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Publication date  /  2018  /  December   -   4 articles

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  • The rainly season arrives late

    - 06 Dec 2018 - 4 comments
    We are into December with no sign of frost either here on on the fells.instead we have a rainy season and there is a lot of it. It has been pretty non stop since Saturday. I hadn't talked to anybody bar Jenny on Skype since the Saturday shopping trip and

  • The cold arrives with a bang

    - 15 Dec 2018 - 7 comments
    THe mild wet weather has left and we are in a very cold airstream. The temps this morning 3c but with the wind chill factor feeling like -4c BRRRR On my shopping trip to town I noticed the stores are all playing Christmas music and the shelves are full of

  • That wasn't meant to happen.

    - 16 Dec 2018 - 4 comments
    An hour after I posted my last blog things changed dramatically on the weather front. Gale force winds sprang up lasting until after midnight with winds peaking at 70mph. with lots more rain. The people in the met office must have been looking through the

  • The seals return and Mother is moving home

    - 17 Dec 2018 - 5 comments
    After the terrible weather the seals have returned and the pup count is up since I last looked in.You will see some here they are white or pale grey and smaller of course. My mother is moving in with my youngest sister over the next week so I may be