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Publication date  /  2017  /  October   -   4 articles

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  • Another old friend lost

    - 02 Oct 2017 - 4 comments
    I heard this morning of the death of my old pal Bimbo,a friend for the 49 years I have lived here. His death was expected as he had multiple brain tumors but that doesn't make the shock and sorrow any less. I hope there's good fishing where you are going

  • the first storm rolls in

    - 05 Oct 2017 - 5 comments
    we have been lucky with storms the last couple of years but yesterday one caight us. It was no where near as savage as the big one hitting other parts of the world but 70 mph winds driving very heavy rain battering us for 12hours is bad enough.Large parts

  • The year the rains came continues

    - 11 Oct 2017 - 4 comments
    About a week after the first storm of the season roared through another hit overnight and into this afternoon with 70mph wind and torrential rain. Large parts of the county are flooded and rural areas cut og altogether with 4inch odf rain falling

  • All is quiet at last

    - 17 Oct 2017 - 4 comments
    After a 30hour battering by 70 to 80mph winds and heavy rain the storm has past leaving a trail of damage in it's wake. I didn't get off this time with damage to the weatherboard under the eaves and a garden in complete turmoil At least the power stayed