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Publication date  /  2019  /  March   -   12 articles

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  • She's a good lass

    - 04 Mar 2019 - 4 comments
    My daughter Ellen that is. I mentioned a few days ago that I would have to shampoo the carpet in here. She told me not to as it does hurt my back with the furniture shifting etc. She came over at 9am this morning to do it while I visited mother, I

  • Here we go again

    - 08 Mar 2019 - 5 comments
    We are in a long period of rain again here so this morning before it appeared I decided to nip to the local shop to pick up some bulky items that are around the same price as in town. This saves me heavy work on my Saturday shop in town, The main item I

  • Stormy weather again

    - 13 Mar 2019 - 6 comments
    We are having some wild weather here. On Saturday it wasn't too bad I got to town and back dry. Sunday was a cabined up day with gale force winds and heavy rain Monday a lttle respite for a trip to mother's despite roads being closed which meant hunt the

  • Time to stand up

    - 16 Mar 2019 - 5 comments
    I awoke to the same old wind and rain and thought of another day cabined up and the shopping trip cancelled, .I stood watching the rain fall for a while then I came decided it was time to stop being a wuss and get myself out. I have been caught on the

  • Get up and go day

    - 20 Mar 2019 - 10 comments
    Since I decided to break free on Saturday I have been walking everyday. The weather has ben iffy with rain on and off but no wind thankfully. Now on day 5 of my "Rear off the chair and into the air" campaign I had occasion to visit the Co-op for a few

  • A little farther but only a little

    - 21 Mar 2019 - 6 comments
    Today I set off to get my meds taking a roundabot route down past the churchyard on to the park and though the little wilderness hoping things would be a little more colourful but apart from some dafs it was still a liittle boring but I was out. Meds

  • Woodland and beach

    - 24 Mar 2019 - 11 comments
    I took a stroll through a little wooded area about 150yards away.It was good to feel grass under my feet again. There are nesting boxes dotted through here helpig the wildlife. From there I crossed a large common heading tiwards the beach.The Irish sea

  • Now it begins

    - 26 Mar 2019 - 5 comments
    After a very wet winter and recent storms today is the day for starting to reclaim the garden which I haven't been able to work on since September. With a strim already done on the front a little while ago after lunch today I started on the back. I chose

  • Back to the wild

    - 27 Mar 2019 - 5 comments
    Thanks for all you kind words yesterday they spurred me on to get out there again this afternoon. My plan was to finish strimming the other part of the to area and I did manage that, it was hard enjoyable work. The section a did today was larger and much

  • A good days work

    - 28 Mar 2019 - 4 comments
    Today I awoke refreshed and with no hangovers from yesterday's work set out the timetable for today. This morning I raked the cuttings from the grass and tipped them into the garden waste recycle bin. It only took half a hour or so but taking it easy I

  • Oh dear that wasn't the plan

    - 29 Mar 2019 - 5 comments
    I awoke this morning bright as a button as always but that changed as soon as my feet hit the floor when I felt an all too famiiar ache in my lower spine. The feel good factor of yesterday when I was pain frree had gone and I prepared myself for a day of