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Publication date  /  2015  /  July   -   19 articles

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  • Another glorious day and a surprise for Ellen

    - 05 Jul 2015 - 4 comments
    We are starting day 3 of this lovely warm/hot weather. The temps are up to 76f and it's only 8:30 am so it will be over 80 again I think with very little wind.The thunder storms of two nights ago have gone leaving a fresher feel to things. I have a lttle

  • Squabbling Starlings and Dai's shopping challenge

    - 05 Jul 2015 - 4 comments
    Back again with blog No2 The last few days of glorious sunshine,broken up by to nights of thunder and lightning have gone. After a decent start the day has got cloudier and Sooty brought news of rain when he came home looking as though she had come from

  • An untidy workspace and a wide awake baby

    - 07 Jul 2015 - 5 comments
    After a few nice sunny days the weather turned yesterday, the rain returned and it is still hanging around today. With the garden not an option I am going to give the little work shop a tidy. It is needed every so often with stuff that doesn't live there

  • What do we talk about every night

    - 09 Jul 2015 - 4 comments
    Is a question we get asked,well it's not earth shattering. Jenny kicked off with a report about the shopping she had delivered,shopping is always a good subject for us with bargains to discuss. This led on to cooking and a little of how I learned to make

  • More colour in the garden

    - 10 Jul 2015 - 3 comments
    The last two days have been sunny if still a little on the cool side with the breeze and a few more blooms are starting to show some promise. After mooching around the house or a couple of days looking for odd jobs today I will break out and head for

  • Grass cutting on a hot afternoon

    - 10 Jul 2015 - 7 comments
    Following this morning's trip to town the few clouds around vanished and it started getting warmer. By lunch time it was and still is 24c-75f in here with all the doors and windows open. Outside in the back garden the sun was a lot hotter of course. I

  • Our unpredictable weather

    - 15 Jul 2015 - 4 comments
    It's been typical weather here the last few days. On Friday as I wrote I got a lot done in the back garden and on Saturday morning the sun shone again but with rain forecast later in the day. With this in mind I mowed and strimmed the front garden and

  • A good day

    - 17 Jul 2015 - 4 comments
    Yesterday was a good day,I awoke at 6:25 the weather was good and turn out being kind to us with lots of sun and the temps nudging 80f,today it is dark gloomy and cold. I spent a lot of time in the garden just pottering,reading or bird watching. A simple

  • Just a quickie

    - 18 Jul 2015 - 4 comments
    Cats are weird and Zazzles is weirder still,this is a photo of him in his new found sleeping place. It is the worktop of the little cabinet I cobbled together in my workshop. He has a nice soft cushion bed and lots of other comfy place but chooses this on

  • Catch up time

    - 22 Jul 2015 - 4 comments
    Here I am with a snack of honey on toast and a coffee ready for an overdue catch up. Firstly the weather here has been lousy and I have spent a lot of time cabined up. Today I made another attempt at grass cutting but the rain came down in stair roads

  • here comes the sun

    - 23 Jul 2015 - 4 comments
    After a few cold days with the odd rain shower today has been a lovely sunny day with a stiff breeze,perfect for drying the garden out. The back was a little damp but the front being on a slope had fared better. I cut and strimmed the grass,weeded the

  • A good job done

    - 24 Jul 2015 - 5 comments
    I started on my back garden this morning under a leaden grey sky with high humidity and a big threat of rain. With torrential downpours due on Sunday it was a job that needed doing. After a quick trip to town I started at around 10:30 by moving all of the

  • a nice if tiring stroll

    - 25 Jul 2015 - 4 comments
    Another nice morning and with heavy rain forecast from tomorrow lunch until the same time Wednesday the most had to be made of today. I decided to visit my old Mam but after the last two days work did not want to chance walking the full distance. I

  • Journey booked

    - 26 Jul 2015 - 5 comments
    I now have the funds for my trip to see Jenny,the tickets are booked for both ways. I chose window seats with a table for all trains,there are 2 changes each way so 6 trains. Total cost £ 164:70 ,tickets can be collected from the machine at the station 15

  • Rag potatoes

    - 27 Jul 2015 - 6 comments
    The photo above isn't anything special just s snap of my lunch,a simple dish of side salad,breaded ham and new potatoes. The potatoes however are freebies. I saved 4 rag potatoes early in the year and stored them in the dark ready for planting in 4 of the

  • Train tickets,faulty tv box and Windows 10

    - 29 Jul 2015 - 6 comments
    I have had a busy day so far. This morning I had an engineer sort my You view box out,he fitted a new one and was away by 9:15. This gave me ample time to get ready for a trip over to town. I caught the 9:30 and called at Morrison's first for my pipe

  • Was it really so long ago?

    - 30 Jul 2015 - 5 comments
    Today is a day to celebrate,I was married on this day in 1966. Was it really all those years ago? It only seems a little while ago Margaret and me were setting out on our great adventure. I am long past the mourning stage from losing her,instead now I

  • I can drive 10 now

    - 30 Jul 2015 - 3 comments
    This my start menu starting to take shape,you click on all apps ( the term they use now) and drag and drop anything you want of to here,you can still right click and send to start bar as well. If you want more space you just drag it out. You can re-size

  • tidy desktop

    - 31 Jul 2015 - 3 comments
    Some people were a little concerned about the cluttered desktop I showed yesterday,well there is no need to be you can make how you like it. I put those things up as an example. Normally my desktop looks like this with the items I use often on the task