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Publication date  /  2014  /  January   -   24 articles

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  • A Family day

    - 01 Jan 2014 - 3 comments
    A Typical New Years Day for us

  • Ellens new beau

    - 02 Jan 2014 - 3 comments
    Just a quick visit to show you Ellen's new fella and the few scoops we had.He is a great bloke as I said to him "You'll do for me" We had a great time together and he is seems to be happy with our nutty family. Catch up tomorrow. Photos here

  • A little flooding

    - 03 Jan 2014 - 5 comments
    Expecting a little flooding I looked out of the back bedroom window around high tide and saw this,between the two lampposts there is a road somewhere. I took this one from the top of the hill,the sea is sweeping in from the left. On to the channel and

  • Video of Walney under attack from the sea

    - 03 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    Things were really bad up the north end with Ernsey bay taking a battering Video here

  • Kinder weather today

    - 04 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    The weather is much kinder today,no wind,no rain and the sea stayed in it's proper place.Also it looks as though the expected snow is hitting farther north.So a little respite for the poor folk you may have seen in the video. More wind and rain to look

  • Another storm heading our way

    - 05 Jan 2014 - 3 comments
    After a quiet morning the rain is lashing down and the winds are picking up.We have a severe weather warning from 3 am until 10pm tomorrow for both wind and rain. The folk at Ernsie Bay with be getting worried abut the 3 pm high tide with the wind

  • A good soaking and a gift for Mother

    - 06 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    This morning there was no sign of the promised strong wind and rain.This altered my plan for shopping I strolled over did my big shop left it to be delivered and headed home again. I was strolling along nicely but as I got on to the bridge and nowhere

  • Faulty phone, new toy and helpful cats

    - 08 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    After a tidy start to the day things became progressively worse, starting with a peak going into trough before picking up again. I wandered over to town this morning , nice and dry with no wind My first call was the post office to send a parcel and there

  • Not so chipper today

    - 09 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    I haven't been to chipper since yesterday,firstly I took a big gulp of air with the water for my tablets which hung about all day.In the early evening I started getting the odd shiver and by nine I was aching all over.I had the flu once a lot of years ago

  • Happy Birthday Jenny

    - 11 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    Happy Birthday to my dearest friend Jenny. As you all know we talk daily on the telephone actual meetings are a lot harder,door to door it took my almost 79 hours to get there and 10 to come home. The visit was well worth the effort and I am trying my

  • I'm back, sort of

    - 11 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    I am back a raring to go,not quite 100% but improving by the hour.After 2 days of alternating between soups to give me nourishment and keep my liquid intake up today I am going to make a chicken curry,good comfort food. Thank you for your kind words They

  • A short trip out

    - 13 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    I made a break for freedom today,not the freedom I want just a short bus ride over the bridge to town, a wander around a couple of shops for odds and ends and a short trip back.No big deal but it was nice to get out and about again and talk to a few

  • A typical morning in my life

    - 14 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    This is my day so far. I arose at 7:15 with Zazzles waiting for me on the landing he rolled over for his belly rub and sat there while I finished my ablutions and we came down together.He wanted feeding as always Sooty was off on an adventure.Ellen had

  • Mother's birthday

    - 16 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    A nice sunny morning for my trip to see Mother on here 88th birthday. I decided the 6 mile round trip over the big rise was a little bit too much after my recent bad spell so I bused half way there and walked along the flat.Not picturesque but it was good

  • Rain again and duck for dinner

    - 17 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    After the glorious day yesterday I awoke to teeming rain and two pissed off cats who wanted to play out.They finally conceded defeat and went back to bed. So cabined up again I caught up on reading my book about life for ordinary folk in 50s Britain,it's

  • Rain shopping and a cool Zazzles

    - 19 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    Another cold damp dark day here.Whatever happened to nice crisp winter mornings? With rain in the air I flashed the pass over to town,picked up my pipe fodder and had a mooch around the freezer shop for any bargains. I picked up 2 tomato and two chicken

  • time

    - 20 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    Where do the minutes and hours go? A question myself and other retirees often ask.I have little spare time for long on line sessions sometimes just a pop on to see who's wrote anything a couple of times a day. My lifestyle isn't by accident I like to keep

  • Peggy the Herring Gull

    - 21 Jan 2014 - 3 comments
    I haven't seen Peggy the Herring gull for about 2 weeks, she has visited amost daily for 15 years.I fear age or fate in the form of some mishap have caught up with her. 15 years ago when she landed in our garden Margaret fed her, befriended and named her

  • Oh dear trouble in the kitchen

    - 22 Jan 2014 - 5 comments
    I made something I have made lots of times before for dinner,chicken breasts glazed with honey, roasted and thinly sliced, garden peas and the fried potato thingys. This is boiled spuds mashed with milk and butter to which I add finely diced onion and

  • Hailstone on dark day

    - 23 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    An unpleasant day here.We have a very cold north westerly blowing in from the Irish Sea bringing hail showers.The temps on the gauge bear no resemblance to how bitter it feels outside. Maybe the winter is going to take it's first bite at us. The cats

  • dark day,sausage and curry and cheeky bankers

    - 25 Jan 2014 - 3 comments
    Another wet and dark day here,the island is blanketed in a sea mist,very damp and clingy. Today as I am cabined up and Ellen's away I am going to make a very unhealthy but delicious dinner.I have some nice pork sausage from the butchers so I will fry a

  • heavy rain and an almost pain free back

    - 26 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    I'm cabined up again today,watching heavy rain flood my garden,we did have snow warnings but we got rain instead.No doubt the snow will have given the fells a battering. I am spending a lot of time in my Queen Ann chair and feeling the benefits,I

  • Mad Cow and Jam Roly Poly

    - 27 Jan 2014 - 3 comments
    After a rainy start we had sun this afternoon,a pleasant change to have it streaming through my windows and saving on fuel bills of course this room gets very cozy for a few hours with the sun on it. Today I decided to roast a joint of mad cow for dinner

  • More storms coming

    - 30 Jan 2014 - 4 comments
    We have just had yet another severe weather warning. Tomorrow for snow and Saturday for very heavy rain and gale force winds. The problem is on Saturday and Sunday we have 10 metres tides which is a meter over the norm.With possible tidal surges this