Callum is finally leaving and heading east after two days of high winds an torrential rain,
The south west where Jenny lives took a battering as did Frans old stomping ground Wales.
Yesterday we had a lot of rain here buy the wind only gusted to 53mph at it's height.
Today we have had no wind at all but torrential rain since the early hours causing flooding in parts of the island,
today is my big shopping day and I looked out at the scene and thought to myself"Only a fool would go out in this" So I went,the reason? On Mondays I go to visit my dear old Mam and I always take her a rack of bacon ribs.her favourite treat.So why go in this weather? That's easy I love her dearly and she took care of me for long enough.Besides that the butchers in the market are only here Wednesday,Friday and Saturday so it had to be today
I am well used to wet weather walking and hiking so I have all the right gear. I donned my weatherproof walking coat,nylon overleggings,hiking boots,waterproof hat and set off.
the weather was warm enough and I stayed snug and dry
A good mornings work and now all I have to do is watch the rain hammering to be let in.