Articles by Mickey fez


  • How did that happen?

    - 21 Mar 2021 - 5 comments
    During the lockdowns I have been wearing my casual jogging trousers but today with the sun shining and things warming up I decided on my belted casuals, There upon I got a shock,they didn't fit. This meant one of two things,the trousers have shrunk or my waist has expanded. The latter was the case of course I have gone from a trim 36" to a podgy 38" This is the first time in many years I have expanded and I don't like it. I had no choice but to order a couple of pairs of 38" on line,an unex…

  • St Patricks day and the cats

    - 18 Mar 2021 - 3 comments
    So what is the connection? Well is was on this day 8 year ago my daughter Ellen came back home bringing with her two bundles of fun. They were young cats she found cold and very wet in a nearby street. They made themselves at home here of course I have become their servant.

  • Jenny is home again

    - 09 Mar 2021 - 3 comments
    She is going to ring me tomorrow

  • Jenny

    - 03 Mar 2021 - 4 comments
    Jenny just sent a quick message,she is back in hospital,more news as I get it

  • Another nice day for a walk

    - 02 Mar 2021 - 3 comments
    Salt water marsh Today was the 3rd day running I was out for a walk. Having no luck with spring flowers I returned to the fields ;looking for livestock. I took a few snaps along the way. There was very little in animal activity but a did see some of my favourite animals,yhe magnificent horses. more photos in album When I turned into Thorney I hit the flooded road the lower firlds were also under water so no more animals In the 3 walks I walked just over 12 miles,not…

  • we had sunshine

    - 22 Feb 2021 - 5 comments
    Perfect for an early walk t the Co-op and grab some bargains. I eat any meat so grab what is on offer today it was Beef and Gammon Setting rne Gammon aside for dinner tonight I froze the rest After kunch I decided on a stro;; in the sunshine to the beach,after a while I was sorry I didn't change my heavy winter coat for a lighter one. the temps hit a giddy 12c There were plenty of dog walkers aound andd parents wi h there little ones The sun was right in my eyes taking phtos was nigh on impos…

  • A better day today

    - 17 Feb 2021 - 4 comments
    With a little sunshine and not to much wind today it was ideal for a stroll so I set off just after lunch heading for the wild patch hoping to find the gorse was in flower at last but no such luck,nothing else was showing any colour. Still I enjjoyed getting off the pavements and onto grassland. I wandered up to the beach and as I crested the rise was hit by a cold westerly. It wasn't too strog maybe 20 to 25mph but it was plenty cold enough. quickening my pace I walked to the golf course then…

  • Today has been a special day

    - 12 Feb 2021 - 3 comments
    In fact it turned out to be very special. My Greatgranddaughter Mia has conquered Video calls.I find that amazing for a 5 year old. She told Gemma she wanted to video call her Greatgranddad so it was arranged for today went Ellen was here with her tablet Gemma and Mia appeared on screen it was wonderful to see them both after all this time. Mia said she had something to tell me so I said OK and she annouced with a great deal of excitement that she was going to be "A big sister" I said "Wow…

  • A stroll in the sunshine

    - 10 Feb 2021 - 3 comments
    Today as for the last few days the sun has been shining,the difference today was the bitter easterly wind vanished. I set off around 2pm strolled to the prom, through the park and on to the little wilderness. Everything is still brown and dead down there but I still enjoyed listening to the birds twittering away. The only drawback about going down a valley is the climb to get out again,with my lack of walking that took a little while but I got there. Turning homeward I took a route that passe…

  • Jenny is home

    - 07 Feb 2021 - 3 comments
    I Have Chatted t Jenny she issettled in now and no doubt will be posting again very soon i

  • I Just had a quick chat with Jenny

    - 03 Feb 2021 - 3 comments
    She has had the camera down the throat today so is awaiing the outcome. They have been trying to get rid of excess liquid and have got ride of 8.5 kilos!!! No wonder she was ill. she is looking really good and said she feels better than for a long time

  • Latest from Jenny

    - 03 Feb 2021 - 2 comments
    Jenny is having her photograph taken today,2 photos in fact in invasive places,poor girl hopefully this is the final treatment

  • A rare winter visitor

    - 02 Feb 2021 - 3 comments
    This morning we had a rare visit from the snow Gods,they left a sprinkling of wet snow but it didn't surve lomg unlike Gracie who has had a real dollop No news from Jenny yet today

  • message from Jenny and a surprise

    - 31 Jan 2021 - 4 comments
    They have drained more fluid from Jenny now hopefully it will be the long awaited CT scan in if the results are OK off home at last She sends you all her love I just ad a lovely surprise Jenny rang me on Skype we we only on for a few minutes but it was lovely to see her. She is looking much better than when she went in and is very chipper. The doctors are very pleased with her and the nurses have been absolute angels won't be long now 'til she is home

  • Jenny and a brisk walk

    - 30 Jan 2021 - 5 comments
    Jenny is still in dock and has people pking and prodding her,hopefully it won't be lomg now On the home front the weather has me cabined up yet again but on Wednesday I made a break for freedome and managed just under 3 miles before the weather drove me back home. I had bad news today. A letter from the daughter of an pold firend and walking companion who fallen to the virus A sad day for me we had been friends for over 50 years. R.I.P old chum

  • Report from Jenny

    - 26 Jan 2021 - 6 comments
    Yesterday Jenny had an Electro cardiogram and tomorrow is a CT scan after that at rhe moment she is not sure,home she hopes

  • Another set back for Jenny

    - 25 Jan 2021 - 4 comments
    Jenny is being kept in fora few more days until they can get rid of excess fluid

1525 articles in total