Articles by Mickey fez


  • It's been a funny old day

    - 16 Aug 2012
    I was hoping for a stroll today after my new toy arrived but the rain swept in again so I messed on here and messenger between baking. The rain relented so I thought I would make a dash for freedom,alas I only got half a mile before it set in again,I was starting for home when I came across Harry. Harry is an old walking pal we used to do 5 or 6 milers together quite often but he is full of arthritis now and can't walk unaided. We popped into the corner shop ,not to buy anything but to take shel…

  • A week on and settling down

    - 16 Aug 2012 - 3 comments
    It's just a week since I stumbled on these shores directed here by Pearl one of my oldest on line friends. I have the beating of the site now and finding it very simple to use,I do like the little slide-show on the photos neat idea that,the photo albums haven't really took off but then again I haven't posted many of interest.I shall update them with more interesting photos as time goes by I hope. The blogs have a good following,some of the old Multiply contacts are not reading them but I expe…

  • Text off Jenny,a couple of suprises in the garden and some ships

    - 15 Aug 2012 - 1 comment
    I had a text off Jenny last night,they were tired after a sleepless first night the first the a/c unit wasn't working and it was very hot. Hot there again yesterday of course they are staying close to the pool. I has a wander over to the docks just to stretch my legs before the promised rain arrives and found 3 tatty looking vessels waiting to be loaded,photos posted. A nice surprise in the garden this morning the two Gladioli that haven't flowered since 2009 I think are starting to bloom, th…

  • Flying ant day, I spent it lazing in the sun with cider and ice cream

    - 14 Aug 2012
    I have spent a great deal of time in the garden today,not working just relaxing and reading. Sat on my little chair with an ice cold strong cider with a scoop of vanilla ice cream floating on the top was just the ticket. The neighbours were out in force so there was plenty of chat going on. this went well until early evening when we were invaded by flying ants,they are late this year due to the bad weather but picked a lousy time. The air was full of the little buggers we all had to go inside an…

  • Just because I'm here doesn't mean I'm here,Message from Jenny and other odds

    - 14 Aug 2012
    When I log on to here I tend to stay logged in although I may be somewhere else or not on the computer at all. Generally I will only log out when I wander off into the wild grey yonder. So if you send me a message,comment on my page or post a blog I may be some time getting back to you. Do you remember when a thunder storm meant the clearing of muggy air and a nice fresh feeling? Well we had a cracker of a storm blew through last night but today is still heavy and overcast with the odd heavy…

  • Sunset From Walney Beach

    - 13 Aug 2012 - 1 comment
    A few folk are having bother trying to embed videos in here so I decided the easiest way was to post a link. This is an old one I did. I hope you like it. Full screen suits it well I think.That's the Isle of Man on the horizon Sunset from the beach at Walney Island Click here

  • A trip over the bridge

    - 13 Aug 2012 - 1 comment
    The day is a little like the curates egg but I decided to chance it and wander over to do some food shopping. I have a £10 voucher from Iceland so that was my first call. Bargains galore today and of course a £10 start. I booked the shopping to be delivered at 1:00 and sauntered over to B&M looking for bird nuts and fat balls for my feathered friends. I picked up a couple of treats fig biscuits and Vienna whirls before heading for the channel side and home. I little detour to the north extended…

  • The fat lady is getting ready to sing

    - 12 Aug 2012 - 1 comment
    The Olympic games are about over ,the closing ceremony is about to start. GB & Northern Ireland did us proud third in the medals table behind the giants of the USA and China All this from a nation smaller than Texas. Well done to the athletes and the organisers,games officials,games helpers,security and safety workers,armed forces and police you all did so well I am proud to be your countryman

  • The rain returns

    - 12 Aug 2012
    It has been an iffy morning,I managed a little stroll and had a chat with a few friends. I snapped a couple of shots of the starlings at breakfast before I went. The first is them at their normal squabbling selves,the second shows their wonderful gold and silver marking. Click photos to enlarge Since then the weather has turned,the rain has returned after a few really hot sunny days so I will be cabined up for the day I think. I will watch a little sport and maybe do some baking. M…

  • New toys found,old friends ignore me and I can walk better today

    - 11 Aug 2012 - 2 comments
    I am finding my feet on here. I have clicked the explore button and found some useful stuff. I now have a button to post blogs direct to blogger and one to put on Picassa so I can load my photos from there with one click. I have met up with a few friends from Multipy on here and invited them to my net work but a couple turned me down,funny how friends fall out with you for no sensible reason, I will remove them shortly. My toes are much better this morning after ic…

  • Attacked by a birdbath on a scorcher of a day

    - 10 Aug 2012
    We have a scorcher here again so after a chat with Aus on here and closing my Multiply page I decided it was the perfect day for a long walk. So I filled two drinks bottles stowed my camera donned shorts and a tee shirt and was ready for the off. As I closed the door to the garden I noticed the small stone birdbath needed cleaning and filling. Water-can can filled and stiff brush in hand a set about giving it a lick and a promise then it happened. The b…

  • Settling in and that crazy cat

    - 09 Aug 2012 - 1 comment
    I am starting to sort things out here. I have spent sometime cruising other sites but this is the best for me, with posting blogs ,photos and videos a doddle. When not messing on here I have been outside soaking up the rays,it is a lovely hot day here again. On my last trip out I noticed the dopey black and white cat trying to creep up on the birds. If birds could laugh they would be falling over at his antics. Time for a cool shower. Click photo for zoom

  • Another site to try

    - 09 Aug 2012
    On the search for a new home my friends and I have tried a few before arriving on these shores. This looks very promising,once I have learned how to drive it. I hope things go well here and we can settle down

1525 articles in total