After theLord Mayors show

    - 22 Jul 2020 - 3 comments
    Yesterday the sun made ahother attempt at a long run but it didn't work. Today the weather is cold (16c) and raining. This is not good. We had two orthree dry but dull days leading up to yesterdaycwhich dried the grass up ready for another battle. I wasn't involved after tweaking my back and spending most of th time on my back vibrating chair. My wonderful daughter Ellen came rounnd with Mal in tow. Mal started off by filling a crack on an upstairs windowsill. Then the both set about…

  • At last the sun returns

    - 10 Jul 2020 - 4 comments
    After the gloros day of vsunshine in late June my weather has mirrored Fran's and I have been mostly cabined up. Last night as I took a final looke outside when locking up (at around11pm I guess) I spotted a break in the clouds to the north.It almost looked like daylightl It was a good omen with no rain and this late afternoon the sun finally won the long battle and now we have blue skies Here is the photo

  • Gales and rain since the lovely day

    - 02 Jul 2020 - 3 comments
    We are going through yet another spell of lousy weather. It reached it's peak two days ago with 70mph and winds and more rain than we needed. Just up the coast there was a 24 hour spell in which 8inch of rain ha,mered down and we must have been very near that

  • A scorcher here

    - 25 Jun 2020 - 3 comments
    Today had been uncomfortably hot and humid with temps reaching 32c with no breeze, Indoors it reached 27.5 c with every door and window open. Approaching 8 pm here and inside it's still 26c

  • A wonderful surprise

    - 14 Jun 2020 - 7 comments
    My son Stephen has formed a bubble group with Gemma and Arron. This meant he could have Mia for a couple of days to give them a break. This afternoon I heard a little voice saying "Hiya greatgranddad" It was Mia of course. Stephen brought her round to see me she played in the garden while Stephen and me caught up Although I was itching to give Mia a big hug we still have to keep social distances of course, But that aside it was good to here her giggly laughter and to answer her endless que…

  • Well it was fun while it lasted

    - 03 Jun 2020 - 6 comments
    The last week or so have been wonderful weather wise with walk to wall sunshine and temps in the mid 20s C I have been having breakfast in the front garden then following the sun round and lunching in the back' I am well on top of the gardening and having long chats with my neighbours all very nice, Yesterday we were warned things wwre changing and sure enough we had rain overnight and showers today. Temps have dropped by 10c and sadly I can't thrill the neighbours with a demomstration of my…

  • The sun Gods are pleased

    - 25 May 2020 - 4 comments
    A glorious morning.a big change there. The original plan was an early morning walk but with a 50% chance of rain overnight that changed. I am well on top of the back garden but a few days behind on the front so the garden it was. I got suitable attired of course and must have looked like a fashion icon. A red sports shirt and Khaki shorts was topped by a straw sun hat and goggles of course to prevent accidents.Footwear was a very sylish pair of hiking boots. I think there is a strong chance…

  • Our Yo Yo weather

    - 22 May 2020 - 3 comments
    After a wonderful Friday, Saturday wasn't too bad but Sunday,Monday and Tuesday I was cabined up again. Wednesday and Thursday it was knees out again and a lovely time in the garden pottering and mowing. This morning I awoke to winds gusting to 60mph,.at the moment they are down to 50 and will possibly dip into the high 40s later. This spell is set to remain until Sunday lunch time at least. So once again I am cabined up with two cats who hates this weather as much as I do. Roll on summer,…

  • Today has been a good day

    - 15 May 2020 - 5 comments
    After the recent poor weather today dawned sunny with temps up to 25c at 7 am. With this looking a to be a good day I set out on my first longish walk of the year at 7:45. I went to the beach and turned south towards Thorney Nook and on to the village. It was a lovely walk of 3.4 miles and was ready for my bacon and eggs on my return. I took a few snaps along they way. Here are my two favourites The rest are here Ellen came t…

  • So this is lockdown

    - 10 May 2020 - 3 comments
    We have had soe wonderful weather of late and I have been able to get out on my early morning walks and have lunch in the garden.I am on top of the gardening and chat daily to my neighbours Today all that has changed.,from temps of 22c yesterday we are down to 9c feeling like 4c in a 30mph northerly wind with blustery showers. I am locked up with two fed up cats who keep annoying each other,they are also missing the good weather. Day 1 of my new lock down I have done a change round of my…

  • Early morning stroll in the sunshine

    - 09 May 2020 - 4 comments
    I took an early morning stroll to the beach on a clorious morning which was followed by a lovely warm day with temps in the low 20s tomorrow temps in single figures and hight winds expected.Ah well it was good while it lasted Photos here

  • Cats In the sun

    - 04 May 2020 - 3 comments
    My cats taking the evening sun after spending a hard day watching me work. I only have one section to mow tomorrpw and it's all done. This morning I mowed and strimmed the front and after luch outside again I mowed and strimmed all but one section of the back. Half hour tomorrow and it is done.

  • A walk on the wildside and a few flowers in the garden

    - 03 May 2020 - 5 comments
    The sun is back and this morning I was off down to the park hoping the daffs were out.Alas I was about a week early by the look of the plants. The tulips were in bloom vbut they were brought here from the parks glasshouses. The lawns have alson been trimmed. All very nice but not why I calme here it is because the park leads to the little wild valley,my sort of scenery I had a nice stroll met 4or5 folk on the way and passed the time of day keeping the required distance between us of course…

  • Somebody stole the sun and left rain

    - 29 Apr 2020 - 4 comments
    After a nice dry spell allowed me to catch up on the garden and get in a couple of walks yesterday was all change with slate grey skies and showers with temps dropping from20-22c to 12-13c a real bummer. We were forecast a bright start today before the wind srtrengthened and the rain returned but when I arose the rain was already here and has been on and off all day with temps droppping another degree or two The forecast for the rest of the week is no better but it is no good blaming Mother Na…

  • Early morning stroll

    - 24 Apr 2020 - 4 comments
    A glorious morning for a stroll so I headed out and to more piccs of the woods and grasslands before heading for the beach.. There was a few folk out dog walking but plenty of room for all. more here

1525 articles in total