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Publication date  /  2017  /  November   -   7 articles

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  • back in action

    - 03 Nov 2017 - 5 comments
    I have been away for a couple of days. I had to go in a get a very nice man to slice a piece off me with a very sharp knife. Enough info there. THe speed of treatment and the staff themselves were first rate and made my short stay as pleasant if possible

  • It's taking time

    - 05 Nov 2017 - 6 comments
    After a minor op I expected to be back on song by now but far from it. I have no pains but I feel completely drained of energy. I have to take short steps and be very careful bending because of hte stitches and so I don't feel my normal confident self

  • back to full fitness

    - 14 Nov 2017 - 5 comments
    I am now back fit again and raring to get walkng again. Saturday I wnt to town and did a full three bag shop. Sunday I did dome much needed bush trimming in the back garden. Yesterday I visited my mother taking the bus part way and walking the last mile.

  • The rain has stopped at last

    - 24 Nov 2017 - 3 comments
    After a long spekk of high winds and heavy rain leadinf upto Wednesdays deluge.We had 2" of rain and were bwttered by strong gale force winds.. Yestweday we still had the heavy rain but at least the gusts of wind had lessened to 30mph. Today I awaoke to a

  • shopping day

    - 25 Nov 2017 - 5 comments
    Today is the day I wander into town or my big shop so I was hoping for better weather. I awoke to a dry day with patchy cloud but a very cold north easterly wid. As I set off on the early bus I found out why it was so cold.The Lakeland fells have their

  • Here comes the sun

    - 28 Nov 2017 - 3 comments
    After days 0of wind rain and hail this morning dawned calm and dry. The sun rise and the sky turned blue cheering the place up no end. After breskfast I poked my npse outside amd was greeted by a very cold north easterly mut that didn't put me off,it's