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Publication date  /  2012  /  September   -   45 articles

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  • A Wolf in sheep's clothing

    - 01 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    You may have seen the photos of the old Ford I posted earlier if not here they are. A 1956 Ford Anglia But all is not as it seems,the power is provided by a V8 Rover engine and the back axle is from a Jaguar. The young fella who has

  • A few flowers and boats and attacked by a giant pasty

    - 02 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    A sunny Sunday morning so I sauntered over to the mainland for a few provisions. I called at Morrisons for some pipe fodder before wandering into Cool Trader the best shop in town for frozen food. They don't only do frozen but most of the

  • Don't tell Jenny

    - 02 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    Keep it to yourself but my best buy today was this. A fresh raspberry cream and raspberry fruit filling on layers of light sponge cake.Click for a scrummy close up It is every bit as tasty as it sounds but don't tell Jenny. She is a raspberry

  • Young starlings growing fast

    - 03 Sep 2012
    As summer draws to it's final cold bitter ending and we welcome Autumn with fresh hope for decent weather the young starlings are getting their adult feathers. They are change from sandy brown to the wonderful gold and silver speckles that shine in the

  • Spiders a frog and some work done

    - 03 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    I finally got into the back garden today after weeks of lousy weather.The place is a real mess so I set to with mower to cut the part laughingly called a lawn. I had it nearly cracked when my mower threw a shoe so I had to break for running repairs i.e.

  • Noisy birds at breakfast,more work done in the garden and a chicken

    - 04 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    I took a little video of the noisy starlings having breakfast,they are hooligans at feeding time. I managed to get some more tidying up done in the front garden and a little in the back . Of course I can't attack the rough area I was on yesterday because

  • A terrible year for the wildflowers

    - 05 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    I looked out on the garden this morning to see if anything could be saved from this barren year. The grass needs a trim to tidy it up which it will get later,at the end of the path is where the newly discovered frog lives so that will remain undisturbed

  • Whatever happened to a bale of towels ?

    - 06 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    Do you remember when wedding gifts were sensible in price and use? You know the sort of things, bed linen, towels,may a canteen of cutlery if they were close friends and you had a bob or two to spare, an electric toaster,cookery books and cheap pans or

  • Back from the numpty house

    - 06 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    I managed to survive a trip to see the strange couple. After I hid all the pointy things and made sure they were safe we settled down to an afternoon of talking rubbish with the odd scoop thrown in for good measure. We talked of days of yesteryear when

  • With thanks to Sue

    - 08 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    I owe thanks to Sue for the idea of this blog. How I got here from her blog about dreams is just the way my weird mind works. I think a lot of folk have an artistic talent for something it's just that some don't realise it or had their hopes crushed early

  • Horses,geese,sheep and bulls amongst other things on my walk

    - 09 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    It's been a good day so far. The morning dawned dull but promising and sure enough it brightened up after breakfast. I decided on a walk down to the village,up through Thorny Nook to the beach and along the shoreline home, a distance of around three and a

  • A broken food processor and I got wet again but shopping done

    - 10 Sep 2012 - 3 comments
    The day dawned wet but dry weather arrived so I wandered off to town. Pipe fodder was my first buy,next a trip to B&M for some fat balls,nuts and seed for the birds. Then I strolled the one mile to Iceland for my food shopping today's treat was a

  • A trip to Devon 2011

    - 11 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    I was hoping to visit Jenny in Devon again this year,last year was a really good time for me. Jenny is very sweet and a wonderful host. However a few expensive outgoings have sunk those plans without trace. I have posted an album of snaps I took from the

  • Why I like my shopping delivered

    - 12 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    I mentioned free delivery on my shopping a couple of days ago and this surprised a few people who are strangers to these shores. Free delivery on shopping is something I take for granted,in fact it is a big help for me and many others. On line food

  • It feels like home

    - 13 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    I am at home here after a month it feels like my favourite slippers all warm and cosy. I have friends who have come from Multiply and some as far back as 360 and I have new friends some I spotted wandering the pages of Multiply some new altogether. Sue

  • Another rainy day and scones

    - 13 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    Another rainy day here so being cabined up I thought about having a baking day. I ummed an aaahed as you do and in the end I only managed to get some scones done. I have a twist on scones I do on the odd occasion so this being an odd occasion that's what

  • storms overnight,a little shopping, a lot of talking and a trip on the battle bus

    - 14 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    We had gales overnight and it is still pretty windy this morning. With heavy rain due for the next couple of days I wanted to make the most of the dry weather and made a break for freedom,heading over the bridge to town I wandered into the market not so

  • Are you multi sited ?

    - 15 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    It seems I am in a very small minority being pretty much single sited as it were. Most people seem to have two or three sites on the go and many of you lots more. With me first it was 360 then Multiply and now here. I have a facebook account I

  • Crazy Pat,my nephew and a Grey Heron

    - 15 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    I had a little stroll this morning before the promised rain returned but first I had dinner to start. I had some braising steak in a beer and herb marinade overnight so I diced an onion and added that with the meat some carrots and peas all to the slow

  • Was it really a year ago already?

    - 15 Sep 2012 - 3 comments
    I was just trying to think of a present for my daughter Ellen,it's her birthday next week. Another thought struck me if it's her birthday next week a year ago I must have been at Jenny's and sure enough on checking I was. I have had three visits from on

  • No dawn chorus today

    - 16 Sep 2012 - 3 comments
    I usually awake to the sounds of birds singing but today the only thing I heard was rain lashing on the window. I peered out of the bedroom window and the street was awash. I looked north hoping for a glimmer of hope and brightness in the sky with no joy.

  • why?

    - 16 Sep 2012 - 3 comments
    Why do Australians keep trying to sell us dingo piss disguised as beer ? Why do some Americans say " That's what I'm talking about " for no apparent reason ? Why do some narrators say that something has changed for ever ? e.g From that day his life

  • A lot of water under the bridge

    - 17 Sep 2012 - 3 comments
    I had a wander over the bridge this morning did a little shopping and took a few photos. The tide was almost full. Today it's a 9.5 metre tide but in a few hours it will be down to a trickle of water in the centre only.9 of a metre deep,a big drop. I

  • My Hero is a Heroine

    - 17 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    I heard somebody called a sporting hero today,what a load of rubbish. The word had been trivialised as have some many of our words down the years. I have a hero she isin fact a heroine my late wife Margaret she was my hero in life and is still so in

  • I missed Summer this year I must have blinked

    - 18 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    All to soon it is time to get the garden ready for winter. The summer was a non event and the garden paid the price.Early season frost and then a month of heavy rain put the mockers on the wild flower patch. The only success was in the fruit department

  • My little Island home for new friends and old ones with poor memories

    - 18 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    For my new friends who asked about my little island home. This shows some of my favourite spots with views of The Lake District to the north the Isle of Man to the west and our wide variety of beaches and flora. Click watch in full screen

  • Magic smarties and JD for the birthday girl

    - 20 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    Another rainy day in paradise,not as bad as the last few days but plenty of heavy showers around. I needed to go and pick up my magic smarties so waited for a dry spell and dashed off. I could get the chemist to deliver free of course but that would be

  • Dinner cooked in 15 minutes

    - 20 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    A simple chicken and egg noodle with ginger,honey and lemon sauce. Cube a chicken breast and stir fry for a few minutes in a wok with a little oil, dice one onion and add to the wok. In the mean time boil around half a pint of water add to a sauce pan

  • A real cat burglar

    - 20 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    A real cat burglar click link for a giggle -herts-19660494

  • When sleep doesn't come

    - 21 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    It's 4am and I am back from a walk along the dark stormy beach. I went to a spot that was a favourite of Margaret and myself for a lot of years. This is where I go when sleep doesn't come,I find comfort there and talk things over with her. I come back

  • A dry morning here that's me off

    - 21 Sep 2012 - 3 comments
    The tidying up is done and breakfast pots washed so thgat's me off for a wander on this dry still day. Yep I said dry and still. I trip over town to the market and a little people watching is favourite at the moment but I'll see which way my feet point.

  • A nice stroll in the sun

    - 21 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    At last a day with no wind or rain and some nice sunny spells. I set off for a wander over town to get some pipe fodder and have a stroll through the market. I did intend to have an early lunch in the market as a little treat because eating out for me is

  • Well nearly a full days sun

    - 21 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    I looked at the sky 10 minutes ago and thought to myself,a silly phrase that who else would you think to? Any way back to tonight. The sky had plenty of nice cloud formations which would make for a nice photo or two at sunset. I checked the sunset time

  • September sunset

    - 22 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    Well surprises do come along after the terrible forecast of rain for sunset time last night the clouds rolled away to the west and broke up leaving a perfect evening for a stroll and some photos. The Isle of Man was nice and clear making it hard to

  • Still posting photos

    - 22 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    Max asked me why I will not be posting photos and I did explain it is not photos I am thinking of stopping but just the albums.The album issue is for ease and not cluttering my site up with things folk don't watch. If I leave the link to my Flickr site

  • A happy childhood in hard times

    - 22 Sep 2012 - 3 comments
    I was born and lived the first five years of my life in my Great Grandparents home. When my mother and father married in 1944 there was a chronic housing shortage in town due to the German bombing raids of 1941. They were targeting the shipbuilding and

  • Now where's those Winter woolies?

    - 24 Sep 2012 - 3 comments
    Today we await the first real storm of the Autumn,it is already battering some areas like Devon where Jenny lives and Northern Ireland so Jean reports. Today is a lot cooler and when I woke up I found the central heating had kicked in which it does at 14c

  • My pal John

    - 25 Sep 2012 - 3 comments
    I have a pal who used to be a fellow walker once but dodgy knees and arthritic hips put paid to his days of hiking a few years ago. I call on him when I pass his home,sometimes a few of us wrinkles gather there for a few beers and tell tales of daring do

  • The rain Stopped at last

    - 26 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    After three days of heavy rain we have a dry day at last. Heavy showers are promised throughout the day so I won't be venturing too far from home but to see the blue sky again is cheering. There has been plenty of flooding over the bridge with trains

  • It is so nice to stroll with the sun on my face

    - 26 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    I took myself up to the beach today to get some fresh sea air and it was a lovely day for it. I took the top road as the road to the village is underwater or was yesterday so no point in chancing it because Thorny Nook the road up from the village to the

  • Am I as fit as I should be?

    - 27 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    I sometimes wonder if I am as fit as I should be and if this old bag of bones is in good enough nick. I was always involved in some activity or other and have been walking the beach since childhood or cycling around the area. A walk of over 6 or so

  • A trip to the cinema

    - 28 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    I haven't been to the cinema in so many years I can't even remember the film. When I was courting Margaret we used to go regularly as most couples did back then. A new Elvis film was a must to see,all Margaret's idea her being a big fan. I remember going

  • I have caught lazyitis

    - 29 Sep 2012 - 3 comments
    I am usually very active with tasks and projects going on all the time. Of late I haven't felt the need to do anything,I have a lavatory half painted and a bathroom waiting it's turn. I also have the wreck of a spare room on the horizon which is going to

  • No bagain hunting today

    - 30 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    Folks who know me will tell you I hate shopping ,that is if you cared to ask them. I hate the overpriced shiny supermarkets, the little bargain shops I do get along with. My normal Sunday morning would be a stroll over town,I would pick up some pipe

  • Somethings make me sad

    - 30 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    I have all my photos set at copyright and this is plain on the pages despite this somebody I thought was a friend has posted a photo of mine featuring a young starling and passed it off as their own. It even still has my name and copyright sign on it If