Mickey fez's most commented articles

  • three short pieces

    Spell checkers don't recognise the word blog. Although it is an abbreviation of the word Weblog it is in the O.E.D so why is it not in the American dictionary that spellcheck uses? A little tale of Zazzles. Yesterday Ellen heard his distinct let me in call but couldn't find him.We don't let the cats use the front door because the road is a few feet way but that's where he was sitting on the doorstep. She let him in and he walked right passed us and out through the back window. The crafty litt…

  • do you know your roses?

    I have 5 buds very close together on Margaret's rose too close to all get space to open,now do I lop the 3 smaller ones off to leave room for the bigger ones. Does anybody out there know anything about roses me being a veggie grower all my life know nothing,I water it when it's dry and that's the sum total of my knowledge The search for a news scoop needn’t be confined to those who are still living - during the 1987 election the Sun newspaper asked ‘medium and psychic investigator Nella Jones…

  • Woodland and beach

    I took a stroll through a little wooded area about 150yards away.It was good to feel grass under my feet again. There are nesting boxes dotted through here helpig the wildlife. From there I crossed a large common heading tiwards the beach.The Irish sea didn't look inviting today and with a stiff northwesterly blowing in in was none to warm either. I headed about a mile down to the golf course before it was back on hard surfaces and a warmwer stroll home away from the beach. A nice warm…

  • Get up and go day

    Since I decided to break free on Saturday I have been walking everyday. The weather has ben iffy with rain on and off but no wind thankfully. Now on day 5 of my "Rear off the chair and into the air" campaign I had occasion to visit the Co-op for a few bits. We had a heavy sea mist when I awoke but that soon cleared so I set off. I took a roundabout route and managed to put 2.1 miles,not much I know but I will put more miles on as the weather improves. I know the old bones wont let me do the…

  • Here comes the rain

    After yesterday's exertions I had decided today would be a rest day,no walks,no gardening just relaxing and thinking up a recipe for making a one dish wonder for dinner which I find very relaxing as I do with all cooking. Well all this is going to happen if I like it or nor. I awoke to wet streets and equally wet cats,they had obviously enjoyed a romp in the rain although it had stopped when I came down at 6:45. Fed and watered the cats shot off again and I fed the birds and had breakfast wat…

  • When I was a child part 1

    When I was growing up our diet hardly resembled the modern one. We would have potatoes roasted in beef dripping,chips fried in lard and also eggs,bacon etc shallow fried in the same stuff. Rice was something for making creamed puddings.We hadn't heard of curries,pasta or spaghetti.Pizzas were a long way in the future. There were no such things as low fat foods the fat content would give modern nutritionists nightmares. We had never heard of vegetarians or allergies to nuts or to anything el…

  • Flying ant day

    After a lovely afternooon yesterday turned nasty I went out late afternoon to soak up some more rays,as I sat with my crossword book a flyin ant landed on the page. I have lived here too many years not to know it would not been alone. I looked around and the sky was full of the little buggers. They were pouring out of a nest in the garden wall and some were coming over on the breeze from next door I sprang up and noticed another nest emptying on the path and one on the wall of the house. I c…

  • Up date on Jenny

    Jenny has been sedated,she has kidney stones and a blockage,she is awaiting an op more news later

  • Well they wanted rain

    The water company has been wanting a lot of rain with the lakes being so low ,well today the got a good deposit. I managed to get to town and back dry if only just. Since then we had had bouts of very heavy rain driven in on 30-40 mph winds and we are promised more and heavier rain and even stronger winds tomorrow. Looks like I'm cabined up for now.

  • fresh tomatoes,a supermarket and sunshine

    I have a few tomatoes from my friend and neighbour John. Despite the most horrendous summer I can remember and helping him to pick the pieces up when his little greenhouse was blown apart by an earlier storm this year he has managed to get a few plants to fruit. This is late in the year for tomatoes and there is a big variety in size from jaffa down to gobstopper but they are very welcome. Work has started on clearing the old shop to make a site for the new Tesco Express. These a…

  • Another senior moment and the new store opens

    Another senior moment. Today I fancied fish fingers for lunch and had a couple of nice soft baps just right for the job. I went to the chest freezer and removed one or two items until I found the fingers. Then I put everything back in but couldn't find the fish fingers.Yep I had packed then neatly away in the freezer again. We have a Tesco Express store opened on the island today,the opening hours will be 6 am until 11 pm 7 days a week. they have stuck leaflets into every house on the isla…

  • Just a little stroll

    If you read my earlier blog you will have noticed my intention to go on a morning stroll which I did. With the temps already rising I set of at 9 for a stroll along the prom as far as the bridge. Here I crossed the road to the park and the wooded area beyond. There are some lovely yellow roses just inside one of the park entrances just the sight to bring a cheer to anybody's heart. I walked alongside the park,down the road and into the little wild part,much more my cup of tea than manicured…

  • Has it really been that long?

    It is 12months today since I washed up on these shores looking for a new home. Dear Aus greeted me on that very first day. A sweet lady who visited me daily from Multiply to here but alas she has now left the scene have many others from my 360 and multiply past. The next day I posted my first photo and a short blog and two new people arrived who were to become dear friends. Max and Summer gave me a warm welcome followed later by many more, some have also exited stage left some like the above an…

  • Scrap got rid of,casserole cooking and rhubarb pulled

    The scrap man came by today so I was able to get rid of all the metal from in and around the shed,a small step in the clearing up but a step forward all the same.Tomorrow is rubbish day so I will cram another bag of wood into the wheelie bin. The sawing up of wood is on hold at the moment of course with the state of my back. It is a lot better today but I am taking no risks I know from bitter experience to take things very steadily for few more days. So as I am not standing around cooking tod…

  • garden rescue on hold

    As you may have read I started on the big garden clear up on Wednesday. This photo shows what it was like along the back wall with brambles growing amongst the Gooseberry bushes and dead grass tangled in them.I got as far as pruning the goosebery and blackcurrant bushed plus removing the brambles right along the back and up the side to the house.The grass is still there. The rain that came yesterday lasted until this morning.The sun has appeared now but it will be a day or so before the min…

  • Enough of this nonsense

    From Friday aftertoon the latest storm hit.IA bad time as two high spring tides were also due, with 70mph + winds and very heavy rain we had flooding in the lower parts of the island and the seal cam was wrecked. With Saturday's trip to town a no go I spent 2 days cabined up again.I did manage a trip to mother's on Monday but yeterday was another wash out. This morning dawned dark and misty, It was at this stage I made a decision, Am I going to sllide into old age cabined up or fight back? B…

  • A sunny day for work in the garden

    After an iffy start to the day the afternoon brought sunshine.I sat in the garden for a while before getting restless as always so I decided to do a bit of clearing. Slowly but surely I am getting the patch at the side of the house cleared and today I managed to reach the wall at the front of the house. There is still a lot of rubbish to clear but today I made big inroads getting the large garden waste wheelie half full before my back called full time. Having learned harsh lessons over the ye…

  • I am no longer a weather wimp

    I awoke to rain yet again for the second day running. After sorting the cats and polishing off a couple of bacon buns I sat watching the rain and a thought popped into my head. "When did I turn into a weather wimp? Is this the man who trod the Lakeland fells and stood laughing on the top of Black Combe in a hailstorm? " It is time to stop all this nonsense and man up,so I took my old hiking weather lightweight waterproofs out,donned them and a pair of boots, picked up my sports bag and headed o…

  • A Sunny Sunday stroll

    Iset off for a nice stroll along the prom to the park and came across this So had to climb back up the hill and start again From there It was through the park to the wild area then home Not quite 3 miles but enough as I cut the front grass on my return Lots of lovely scents wafting on a gentle breeze

  • Wowser

    Today has been a good day with wall to wall sunshine all day. I had a good visit with my old Ma with plenty of laughter as normal. On returning home I changed into my sruff for some gardening but first I had 2 bacon baps and then I was ready. The first job was mowing and strimming the front grass,whichh I managed pretty quickly Moving out to the back I decided the big planters are much to heavy to keep moving the to cut grass,instead I placed them in perminent place and strimmed round them b…

1500 articles in total