Firstly thank you for you kind greetings,I have asked Ellen to write on my facebook page to the messages I have there as I don't have enough hours in my day to answer all the people the who pop up if I go on.
This morning started wonderfully,it was very warm by 8am sp I took a slow stroll to town for my shopping.
By the time I returned it was really warm so it was T shirt,shorts and sandals and into the garden.
Ellen was the first visitor as usual and she brought me a presentation box of strong IPA,s
with a very posh glass included and this wondeful T shirt which I really like.

Cute ain't it?
Stephen,Gemma and Mia turned up a little later with a bottle of Irish Whiskey from Stephen.
We all sat in the garden apart from Mia of course who wandered about having a great time,she is a reall cutie..
A grand day