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Publication date  /  2015  /  August   -   21 articles

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  • the last blooms

    - 02 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    The last two plants are bloomig at last I have a full set. The labilia is just coming out and the Buddleia is in good shape

  • one more sleep

    - 05 Aug 2015 - 5 comments
    My bag is packed and I'm ready for the off in the morning. I leave the house at 8:30 and hopefully should arrive at Jenny's around 3. 3 different trains to catch run by 3 different companies so I don't need and late arrivals in between stations. Wish me

  • 'the holiday starts now.

    - 07 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    Thanks for your good luck wishes on my journey,I arrived on time with only one scare which was little time for a connection between trains at Birmingham. The delay was of course at Wolverhampton wn#hicj left me two cross a gallery bridging 1o platforms in

  • The first full day at Jenny's

    - 07 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    Hello folks just a short blog about the working day before dinner. The weather has been gorgeous I had breakfast in the garden and during the day got some work done,just the ticket on a warm summers day. A pause there folks Dinner was ready. Ham eggs and

  • Beer on a Sunny Devon afternoon

    - 08 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    Hello folks the weather is good again and Jenny is treating me regally. This morning I set about a few chores in the garden. I hunted more Sycamores.Buddleia and brambles to attack on the driveway. Very satisfying work in the ear;y morning sun. I had a

  • A small patch but a good chunk of work

    - 09 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    A sketchy day today with a lot of cloud coming through. Jenny had pointedout asmall patch in the garden that could do with sorting yesterday so this morning after breakfast I started on it. It took longer thar I hoped but was good fun. It was a bed of

  • Rain

    - 10 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    Heavy rainehas stopped any hope of outside work today so I carried on with my list of indoor tasks. Jenny has a faulty rain spout which I will look at when the rain stops. Yesterday I sorted a couple of vacuum cleaners that weren't working,Onw was just

  • Dull morning sunny afternoon

    - 11 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    After a dull start the day turned out well so a little catching up on jobs in the garden The first job was clearing 4 large pots like this feeding the compost and replanting with the bulbs that were in them. Originally the pots were at the edge of the

  • Early jobs to do then a trip out

    - 12 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    I awoke at 6:00am so up and about early. The first job when I got downstairs was the smae as morning every morning ,making a fuss of the cats then feeding them. I opened the back door and the smell hit me. The slurry the plumer dug out of the drain was

  • The weather changes

    - 14 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    Yesterday we were cabined up all day as relentless rain swept through. This wasn't so bad as Jenny needed the rest after Thursday's trip and a day off the gardening would do me no harm. So in theory a nice quiet day was ideal which worked until around

  • Weird weather here

    - 15 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    Yesterday was a very cold day here,certainly not the weather for breakfast on the lawn or repotting plants. It was an overcoat colder that of late and although today is much brighter it is still too cold to work outside. I did a coupleof little jobs

  • I told you the weather was weird

    - 16 Aug 2015 - 3 comments
    If you read yesterday's blog you may remember it was cold and damp here. Well the weird weather continued being weird and as the day went on we managed a trip out. I did a little trinket shopping for stuff to take home. The weather had really improved be

  • Thank you my best friend

    - 17 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    Here I am on the morning of the last full day here. Tomorrow I am off back up north on the 10:30 train to Birmingham the first of my leg of my journey. So how did I enjoy the break?,it was brilliant Spending time with my best friend is always a pleasure

  • home again

    - 19 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    I arrived home after an 8 hour journey very tired and with my back in pieceseven though the trip went very well. I phoned ahead from the train and got a taxi to meet me. The driver very kindly stowed my bag and took it out on arrival home. I staggered

  • On the mend and blooms flourishing

    - 20 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    Yesterday I spent the day between the massage chair,light exercise and a little stroll. I also wallowed in a nice warm bath. I am much better with just the odd twinge. My potted plants are coming on well now,I have a good splash of colour. I noticed one

  • Jenny's garden

    - 20 Aug 2015 - 5 comments
    I am fighting fit today after a couple of days resting. Yesterdays rain means I can't start sorting the garden out so I started sorting the photos from Devon instead. These are a few photos of Jenny's garden I snapped,pretty I think you will agree. Album

  • Sun,Rain,Sun

    - 21 Aug 2015 - 5 comments
    A frustrating morning,I feel really good with my back in shape again so with this in mind I decided on a couple of light jobs.I loaded the washing machine up and set it going. checking on the front garden the grass was dry enough for a strim,that would do

  • I'm back in the harness and ready for work

    - 23 Aug 2015 - 3 comments
    After a big thunder storm and plenty of rain last night I had lost hope of starting on the front garden today. However the sun rose bright and early,this with a nice warm breeze dried the grass up beautifully. After a few loosening exercises I attacked it

  • More sunshine and gardening

    - 24 Aug 2015 - 3 comments
    Another beautiful day here with lots of sunshine. I set about the strimming in the back garden,firstly I removed all of the planters from ythe patch that needed doing and set to work. All went well and twenty minutes later the patch was strimmed and

  • quiet times

    - 28 Aug 2015 - 4 comments
    Things are nice and peaceful here at the moment,I managed to get a trim on the grass Ellen had cut for me before rain set in so the garden looks tidy. Yesterday I had my first delivery of food via the on line shopping since the Iceland days. I have been

  • Sunshine and Photos of Devon

    - 31 Aug 2015 - 3 comments
    Yesterday I went to B&M to get some odds and ends that ASDA either don't sell or are too expensive. I only spent £8 and no heavy shopping to lug home. I was sorting out some of the photos I took in Devon yesterday so here is a batch. Click here for