Mickey fez's most read articles

  • Wavy things

    - 670 visits
    Here are a few wavy things for the photo spot the Irish sea is wavy this cat's toy is wavy. wavy women,Jenny and Miggles when I visited Devon wavy screen saver poorly cat to sort out back later.

  • Stand off, bees, buddleia and goose gogs

    - 662 visits
    After my mornings work on the bird bath this afternoon I turned to the garden again but before I bore you with that here is the regular morning stand off between Sooty and Peggy. Sooty's exit route is halfway along Allan's wall and down through his garden, while Peggy's morning parking space is on the corner. She has worked out that is the place where I am most likely to spot her if I look out. So every morning Sooty crouches low and goes to the middle of the wall before jumping into Allan's and…

  • A double decker bus from the 80s

    - 448 visits
    As I wandered over the bridge this morning for a little shopping I spotted a double decker bus heading my way. They are not in regular use nowadays but are used on occasion for special events. This is a Leyland built in 1982 and once a regular on the town and inter town routes. We still have some old buses from the 1940s in working order which are trotted out now and again. One of these was seen in the Victoria Wood T.V. play Housewife 49. I diary of a woman in Barrow in the war,telling the…

  • The fat lady is getting ready to sing

    - 400 visits
    The Olympic games are about over ,the closing ceremony is about to start. GB & Northern Ireland did us proud third in the medals table behind the giants of the USA and China All this from a nation smaller than Texas. Well done to the athletes and the organisers,games officials,games helpers,security and safety workers,armed forces and police you all did so well I am proud to be your countryman

  • What can you do on a rainy day?

    - 390 visits
    Another day cabined up,the cloud cover stretches as far as the eye can see so I need something to pass the day along. I have no small chores apart from loading the washing machine and no inclination to start any projects although there are one or two that need kick-starting.I can sit and read but my attention wanders after an hour or so,the same with the goggle box. Saturday is a big sports day of course so I could pig out and watch it all day. Cooking could be an option but I already have stuff…

  • Card trouble, nice young lady,cushion covers and soldering iron

    - 389 visits
    A interesting morning here. After checking my freezers I decided they needed a top up so I wandered off to Iceland. There the drama started the machine refused my card. Bugger, I paid cash,luckily I had enough on me, told them the delivery time slot I wanted and toddled along to the bank. A nice young lady sorted it out after I answered the usual security questions. It appears the machine at Iceland still had a block on my card from the other week when I cocked my pin number up. It worked fi…

  • Attacked by a birdbath on a scorcher of a day

    - 361 visits
    We have a scorcher here again so after a chat with Aus on here and closing my Multiply page I decided it was the perfect day for a long walk. So I filled two drinks bottles stowed my camera donned shorts and a tee shirt and was ready for the off. As I closed the door to the garden I noticed the small stone birdbath needed cleaning and filling. Water-can can filled and stiff brush in hand a set about giving it a lick and a promise then it happened. The b…

  • Do you still use a cheque book?

    - 317 visits
    Do you still use a cheque book?that's check to you lot over the pond by the way.I just wondered how many do nowadays,a neighbour I met earlier said she was going to post a cheque for something. That got me thinking about the last cheque I wrote or indeed where my cheque book is. I wandered off to find it and discovered the last cheque was my quarterly electricity bill written in October 2008 for the princely sum of £27:41,the bill for the same period last year was £84:30. This year is eve…

  • Things ain't what they seem to be.

    - 296 visits
    I like to buy British whenever possible here are a couple of examples of things that are not what they seem.I must remember to take my specs shopping with me. The first is a tin of Scottish shortbread,a traditional cover of tartan,a Coat of Arms and the name Montgomery's of St Andrews. OK a product produced just over the border so not far to travel. However if you read the reverse of the label there are the words Product of Indonesia. The second example…

  • A broken food processor and I got wet again but shopping done

    - 294 visits
    The day dawned wet but dry weather arrived so I wandered off to town. Pipe fodder was my first buy,next a trip to B&M for some fat balls,nuts and seed for the birds. Then I strolled the one mile to Iceland for my food shopping today's treat was a special offer on Battenberg cakes and Cherry Bakewells from that nice Mr Kipling,2 for £2 instead of £3. I booked the delivery in for this afternoon and left intending to stroll home via the channel side. Alas the rain returned with a vengeance leavi…

  • I'm fair nithered and Sambuca needed

    - 290 visits
    Today has been sunny but very cold so I layered up and wandered off heading nowhere in particular. I strolled awhile then called at the booze shop for some grog,a must when watching the egg chasers and footie over the weekend. Stacy was on duty and after we both decided the weather was a tad cool she informed me of her Saturday night out. Not for her a trip round town sampling the delights of the local drunks fighting and puking, oh no not our Stacy. She and a group of friends are toddling off t…

  • Here comes the rain

    - 285 visits
    After yesterday's exertions I had decided today would be a rest day,no walks,no gardening just relaxing and thinking up a recipe for making a one dish wonder for dinner which I find very relaxing as I do with all cooking. Well all this is going to happen if I like it or nor. I awoke to wet streets and equally wet cats,they had obviously enjoyed a romp in the rain although it had stopped when I came down at 6:45. Fed and watered the cats shot off again and I fed the birds and had breakfast wat…

  • A trip to the cinema

    - 282 visits
    I haven't been to the cinema in so many years I can't even remember the film. When I was courting Margaret we used to go regularly as most couples did back then. A new Elvis film was a must to see,all Margaret's idea her being a big fan. I remember going to a couple of the early James Bond outings and we took the kids a few times of course I remember taking Ellen to see Bed-knobs and Broomsticks. I remember the weekly family treat was a trip to the Walney Cinema when I was a child. There were…

  • What does the Internet do for silver surfers?

    - 278 visits
    I think the Internet has a lot to give the silver surfer and Vice versa. Apart from making it easy to keep in touch with distant family and friends we can discover new worlds out there with the help of our global contact list of friends. Some join groups of people with shared interests,some show us their homeland through stunning photos and well written blogs. We get close to some and become firm friends sharing our daily trails and triumphs. These are things that will keep our brains active whi…

  • Walking in the rain and a treat for lunch brings back memories

    - 276 visits
    The rain came as I wandered off for a stroll this morning. This meant I had to cut through the allotments and head homeward. Then it happened,the aroma from heaven drifted to meet me. The local chippy had their smell magnet on full throttle. I was powerless to resist and ended up with fish and chips for lunch and it drove the rainy day blues away. Memories of childhood visits to the chippy flitted through my feeble brain. Back then the means of wrapping the delights of fish and chips was a li…

  • A lot of water under the bridge

    - 275 visits
    I had a wander over the bridge this morning did a little shopping and took a few photos. The tide was almost full. Today it's a 9.5 metre tide but in a few hours it will be down to a trickle of water in the centre only.9 of a metre deep,a big drop. I have included a photo of low tide to give you some idea. click photos for full size. Time for lunch

  • The snow has moved on and cats causing mayhem

    - 275 visits
    The snow has gone for now at least. We only had a smattering here while 20 miles away on the A595 there were 14ft snow drifts and 70 motorists had to be rescued from a sudden blizzard and sheltered in a school hall overnight The cats have settled in just fine despite Ellen being away since early Friday morning on a pre arranged weekend trip to a friends. The moggies are no longer in and out constantly, checking they haven't been left I guess. At the moment they are both curled up asleep…

  • A real cat burglar

    - 274 visits
    A real cat burglar click link for a giggle www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-19660494

  • My Hero is a Heroine

    - 271 visits
    I heard somebody called a sporting hero today,what a load of rubbish. The word had been trivialised as have some many of our words down the years. I have a hero she isin fact a heroine my late wife Margaret she was my hero in life and is still so in death. I was supposed to be strong for her when we found out she was dying but in fact she was the strong one as she had been through all our time together. I don't put this song up with sadness those times are gone but to celebrate Margaret's life…

  • The first full day with my new lodgers ahead and all is quiet,that won't last

    - 270 visits
    Happy St Patrick's day to all. The first full day of the full house starts,well it started at 6:30am when Sooty decided he wanted somebody to talk to so he pawed me awake and told me some tale,maybe the cats had decided between them that they would allow me to stay who know? which was very kind of them. They both followed me downstairs had some breakfast and a look at the birds through the window then went back upstairs to be with Ellen no doubt. All is quiet for now but that won't last wh…

1525 articles in total