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Publication date  /  2018   -   72 articles

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  • Happy New Year folks

    - 02 Jan 2018 - 5 comments
    Well the festivite season has ended again. Our last family gathering was at my sons Stephens on New years day,now things return to normal. My hopes for this year are the dsame as last,to get out more doing more walking and seeing places. Back trouble and

  • Happy Birthday Jenny

    - 11 Jan 2018 - 3 comments
    Today I wish a very Happy Birthday to my dear friend Jenny,the best pal a fella could have

  • Update

    - 28 Jan 2018 - 3 comments
    The lousy weather continues here and spring is still a long way off. Trips out of the house have only been taken for shopping and trips to my mothers. Yesterday was typical of how the days have been starting with heavy rain hammering down.I managed to get

  • At last a tiny break in the weather

    - 01 Feb 2018 - 4 comments
    After another day of rain and gales just after minight last night the wind atopped and the clouds cleared I got a glimpse of the super moon but only for a minute or so> I had time to Take one quick snap,not the best but all I could get

  • the sun returns

    - 04 Feb 2018 - 3 comments
    I awoke to clear skies and sunshine,the first time in a while. After sorting the cats out a grabbed a coffee and layered up for a brisk stroll.The wind was bitingly cold but I didn't care,this was fun, As I walked along people were coming from their homes

  • A little snow

    - 06 Feb 2018 - 4 comments
    This morning a rose at around 6:30 to a cold grey morning. By the time a had sorted the cats and myself out a lttle snow started to fall,the first for 8 or 9years. I took this snap of the front. This is my neighbour Allan's garden. and this the much

  • Good weather at last,for now anyway

    - 23 Feb 2018 - 4 comments
    I have managed a few walks of late plus getting the garden tidy and pruning the Buddleia,Rose,Gooseberry and Blackcurrant bushes. This however isn't going to last.There is a cold weather front heading our way,at the moment it is dropping into Russia from

  • walking weather

    - 28 Feb 2018 - 3 comments
    After a week of weather fit for walking in if not for a leisurely stroll today all changed. With a wind chill warning of -12c it is not the day for outdoors,snuggly tucked up inside is the order of the day. Large areas of the country have been hit by

  • Another false dawn

    - 14 Mar 2018 - 7 comments
    After anothr spell of bad weather coming to a head with very heavy rain for much of Monday I got a pleasant surprise on Tuesday.I awoke to a calm day ans a promise of sunshine. After sorting the cats and munching on breakfast I set out on a trip to

  • April showers?

    - 03 Apr 2018 - 5 comments
    We expect showers in April but we are into the third day of solid rain with my garden under water yet again. Some shower!

  • Weather- go-round

    - 10 Apr 2018 - 6 comments
    It's like a merry-go-round without the merry. Saturday I got my shopping done in dry weather later on the rain came. Sunday A pleasant sunny day.The garden is still soggy but I managed to rescue my planters.They were roughed up but surprisingly the plants

  • A good days work today

    - 15 Apr 2018 - 4 comments
    Today I tackled the mess that prentends to be a lawn out front. With rain in the forecast I took advantage of the brief dry spell and set about it with the strimmer,the grass is much too long and messy to tackle with the mower. In 3 half our shifts with

  • The good work continues

    - 19 Apr 2018 - 8 comments
    Today I awoke to a clear blue sky.a promising start to the day. After sorting the cats and having breakfst I checked on the front garden. Still scruffy but short and scruffy so it was time to try the mower. The first job was to rake yesterday strimmer

  • the battle in the wilderness continues

    - 21 Apr 2018 - 5 comments
    Yesterday I started on the bavk grass and with a lot of hard work managed to chop the larger part down by strimming and grass raking on both the top and bottom sections today I got the mower over the top half raked the grass up,had a break and didi it a

  • Oh Dear!

    - 22 Apr 2018 - 5 comments
    Any chance of progress in the garden was brought to a shuddering halt last night. As I sat on my massage chair easing a tired back I heard the ominous rubble of approching thunder and between 8:10 and 8:45 we had a real wowser of a storm the best in many

  • Now what?

    - 25 Apr 2018 - 4 comments
    After the first late attempt at taming the widerness the rain has returned everyday since. So while I await fir a break in the weather I am on house sorting duty. In an ideal world I need new windows and doors and the walls rendering but money puts this

  • I think I'm winning the battle

    - 30 Apr 2018 - 4 comments
    Yesterday with the morning sun on my back (yep I did say sun) I got the second mow and strim on the front grass. I broke for lunch intending to do the same out the back afterwards. Then the heavens opened and wwe had an hour of rain.That put paid to

  • Time for a break

    - 01 May 2018 - 3 comments
    Today I managed to get the jungle first clearance finished. It was hard going and the work of the last few days has me tired and aching all over but a feeling of satisfaction outweighs all that. I finished at 3:15 and the promised rain appeared at 3:30,a

  • subshine all the way and visitors

    - 06 May 2018 - 5 comments
    Yesterday taking advantage of good weather I battled the wilderness again and got another strim of the left hand side,one more and maybe the mower will tackle it. Today I took on the right hand side srimming the borders and a few patches on the bottom

  • Another nice day

    - 07 May 2018 - 4 comments
    I awoke to sunshine again another good day for the garden I gave the front grass and cut and strim to keep on top of it ten loaned my strimmer to Amanda,she is a neighbour living oposite and has no tools since sjhe parted with the idiot she had in tow. I

  • The change is nigh

    - 08 May 2018 - 4 comments
    Weather change that is. the signs were there.on sunday we had temps ion the mid 20s, a little higher in my back garden,yesterday we were down to 19c and today another big drop,at the moment we are at 12c and not forecast to get any higher plus the

  • A little done at last

    - 17 May 2018 - 4 comments
    After two days of sea mist anddrizzle edspite the met office reporting the whole of the north west wuld have wall to wall sunshine at last I got into the garden. Having cut rthe front in a sea mist todat UI did the right hand side of the back so tomorrow

  • More sunshine,more work

    - 18 May 2018 - 4 comments
    I awoke to sunshine this morning surronded by cats,well two cats one either side. after sorting them out I returned to the bedroom and strpped and remade the bed'took the used bedding off and threw it in the washer. I needed some pipe fodder so after an

  • even more sunshine and work

    - 19 May 2018 - 3 comments
    Today has been the best day yet for weather,chilly early on but this afternoon it hit 25c in my little sunstrap back garden. After a good shopping tripstarted early bbecause of wall to wall cover of a wedding. The BBC started at 6am and nhad 8 solid hours

  • A nice afternoon for a family visit

    - 24 May 2018 - 4 comments
    I had a nice surprise today.a visit from Gemma,Mia and Carl followed later by Aaron. We sp.ent 3 hours in the garden in lovely sunshine and Mia really loved it. Here is Mia modelling Carls T shirt

  • Good weather day 4th

    - 29 May 2018 - 2 comments
    Four good days of weather with temps between 24c and 26c wonderful stuff but the change is on the way. Day 1 Saturday I cut and trimmed the front grass,a simple job now. Day 2 Sunday. I cut the largeer side of the back garden Day 3 Monday. The other side

  • News Of Jenny

    - 29 May 2018 - 4 comments
    I just got this message from Mandi ECG OK awaiting chest Xray.Oxygen levels up to 97% more as I hear

  • Jenny update

    - 30 May 2018 - 6 comments
    Ok this is what I know Jenny had trouble breathing the night before last,Yesterday morning she rang 111 who told her to cantact her doctor then a trip to the hospital was organised. Her oxygen levels were brought back o normal and a chest x ray done.

  • Latest On Jenny

    - 31 May 2018 - 6 comments
    She is being kept in for a few more days. They have been worried about possible heart faiure and it is a must she loses weight. Those who pray please say one for our dear friend

  • More news on Jenny later and road blocks here

    - 01 Jun 2018 - 3 comments
    Mandi is going to See Jenny later so moe news then. On the home front we are in for a stressful few months Early on Monday morning major overhauls are starting on the bridge,our onlt link to the rest of the world. With structural work to be done some

  • Great news

    - 01 Jun 2018 - 5 comments
    Mandi just got in touch. Jenny is doing well and has dropped 5lb since Tuesday,she is also on physio and had climbed some steps quicker than mandi has seen before. Still trying to sort the oxygen out but well on the way On a different tack here is a

  • update time

    - 04 Jun 2018 - 3 comments
    Jenny is doing Ok but they won't let her home until they are certain she is getting the right medication. Jenny being Jenny wants to be home but she is better to stay put and get sorted. Mandi is going to see her tomorrow and will report back of her

  • The bridge project stalls

    - 06 Jun 2018 - 3 comments
    As with any project run at county level the big bridge project is already in trouble. The proposed start at 6am on Monday didn't occour,the reason? There are no machines,workmen,road signs or portable traffic lights and cones on site. Nobody has given a

  • Jenny latest

    - 08 Jun 2018 - 5 comments
    I just had a message,Jenny is doing well and hopes to be home later today

  • A special day

    - 09 Jun 2018 - 4 comments
    I knew my great granddaughter Mia had her 3rd birthday on the horizon but wasn't sure when. Today I found out. I was relaxing in thr garden on another lovely hot day wehen Arron and Carl came and snatched me away. We went to Arroons parents Static just up

  • A big day tomorrow

    - 10 Jun 2018 - 6 comments
    For the second day in around 6 months tomorrow I am off to hospital. I hope it doesn't become a habit,before this it had been exactly 60 years since my last holiday there. I have been having pains in my thigh for a week or so making it painful to climb

  • Hospital news no to bad

    - 11 Jun 2018 - 5 comments
    Of the choices given to me for likely problems with my hip,thje worse being crumbling bone which would mean a hip replacement I got off lightly. I have some inflamation most probably caused by the onset of arthritis. This can be help with

  • of odds and ends

    - 12 Jun 2018 - 6 comments
    Firstly thank's for your thoughts and ideas on the hitch in my health. At the moment it is just a troublesme niggle. I get pain going upstairs but not downstairs or when walking, This morning I needed to buy some pipe fodder so instead of my usual flat

  • Storm Hector was kind to us

    - 14 Jun 2018 - 5 comments
    Storm Hector has come and gone,the first summer storm was not as bad as feared. The wind and rain lasted a long time,around 12 hours but the winds never got above 65mph. It was still atrong enough to get the Irish Sea in a foul mood and we had flooding in

  • A big improvement in Jenny

    - 15 Jun 2018 - 5 comments
    I was chatting to Jenny as usal last night and she was very lively,she looks better is moving and breathing better and feeling very good about things to come. It was llike the Jenny of 2 or more years ago. Keep it up old timer

  • Here comes the sun

    - 24 Jun 2018 - 5 comments
    The promised warm weather finally reached me 3 days late but very welcome I had a busier day the I had planned This morning I threw a wash in and then mowed and strimmed the front plot and weeded the rose beds. The plan was to grab some rays and start on

  • More sunshine and more grass cutting

    - 25 Jun 2018 - 4 comments
    I awoke with a stiff back after yesterdays work but a few stretching moves and half an hour on the massage chair sorted that out. With hot weather forecast I set about the back garden. I had both sides mowed and strimmed before lunch,It's much easier now

  • A scorcher

    - 26 Jun 2018 - 5 comments
    Well 32c which counts as tropical hereabouts. With the old bones holding together well I decided today was the day to start on the part that runs down the side of the house. It used to contain a shed but after 50 years it was past saving so I demolished

  • Day three of hot weather

    - 28 Jun 2018 - 5 comments
    THe side of the house is now bramble free although I have a lot of clippings to get rid of as well as lots of items some blown in by storms,some are parts of the old shed and some are a mystery. Stll I'll grt there in the end and these old bones lasted

  • day 5 still hot and she scrubs up well

    - 30 Jun 2018 - 5 comments
    Today was another hot day and we have warnings of hose pipe bans in the next few days. It won't effect me I use a rain barrel and grey water collection system for my plants. It doesn't take long for this country to descend into chaos at the slightest

  • Another scorcher and a tripout

    - 02 Jul 2018 - 4 comments
    I took off for a trip to mothers this morning and went via the old resevoir,now a wild fowl refuge The heat was making things very sticky down by the water but it was worth it so see the birds. I was heading for the water but this lady barred my way,not a

  • Another stroll on a sunny morning

    - 05 Jul 2018 - 5 comments
    Today I took off to the the vally behind the park. Being a dried up river bed everything is still very green and flourishing there I only walked around 3 miles but it was a pleasant way to spend some time. The one thing about walking through a valley is

  • the weather is changing

    - 13 Jul 2018 - 4 comments
    After a dry sunny spell starting on the 24th june we had 3 days of oercast skies but no rain today the rain arrived. This morning on the way to pick up a few bits to save carting them back from town tomorrow I started of with a very light summer rain

  • A trip to mothers

    - 23 Jul 2018 - 4 comments
    The weather here has been wet for the last wek or so despite what the weather buffs told us. Thursday was the only good day with wall to wall sunshine. Today as I set for my Monday visit to see my darling mother is was cloudy but I took a chance and took

  • That's better

    - 25 Jul 2018 - 5 comments
    The hot weather returned today so plenty to do outside. I started on the rony lawn and I had cut and strimmed it when my next door neighbour John came along and asked if I would strimmed the pavement edge along the front so he could spray weed killer on

  • Well they wanted rain

    - 28 Jul 2018 - 9 comments
    The water company has been wanting a lot of rain with the lakes being so low ,well today the got a good deposit. I managed to get to town and back dry if only just. Since then we had had bouts of very heavy rain driven in on 30-40 mph winds and we are

  • A time for reflection

    - 31 Jul 2018 - 6 comments
    Yesterday (31st july) was the anniversary of my marriage to the love of my life Margaret. Sadly our years of bliss were limited to 34 wonderful years when she died at Chritmas 2000.Times were bad and I was in a poor state of health for around 3 years

  • The sun returns day two

    - 05 Aug 2018 - 4 comments
    After a spell of wet weather building up to a thunder storm on Friday. the sun is back. Today there is not a breath of wind even though I am only yards from the sea. I had lunch out side again under the parasol which has been really needed today. The

  • Normal service has been resumed

    - 19 Aug 2018 - 6 comments
    Service from the weather Gods that it. After a nice spell of long sunny days the last couple of weeks or so it has been back to grey skies and rain No more late lunches with a cold one in the garden with the temps around 30c My tan is fading as fast as

  • lousy weather,good visits

    - 22 Aug 2018 - 4 comments
    We are into day 3 of a wet spell,raining at some part of the day. On Monday I went to visit my old Mam and do a couple of jobs for her,We ended up laughing like drains as always bedore I beat a hasty retreat as the rain clouds closed in. Yesterday we had

  • At last nice weather a a good visit

    - 05 Sep 2018 - 6 comments
    Today after a lot of wet days I managed to get yet another start on the grass. I mowed and strimmed the front this morning before n early lunch and an attack 0on the back.Srimming all the way here,the mower wouldn't touch it. I only got lust over half of

  • A dry trip to seem mother,just

    - 10 Sep 2018 - 4 comments
    I managed a dry walk to mother's before the promised deluge. I spotted the resident family of Cormorants fishing in the reservoir. they are stood a little man made pile of rocks. Mother was in good fettkle and we spent a greacouple of hours before I

  • The first storm arrives

    - 19 Sep 2018 - 5 comments
    Today Storm Ali arrived on my doorstep with severe winds causing damage and power cuts county wide' The wind started picking up at 6am and reached it's zenith between 12 and 2:00 with gusts of 70 mph.It was 7pm before things calmed down. We are not out of

  • Musings on a quiet Friday

    - 28 Sep 2018 - 4 comments
    As the autumn leaves start falling and with two storms already behind us life slows down here,no more to do in the garden but leave it to nature fr the nextfew months,walks are getting shorter and the days get colder and meals start to be more suitable

  • Oh dear!

    - 06 Oct 2018 - 4 comments
    The weather is going to be wet but this morning (Saturday) the sun was trying and the morning turned out fine. With that in mind I decided to take a nice quiet morning on my shopping trip. I arrived in town and headed for the market. First stop the

  • Storm Callum and for the love of a good mother

    - 14 Oct 2018 - 4 comments
    Callum is finally leaving and heading east after two days of high winds an torrential rain, The south west where Jenny lives took a battering as did Frans old stomping ground Wales. Yesterday we had a lot of rain here buy the wind only gusted to 53mph at

  • The season is changing

    - 22 Oct 2018 - 4 comments
    After a mild spell Sunday marked a change with a big temp,drop, The heating is now on winter settings. Today promised a sunny start for my trip the see my old Mam but as I waited for the bus the clouds rolled in so I travelled all the way by bus.As it

  • catch up

    - 02 Nov 2018 - 4 comments
    I have a little good news on a damp cold day. The bridge giving us our only connection to the mainland is fully open again for the first time since June,no more restrictions to traffic or pedestrians. Godd news even if it comes a full month later than

  • Rain stopped play

    - 12 Nov 2018 - 5 comments
    Heavy rain today stopped my trip so see my mother,in fact it stopped everything and I hav e spent the day cabined up. Here is a screen shot of the wild badger camera. Only one fellow then but usually I see 5 or 6 and a cat strolls in now and then

  • The rain stopped and Seals at rest

    - 14 Nov 2018 - 3 comments
    THe rain finallly cleard and a little patchy sunshine fr a while before everything turned grey. The seals don't mind they are resting on the pebble bank,still only two pups to date

  • News from the coast

    - 18 Nov 2018 - 4 comments
    A couple, of snippets On Wednesday I had visit from my daughtr Ellen and a pleasant two hours was spent catching up.I did mention in passing that neither my grandsn or son in law had painted some upstairs windowa as promised. I though no more about it

  • Strangers in camp

    - 23 Nov 2018 - 3 comments
    For the last week or so I have been trying to capture two visitors to the badger cam site but they always remained in the shadows, until last night that is and I managed to snap both of them. They are not perfect but good enough for now I will keep

  • Silence is golden

    - 29 Nov 2018 - 3 comments
    After a day and a half of torrential rain and winds peaking at 70mph at last things have quietened down We have flooding which is normal but I haven't heard of any wind damage, I am safe from flooding being on top of a hill They were not so lucky north of

  • The rainly season arrives late

    - 06 Dec 2018 - 4 comments
    We are into December with no sign of frost either here on on the fells.instead we have a rainy season and there is a lot of it. It has been pretty non stop since Saturday. I hadn't talked to anybody bar Jenny on Skype since the Saturday shopping trip and

  • The cold arrives with a bang

    - 15 Dec 2018 - 7 comments
    THe mild wet weather has left and we are in a very cold airstream. The temps this morning 3c but with the wind chill factor feeling like -4c BRRRR On my shopping trip to town I noticed the stores are all playing Christmas music and the shelves are full of

  • That wasn't meant to happen.

    - 16 Dec 2018 - 4 comments
    An hour after I posted my last blog things changed dramatically on the weather front. Gale force winds sprang up lasting until after midnight with winds peaking at 70mph. with lots more rain. The people in the met office must have been looking through the

  • The seals return and Mother is moving home

    - 17 Dec 2018 - 5 comments
    After the terrible weather the seals have returned and the pup count is up since I last looked in.You will see some here they are white or pale grey and smaller of course. My mother is moving in with my youngest sister over the next week so I may be