Mickey fez's most appreciated articles

  • She's a good lass

    - 5 favorites
    My daughter Ellen that is. I mentioned a few days ago that I would have to shampoo the carpet in here. She told me not to as it does hurt my back with the furniture shifting etc. She came over at 9am this morning to do it while I visited mother, I returned after about 3 hours to find she had not only done the carpet but mopped the kitchen floor and wiped all the worktops and appliances down. So after a nice visit with mother and a good chat with Ellen when I got home I had a nice clean home…

  • A stroll in the sunshine

    - 4 favorites
    Today is day 4 of our mini heatwave,temps up to 80f by midday again but I feel the change coming,the air is not as fresh but more muggy and we have rain forecast for the early hours.Oh well it was good while it lasted if it does go. I needed some cow juice this morning and it being a lovely morning I detoured to the grass lands and beach on the way. Not a big trip only a couple of miles or so but I was in the sort of terrain I love,nothing messed about by man here except for the path running al…

  • A Sunny Sunday stroll

    - 4 favorites
    Iset off for a nice stroll along the prom to the park and came across this So had to climb back up the hill and start again From there It was through the park to the wild area then home Not quite 3 miles but enough as I cut the front grass on my return Lots of lovely scents wafting on a gentle breeze

  • Working in the sunshine

    - 4 favorites
    Today I awoke to a thick sea mist,with the weather we were forecast that was a good omen and so it proved. I was out cutting and strimming the front grass by 9:20 and finished at 9:55 a nice easy job with the grass just really needing a tidy. After a break I took a look at the back,the planters were on the right hand side so the idea was to cut the left and move the planters over,reversing the process next time. This worked very well and I had everything done,tools cleaned and put away and pa…

  • Happy Birthday Jenny

    - 4 favorites
    Today I wish a very Happy Birthday to my dear friend Jenny,the best pal a fella could have

  • Well that all done,for now

    - 4 favorites
    I have finally cracked the last part of my mini jungle,a long job bit I enjoy nothing better than working outside so it was fun. With the sun shining down I managed to get my laundry out and dried on the whirly. I took a snap of John's blossom over the fence it's looking good

  • A better birthday could not be had

    - 4 favorites
    Firstly thank you for you kind greetings,I have asked Ellen to write on my facebook page to the messages I have there as I don't have enough hours in my day to answer all the people the who pop up if I go on. This morning started wonderfully,it was very warm by 8am sp I took a slow stroll to town for my shopping. By the time I returned it was really warm so it was T shirt,shorts and sandals and into the garden. Ellen was the first visitor as usual and she brought me a presentation box of stro…

  • A sad time for all

    - 4 favorites
    I have taken a couple of days off blogging,my way of showing solidarity with the victims of the lastest evil bomb attack The country is on critical terrorist alert and expecting more attempts at mindless violence

  • Jenny latest

    - 3 favorites
    I just had a message,Jenny is doing well and hopes to be home later today

  • The sun returns

    - 3 favorites
    A wonderful day here with my meals taken outside. When I sit in the garden it is not long before I find something to do and so it was today' I cleared more rubbish from the side of the house and weeded the planters before picking gooseberries for my neighbour Allan.He has enough there for a couple of pies. I had the third visit of the day from a blackbirId not long after and he headed straight for the gooseberry bush.I had knocked some off as I was picking them and he quickly devoured a coupl…

  • Oh dear that wasn't the plan

    - 3 favorites
    I awoke this morning bright as a button as always but that changed as soon as my feet hit the floor when I felt an all too famiiar ache in my lower spine. The feel good factor of yesterday when I was pain frree had gone and I prepared myself for a day of rehab. As if the day wasn't gloomy enough upon opening the curtains I was conronted by a wall of heavy wet sea mist So after my loosening and stretching routine I grabbed a coffee and had an hour long heat and massage session, That improved…

  • A sunny day for work in the garden

    - 3 favorites
    After an iffy start to the day the afternoon brought sunshine.I sat in the garden for a while before getting restless as always so I decided to do a bit of clearing. Slowly but surely I am getting the patch at the side of the house cleared and today I managed to reach the wall at the front of the house. There is still a lot of rubbish to clear but today I made big inroads getting the large garden waste wheelie half full before my back called full time. Having learned harsh lessons over the ye…

  • A Happy birthday to a wonderful daughter

    - 3 favorites
    My dauhter Ellen hits 50 today,it only seems like last week I hit 50 .It is true the clocks go faster as we age.She has spent the last 2 weeks in Crete with her friend Pam and managed to get through without getting arrested or deported. I bet the locals are breathing a sigh of relief to see them leave,She send me an EMail while she was there,all it read was I did it! I knew at once she had overcome her fear of heights by paragliding while being towed behind a boat She sent me a very short…

  • What's in your cubby?

    - 3 favorites
    Almost everybody I know has a little corner where there are things stowed away to be sorted at a later date. My cubby is under the stairs where I had stashed these boxes of all thing electrial. There are cables for internet,usb.ttelaphone and kettle leads.There are plugs and adaptors for items long gone, speskers and headphones and a mouse or two. I picked out a few keepers and stowed the rest in clearly labled containers, put a notice in the window telling folk to help themselves of anyt…

  • Two good days until now

    - 3 favorites
    Yesterday I took an early morning stroll up the beach before breakfast. It was a lovely morning and the day stayed that way. I spent all day in the garden and it was a wonderful way to waste time. Today started out the same way, a lovely sunny morning for my trip to Aldi and the new larger store nearer to home.This trip is about 1 mile each way which knocks 1 mile off the 3 mile round trip from the old store and well within my range. I enjoyed my trip,the store is very large with plenty of r…

  • The Good weather continues

    - 3 favorites
    Yesterday was a visit to my old Ma's she is in fine fettle and delighted to have the gingerbread Ellen baked for her. After a restful day yesterday today has been a busy one. This morning the front garden got the full treatment.mowing,strimming and flower bed weeded and cleared of pesky grass weaving it's way round the roses. After lunch I strimmed all of the back garden and attacked a Blackcurrant bush which hasn't bore fruit for 4 years, I hacked it down to ground level ready to dig up. I…

  • The clouds return AGAIN

    - 3 favorites
    After a super day yesterday today we have a blanket of cloud overhead and of course it's a lot cooler. Undetered I set about grass cutting duties,if you saw my bird photos yesterday you would see it really needed doing. I started on the front at 9:30 and by 10:45 all was done front and back. Last night I finished talking to Jenny on Skype and it was such a warm night I decided to sit in the garden and finish my nightly beer. Withh the cats keeping me company I enjoyed it so much I cracked…

  • I am back at last

    - 3 favorites
    After a long lay off I am back. As some of you know my dear old mother died on the 19th December and with the covid restrictions we couldn't get the burial until yesterday. It was a long painful wait but at last althought it was a srange service with numbers limited and a lot more limits to put up with we gave her a good send off. Now it's time to cherish the good times and love she gave us and move on as best we can

  • Two days of good weather and lots done outside

    - 3 favorites
    Yesterday I teaned up with my neighbour Allan to clear some stuff from both gardens. We did well and made two trips to the recycling centre callong for beer after the second one and sat in my garden enjoying the glorious afternoon sunshine when a voice from behind us interupted whatever garbage we were talking about.It was Allans wife Sue who had crept up on us,ok by me she didn't like my beer thankfully, Today has been another corker and I have been pottering about all day and had lunch and…

  • Silence is golden

    - 3 favorites
    After a day and a half of torrential rain and winds peaking at 70mph at last things have quietened down We have flooding which is normal but I haven't heard of any wind damage, I am safe from flooding being on top of a hill They were not so lucky north of the county with fallen trees and flooded railway tracks causing travel problems. Roll on Frosty days with no wind or rain

331 articles in total